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Typically if the exam is hosted by PSI or Pearson VUEW once you are finished with the state exam, you’ll receive a score report showing if you passed or failed.
Some states who host their state exams take anywhere from a couple of days to a few weeks to post the exam results in the online portal you signed up for when scheduliing your exam.
Find out how long it takes to get your real estate exam results in your state by choosing one of the options below.
Choose the answer by state?
How long does it take to get real estate exam results in Alabama?
Good news! You’ll receive the score report showing if you passed or failed immediately at the test center. If you pass, you’ll receive your Alabama temporary license application. If you fail, you’ll receive a diagnostic report and reexamination information.
Registration for your Alabama State salesperson license exam can take around 15 minutes when done through the PSI website. First-time users will need to create an account before registering. If you cannot register online, your other option is to schedule the exam by calling 888-818-5824. You can also send in the form on the back of the Candidate Handbook and then call two weeks later to select an exam date.
When do you get your real estate exam results in Alaska?
You will know how you did on your state licensing exam before you leave the test center. You will be given an official score report that shows if you passed or failed the test.
Registering for the Alaska salesperson real estate license exam can be done in under an hour if you choose online scheduling. All you need to do is create an account on Pearson VUE and follow the instructions to find a test center, select test dates, and pay for your exam. You can also call 1-800-274-5592 and be registered within an hour, depending on wait times.
When do you find out if you passed the real estate exam in Arizona?
Once you are finished with the state exam, you’ll receive a score report showing if you passed or failed immediately at the test center. If you pass, you’ll also receive your license application. If you fail, you’ll receive reexamination information.
Registration for your Arizona State salesperson license exam can take around 15 minutes when using the PearsonVUE registration website. First-time users will need to create an account with PearsonVUE. You will need to provide your full legal name, Social Security number, payment method, pre-license school name and approval number.If you cannot register online, your other option is to schedule the exam by calling (888) 405-5776.
How long does it take to get real estate exam results in Arkansas?
The good news is you will know your exam results before you leave the test center. You’ll be given a score report marked “pass” or “fail.” If you pass, your score report will have license application information. If you fail, it will have diagnostic information on the general portion of the exam and retake information.
Online scheduling with Pearson VUE is the quickest way to set your exam appointment. Creating an account, searching for a test center, and booking the exam can be done in under an hour.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in California?
If you took the state exam in an electronic format, you will receive your exam results right after you complete the exam.
If you took the exam in a paper format, your results will be mailed to you within five business day after your exam date.
You will also be able to see your exam results using the eLicensing Online System, or by calling the DRE Examination Section at (877)373-4542.
If you passed the exam, you will not be able to see your final score. You will only see that you have passed the exam.
If you did not pass the exam, you will be notified of your actual score, and the percentage of questions answered correctly in each subject area.
The DRE generally takes six weeks to process your exam application.
You can click here to see the DRE's current application timeframes.
How long does it take to get real estate exam results in Colorado?
Good news! Your Colorado broker license exam results will show instantly when you finish the test. A score report will appear on-screen and will be emailed to you. It will also provide you with a diagnostic report by topic area and exam type if you did not pass.
Scheduling your exam is as easy as going online to http://www.psiexams.com/ or calling 1-800-733-9267. The online process requires you to set up a PSI account and takes eight steps. You can be registered and scheduled in under 15 minutes.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in Connecticut?
The good news is you will know exactly how you did on the state licensing exam as soon as you are finished. The computer-based exam will present your score on screen. You also are given a printed score report before you leave the test center.
The fastest and most convenient way to create an appointment for your Connecticut salesperson licensing exam is to visit the PSI website. You can create an account, find an exam test center near you, see the schedule, and pay the fee in an hour. Alternatively, you can register by calling 800-733-9267.
When do you get your real estate exam results in Delaware?
You will know how you performed on the state licensing exam before you leave the Pearson VUE test center. Your score will appear on your screen, and you will also be given an official score report. The report will be marked pass or fail. Anyone who did not pass will receive some diagnostic information.
You can register for your Delaware salesperson exam within an hour. Online scheduling is the fastest and most convenient way to set your exam appointment. You can also call 1-800-274-2604.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in Florida?
The computerized exam results are available immediately upon the completion of your exam.
