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To work as a real estate agent you need to have a sponsoring broker. What that means is that you must work for a brokerage company in order to get licensed. Most brokerages want new agents so you will interview a few brokerages before you chose the one you want to work with.
To see if you need a sponsoring broker you can check out the state links below.
Choose the answer by state?
How to get a sponsoring broker for real estate in Alabama and do I need one?
Alabama doesn’t require you be hired by a real estate broker to take the state exam. You will need to be hired by one to activate your permanent license.
Do you have to be sponsored by a broker to get your real estate license in Alaska?
You can take the Alaska state real estate salesperson exam if you have not been hired by a real estate broker yet. You will need to be hired to complete your license application.
Do you have to have a sponsoring broker to get a real estate license in Arizona?
You don’t need to be hired by a real estate broker to take the state exam. You will need to be hired by one to activate your license.
How to get a sponsoring broker for real estate in Arkansas and do I need one?
You can take the Arkansas state licensing exam without being hired by a licensed broker.
Do you need a sponsor for real estate license in California?
You do not need a sponsoring broker to schedule and take the state licensing exam.
You only need a sponsoring broker if you opt to submit a Combined Salesperson Exam/License Application.
Do you have to be sponsored by a broker to get your real estate license in Colorado?
Colorado does not require you to have an employing broker to take the state exam. However, you will need an employing broker to receive an active real estate license when you submit your broker license application.
Do you have to have a sponsoring broker to get a real estate license in Connecticut?
You do not need to have been hired by a licensed Connecticut broker before you take the state licensing exam. You will need to be hired in order to activate your license.
How to get a sponsoring broker for real estate in Delaware and do I need one?
You do not need to have been hired by a licensed broker before you schedule and take your state licensing exam. You will need to be hired by the time you apply for your license.
Do you need a sponsor for real estate license in Florida?
If you pass the pre-license state-required course and receive your license application approval, you can take the Florida state exam before you have a sponsoring broker.
If you pass the state exam, your license will be issued in inactive status. You can activate your real estate sales associate license by having your new broker sign your license activation application. Once this form has been submitted you will be ready to legally perform real estate services in Florida.
Do you need a sponsor for real estate license in Georgia?
No, you can still obtain an inactive real estate license; however, you will not be permitted to engage in any real estate brokerage activities.
Only an active licensee can engage in brokerage activities. You can only obtain an active license if you work under a sponsoring broker.
If you wish to change your license from an inactive license to an active license, you must complete the Real Estate Change Application.
You only need a sponsoring broker to apply for an active license.
You can apply for your real estate license at the PSI testing center, right after you pass the State exam.
If you do not have a sponsoring broker at that time, you can apply for an inactive license.
You also have up to one year after passing the State exam to apply for your license.
In Georgia you can only work for one sponsoring broker at a time.
However, it is possible to work under a sponsoring broker in Georgia while also working under a different broker in another State. In this case, the other State must permit such a practice and both brokers must agree in writing.
You do not need any prior experience in order to obtain a real estate salesperson's license in Georgia.
In order to obtain a broker's license, you must have maintained an active Georgia real estate license for at least three out of the previous five years.
Do you have to be sponsored by a broker to get your real estate license in Hawaii?
You can take the Hawaii state real estate exam if you have not been hired by an employing broker.
Do you have to have a sponsoring broker to get a real estate license in Idaho?
You do not need to be hired by an Idaho licensed broker before you take the state exam.
How to get a sponsoring broker for real estate in Illinois and do I need one?
You do not need to be hired by an Illinois managing broker before taking the state licensing exam.
Do you have to be sponsored by a broker to get your real estate license in Indiana?
Yes, you will be permitted to take the State Exam if you do not have a sponsoring broker. However, you will need a sponsoring broker in order to receive an active real estate license when you turn in your broker application.
An unassigned broker licensemeans you have not designated a sponsoring broker, which is required in Indiana to transact real estate as a broker. You still need to meet the continuing education