After your DBPR application has been approved, applicants may schedule the Florida Real Estate Exam. An applicant will receive the FLREAPP number by email within 24 hours of the application’s approval. Contact Pearson VUE at 1-888-204-6289 with any questions.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in Georgia?
The good news is you will receive your State exam results right after you complete the exam.
After you have completed the Salesperson state exam the testing supervisor will give you your score report, which will show the results of your exam.
When do you find out if you passed the real estate exam in Hawaii?
The good news is you will know your exam results as soon as you finish the exam. The score will display on your testing screen, and the testing report will be emailed to you. You also walk away with a printed score report and your license application.
Registering online at www.PSIexams.com is the easiest and fastest way to register and schedule your Hawaiian real estate salesperson license exam. You can create an account within 30 minutes and be registered for the exam within an hour. Your actual test date will depend on your personal schedule of availability and availability at the testing center.
If you do not have online access or need alternative registration, call 855-579-4640. You can also be registered and scheduled within an hour.
How long does it take to get real estate exam results in Idaho?
The good news is you will leave the test center with an official score report in hand. Your exam results will appear on screen as soon as you complete the task, so there are no questions about how you performed.
You can register and schedule your Idaho salesperson license exam within an hour by going online to Pearson VUE. After you set up your accounts, you will be able to find testing centers, testing schedules, and pay for the exam. Your other option is to register by calling 877-540-8533.
How long does it take to get real estate exam results in Illinois?
You will receive your score report at the testing center. You will know how you did before you leave.
Registering for the exam is easy and can be done within 30 minutes by visiting https://schedule.psiexams.com. Follow the step-by-step instructions to set up your account and find the next exam appointment available near you. You also have the option to call 855-340-3893 to register. Finally, you can mail in your application for the exam, but processing will take one to two weeks, and you'll still need to call to set up the actual exam appointment.
How long does it take to get real estate exam results in Indiana?
You will know your Indiana broker license exam results instantly when you finish the test. A score report will appear on-screen and will be emailed to you.
Scheduling your exam is as easy as going online to http://www.psiexams.com/INRE or calling 1-800-733-9267. The online process requires you to set up a PSI account and takes eight steps. You can be registered and scheduled in under 15 minutes.
When do you get your real estate exam results in Iowa?
Since your Iowa State salesperson exam is computer-based, you will know your results as soon as you finish the exam. A score report will appear on screen after you hit submit. You will also leave the exam center with a printed score report or receive an emailed score report for your license application.
Online registration is the fastest and easiest way to set your exam appointment. All you need to do is go to https://www.psiexams.com and create an account. You can set up your exam in under an hour. The same is true if you decide to call 1 800-733-9267.
How long does it take to get real estate exam results in Kansas?
You will get your Kansas salesperson real estate licensing exam results before you leave the test center. If you pass the test, you also receive license application materials.
Online registration is the easiest and fastest way to register and schedule your state licensing exam. Simply go to www.Pearsonvue.com at least 24 hours before your preferred testing and create an account. You will be able to search for testing centers, select your testing day, and pay for the exam. The whole process can take less than an hour.
When do you get your real estate exam results in Kentucky?
You will know your Kentucky state licensing exam results as soon as you finish the test. A pass or fail will appear onscreen. You'll also receive an unofficial score report printed out and handed to you.
Online registration is the fastest way to book your exam appointment. You can be registered within half an hour by going to the PSI website. The steps ask you to create an account, find an exam appointment and test center near you, and pay the exam fee. It is highly recommended that you wait until you start your FBI background check before scheduling an exam.
When do you find out if you passed the real estate exam in Louisiana?
You’ll know right away. Your Louisiana salesperson license exam results display on-screen when you finish the test. A score report will appear on-screen and will be emailed to you. If you did not pass, you’ll see a diagnostic report by topic area and exam type.
Once you’ve been approved, scheduling your exam is easiest by going online to http://www.psiexams.com/ or calling (855) 579-4644. Setting up a PSI website account takes eight steps. You can be registered and scheduled in under 15 minutes.
How long does it take to get real estate exam results in Maine?
You will know how you did on the licensing exam before you leave the Pearson VUE test center. The score reports will be marked “pass” or “fail.” Passing candidates receive information on applying for the license. Candidates who did not receive a numeric score and some diagnostic information.
You can have an exam date set within an hour. The easiest way to register is to go to Pearson VUE online. Set up an account, pick the exam, set the date, and pay the fee. You can also call 877-543-5220 to register and pay the fee.
How long does it take to get real estate exam results in Maryland?
You’ll know if you passed or failed as soon you finish the exam! The computer screen will notify you if you have passed or failed. An official score report will also be given to you before you leave the test center.
It may take 1-2 business days for PSI to receive and process your testing eligibility from your pre-license course provider. Otherwise, you can be registered and scheduled for your state licensing exam on the same day you receive the instructions email from PSI. Online registration is fast and easy; be set up within 15 minutes.
How long does it take to get real estate exam results in Massachusetts?
You will know how you performed on the Massachusetts state real estate exam as soon as you are finished. If you have passed the exam, you will be issued your real estate salesperson license on the spot. If you did not pass, you will receive a score report with some diagnostic information.
Online scheduling is the fastest way to register and schedule your exam. You can have an exam appointment in less than an hour by visiting www.psiexams.com.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in Michigan?
You will receive your Michigan state licensing exam score right after you complete the exam.
If you passed the exam, you will only receive a PASS score. Passing numerical scores are not available.
If you did not pass the exam, you will receive an individual score for each of the major sections in the exam outline.
You can use this feedback to help you study for your next exam attempt.
If you passed the exam, you will receive a passing score report at the PSI exam site.
After your license application is approved by LARA, PSI will email you your Exam Candidate ID number.
Once you have this number, you can then schedule your state exam through PSI.
When do you get your real estate exam results in Minnesota?
You will leave your test center with an official score report in hand. Your report will be marked “pass” or “fail.” Passing candidates will have information on how to apply for the salesperson license. Candidates who fail one or both sections will see a numeric score and diagnostic information about the general section of the exam, plus details for scheduling a retest.
Online registration is done in a few easy steps. First, visit PearsonVUE. You’ll need to create an account to start the scheduling process. The account requires your social security number.
Once you’ve created an account, you will see the exam schedule and locations near you. Select the location and date. You’ll pay PearsonVUE your $63 exam fee by credit card, debit card, or electronic check. In sum, you could be registered for the exam in as little as 15 minutes.
You can also schedule your exam by calling PearsonVUE at (833) 273-1946.
When do you find out if you passed the real estate exam in Mississippi?
You will know how you did on your Mississippi salesperson exam as soon as you finish the test. Your score will appear on the computer screen. If you did not pass, you'll receive a diagnostic report with your strengths and weaknesses by the examination type. You also walk away with an unofficial printed score report.
The fastest and easiest way to register for your Mississippi salesperson license exam is by going online to the PSI website. You can set up an account and be scheduled for your exam in under an hour. You can also call 855-557-0620 and be registered in under an hour.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in Missouri?
The results from the Missouri State real estate test are available immediately following the completion of the exam. According to the PSI Services Information Booklet, the passing score for the state-specific portion of the Missouri real estate exam is 75% (30 out of 40 questions answered correctly). The passing score for the national section of the state exam is 70%.
Scoring reports include diagnostic information regarding the test taker's incorrect answers, if any. A duplicate score report is available if requested within 12 months of the test date, for a fee of $3.50. Requests are processed in about five days by PSI Services.
Applicants can call PSI Services or go online to schedule their state exam in just a few minutes, but note, applicants are served on a first-come, first-served basis, with limited space. Those seeking to schedule to sit for the Missouri State real estate exam generally receive an appointment within five days of the request.
How long does it take to get real estate exam results in Montana?
You'll know how you did on the Montana salesperson licensing exam immediately after finishing the test. The test center will supply you with an official score report.
Registration can be done in under an hour. All you need to do is set up an account online at www.psiexams.com.
How long does it take to get real estate exam results in Nebraska?
You will know how you did on the Nebraska licensing exam before you leave the test center. You'll be given a score report that shows if you have passed or failed. If you do not pass, you will also receive a diagnostic report of your strengths and weaknesses. You'll need to keep these reports for your license issuance.
Once you've received the approval email from PSI, you can be registered and scheduled for your Nebraska licensing exam within an hour. All you need to do is go to www.psiexams.com, create an account, search for the test center nearest to you, find the next testing appointment, and schedule the exam.
How long does it take to get real estate exam results in Nevada?
You will know how you did on the state licensing exam as soon as you are finished with the test. You will leave the test center with a score report in hand, knowing exactly how you did and what your next steps will be.
Registering for your Nevada salesperson license exam is easy when done online. It only takes about 15 minutes to create your account and to find the nearest testing center to you.
When do you get your real estate exam results in New Hampshire?
You will know how you did on your New Hampshire licensing exam as soon as you are done. Your score will appear on your testing screen. You will also leave the test center with a score report printed. If you do not pass, you will receive a diagnostic report.
Expect for the New Hampshire Real Estate Commission to take five to ten business days to process your exam registration. Once you have the approval email from PSI, you can be registered and scheduled for an exam within an hour. Online scheduling is the fastest and easiest way to register for your exam. All you need to do is create an online account, find your testing approval, locate a center near you, and select your test date.
When do you find out if you passed the real estate exam in New Jersey?
The good news is you will know your NJ salesperson exam results right away! You leave the test center with an official score report and next steps information.
Registering is fast and easy when done online. Visit https://www.psiexams.com/njre to set up an account, find test centers, create an exam appointment, and pay the fee.
How long does it take to get real estate exam results in New Mexico?
You'll know how you did on your New Mexico broker licensing exam as soon as you finish. Your score will appear on the screen, and you'll leave the testing center with a printed score report. If you have failed one or both test sections, you will see diagnostic information on your strengths and weaknesses.
You can be registered and scheduled for the New Mexico broker license exam within an hour. Online scheduling is the quickest and easiest way to schedule the exam. You can also be scheduled within an hour by calling PSI at 855-557-0621. If you choose standard mail, fax, or email, the process will take longer.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in New York?
You can view your NY state licensing exam results through your eAccessNY account within a few days after taking the exam.
When you log in to your eAccessNY account, click on "View Exam Results".
If you see "Waiting for Score", this means your results have not been processed yet. Otherwise, you will see either a "Pass" or "Fail".
Please note, you will not receive a numerical score for the exam. You will only receive a pass/fail score.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in North Carolina?
You will learn your score immediately after you have finished the exam. You will receive separate pass/fail results for each section. If you fail the national section, you will be advised of your results for each of the 11 subsections. If you do not pass the state section, you will be given results of each of the two subsections. The exam proctor will print your pass/fail results.
Once you have been provided with approval to move forward with scheduling the state licensing exam, you can schedule it by going to the PSI candidate website and following the simple instructions after clicking on “Government/State Licensing Agencies” from the homepage. You can also schedule your exam by calling PSI Services at 800-733-9267.
No matter which method you choose to schedule your exam, it should only take you a few minutes to do so.
You can schedule your exam session as much as 6 weeks in advance, if you prefer. Your best opportunity for getting an appointment on your preferred date is to contact PSI about 4 to 6 weeks before your preferred testing date.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in North Dakota?
You will know how you did on your salesperson licensing exam before you leave the PSI Testing Center. When you finish the exam, report to the testing supervisor. They will provide you with your score report. If you failed the exam, you will receive some diagnostic information.
The fastest and most convenient way to set up your salesperson exam appointment is through online scheduling. All you need to do is create a PSI account, select the exam, the test center, appointment day, and pay the fee. You can be scheduled and registered within an hour. Alternatively, call PSI at 855-834-8747.
How long does it take to get real estate exam results in Ohio?
Your exam results will appear on your computer immediately upon finishing the test. You’ll also leave the PSI test center with an official score report.
The longest part of the process is waiting for the Ohio Division of Real Estate to approve your application. Once that is done and you have your Ohio Reference ID number, registration and scheduling can be completed in less than half an hour. Visit https://www.psiexams.com or call (855) 834-8749.
When do you get your real estate exam results in Oklahoma?
You will know how you did on the Oklahoma state licensing exam right away. A score report will appear on screen notifying you of your results. If you fail the test, it will also provide you with some diagnostic information.
The provisional salesperson license application is also your license application for the state exam. The Oklahoma Real Estate Commission tries to review all applications within five business days. Once your application is approved, testing vendor PSI will email you within 48 hours with the link to schedule your exam. The actual process of going online and scheduling the exam will be done within an hour. Depending on testing availability and your schedule, your actual test date may be 1 to 3 weeks out.
When do you find out if you passed the real estate exam in Oregon?
Good news! Your Oregon broker license exam results will be displayed instantly when you finish the test. The score report will appear on-screen, and the results will be emailed to you. If you did not pass, it will also provide you with a diagnostic report by topic area and exam type.
It will take 1-2 days for your course provider to notify PSI you are eligible to take the exam. Once done, schedule your exam by going online to http://www.psiexams.com/ or calling (833) 892-5441. Setting up a PSI account and scheduling the exam takes eight steps. You can be registered and scheduled in under 15 minutes.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in Pennsylvania?
The computerized exam results are available immediately upon the completion of your exam with the score report marked “pass” or “fail.” You will also receive a document stating that you have taken the exam and instructions will be included on how to obtain the official score reports through your profile on Pearson VUE at https://home.pearsonvue.com/pa/realestate. You are required to submit the passing score reports to the Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission as proof of passing the exam and as part of the licensure process.
Your state licensing exam scores are valid for up to 3 years. This means you have 3 years to apply for your Pennsylvania real estate salesperson's license from the date you passed the state exam.
Please note, the 3 years starts from the date you passed either the national or state portion of the exam.
If you fail to apply for your license within the 3-year time-frame, you must retake the state exam.
How long does it take to get real estate exam results in Rhode Island?
You will know how you did before you leave the test center. You will receive a score report that is marked pass or fail. Anyone who failed the exam will receive some diagnostic information about the general portion of the exam. Anyone who passes will receive information on applying for their license.
Online registration is the fastest and easiest way to set your exam appointment. All you need to do is go online with Pearson VUE, create an account, search for the test center nearest you, schedule a date and pay the exam fee. You can be registered within an hour. Alternatively, you can call 802-748-9222 to set your exam appointment.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in South Carolina?
You will immediately receive your score once you have completed the exam. Your results are kept confidential and are only reported to you and to the commission. You will need to achieve a passing grade for each section. That means getting 56 questions correct on the national portion of your exam. If you pass, you will be given a notification immediately on your screen. In addition, you will be provided with a hard copy of your results prior to leaving the center.
Once your eligibility has been electronically forwarded to PSI and you have received approval to schedule the state licensing exam, you can do so by going to the PSI candidate website and following the online prompts after registering for an account. You can also schedule your exam by calling PSI Services at 800-733-9267.
Regardless of which route you take to schedule your real estate salesperson exam, it should only take you a few minutes to get scheduled.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in South Dakota?
You'll know your results before you leave the test center. After you finalize your exam answers, report to the testing supervisor. They will provide you with your score report. You receive separate reports for each section of the exam.
Registering for your broker associate licensing exam can be done within an hour. The fastest way to set up your exam is through the PSI website. You can also call 855-557-0623.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in Tennessee?
Your score will appear immediately on the computer screen after you have finished the exam. This will happen automatically at the end of the time allowed for the examination. If you are using review features, you will see your score on the screen as soon as you indicate you are finished and would like to see your results.
If you pass, your screen will immediately show a successful notification.
If, on the other hand, you do not pass the exam, you will immediately receive an unsuccessful notification on the screen along with a diagnostic report showing your strengths and weaknesses by examination type.
You will also receive an official score report on paper, which will be printed at the examination site.
You can schedule your exam session at least 6 weeks in advance, if you prefer. Your best chance of getting an appointment on your preferred date is to contact PSI about 4 to 6 weeks before your preferred testing date.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in Texas?
You will receive a score report right after you complete the exam. The score report will simply state “pass” or “fail”.
TREC and Pearson VUE does not allow you to review the exam questions once you complete the exam.
You can request a duplicate score report from Pearson VUE by completing the form in the Candidate Handbook, or by sending an email request to [email protected].
Pearson VUE will provide you with a duplicate score report free of charge.
Once all of the license application requirements are met, TREC will send you an eligibility letter, which includes your TREC ID number and instructions on how to register for the state exam.
The eligibility letter is essentially your “green light” to take the state exam.
Your TREC ID number is included on the eligibility letter you will receive from TREC after you complete the 180-hour pre-license course and submit your license application.
You will need to use your TREC ID number when you get your fingerprints taken at the MorphoTrust center and when you register for the state licensing exam.
You should first contact TREC and ask if they will resend the eligibility letter.
If for some reason TREC cannot resend the letter, you have the option to submit a Public Information Request form. When completing the form, you must clearly explain that you need a copy of your eligibility letter from TREC.
The Public Information Request form must be submitted by mail, in-person, email, or fax.
The most convenient way to submit the form is via email at [email protected].
You can also mail the form to the following address:
Public Information Center
P.O. Box 12188
Austin, Texas 78711-2188
You can drop the form off in-person at the following address:
Stephen F. Austin Building
1700 N. Congress Ave., Suite 400
Austin, TX 78701
Or, you can fax to form to (512)936-3798.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in Utah?
You will know how you did on your state exam as soon as you complete the test. You will leave the test center with a score report that shows if you passed or failed.
Online registration is the fastest way to schedule your state licensing exam. By going online to Pearson VUE, you can be registered in this little as 15 minutes.
When do you get your real estate exam results in Vermont?
On the national portion of the exam administered by PSI, you'll know how you performed before you leave the test center. When you finish the exam, you will report to the testing supervisor. They will provide you with a score report showing your results and information on your next steps. For the state portion of the exam, OPR does not provide information about how you will know your score.
You can be registered for the salesperson licensing exam within an hour. The fastest way is to go to the PSI website. You'll create an account, find local testing centers, schedule the exam, and pay the fee. Alternatively, you can call 1-913-895-4600. You can use the paper registration form, but this process will take longer, and you'll still need to call PSI.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in Virginia?
If you took the Virginia state licensing exam by computer, you will receive your exam score immediately following completion of the exam.
If you pass, you will immediately receive a successful notification and performance summary on the screen.
If you did not pass, you will immediately receive an unsuccessful notification on the screen along with a diagnostic report indicating your strengths and weaknesses by examination type.
You will also receive an official score report at the PSI testing center, which should only be used for your records.
Your exam results will also be reported to the Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, which they will use when reviewing your license application to verify that you have passed the state exam.
If you took a paper-and-pencil exam, your results will be mailed to you from PSI.
Your school is required to submit your information to PSI within one week of passing the final exam for the 60-hour pre-license course.
Once PSI receives your information, you can then register for and schedule your state exam.
If you register online through the PSI website, you can complete the registration and schedule your exam the same day.
If you register for and schedule your state exam by phone at (800)733-9267, you can also complete the process the same day.
If you register for the exam via mail you must submit an Examination Registration Form, which takes PSI up to two weeks to process. Once processed, you can schedule your exam online through PSI or via phone.
If you register via fax, PSI will need up to four days to process your Examination Registration Form before you can schedule your exam online or by phone.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in Washington?
Once you have completed your Washington real estate exam, you will be asked to report to the testing proctor where you will receive your scoring report and results of your exam. The report will include scoring information for any portion that you failed. You must pass both national and state sections before you can apply for your broker license. A passing grade for each section is 70%.
Once your certification of completion for your pre-licensure education requirements have been electronically submitted to PSI and you have received approval to schedule the state licensing exam, you can do so by going to the PSI candidate website and following the instructions after choosing the category of real estate, the Washington real estate exam program and the broker exam from the drop-down menus on the homepage. You can also schedule your exam by calling PSI Services at 855-746-8168.
Regardless of which method you choose to schedule your exam, it should only take you a few minutes to get scheduled.
When do you find out if you passed the real estate exam in West Virginia?
You’ll know your exam results immediately after finishing the exam. Report to the test center supervisor. They will provide you with an official score report marked “pass” or “fail.”
The largest part of the registration process is waiting for the West Virginia real estate commission to approve your application for the exam. PS I will email you when your application is approved. After that, registration can be done in under an hour.
Online registration is the easiest and fastest way to set up your state licensing exam. You can also call 855-340-3903 for registration assistance. You will need your social security number to complete the registration process.
How long does it take to get my real estate exam results in Wisconsin?
The good news is you will get your exam results at the testing center as soon as you’ve completed the exam. You will simply get a “Pass” or “Fail” grade.
You should schedule your real estate licensing exam with Pearson VUE at least 24 hours prior to your desired examination date.
How long to get real estate exam results in Wyoming?
You’ll know how you did on the Wyoming state licensing exam before you leave the test center. If you test at a Pearson VUE center, you will be provided a score report by reporting to the test administrator. If you test online, you’ll need to log in to your Pearson VUE account. A scaled passing score is 75.
Registering for the exam is fast and simple when you go online to Pearson VUE. You can have your exam appointment set and under an hour. You do have the option to schedule by telephone by calling 866-600-5442. You also have an online testing option called OnVUE.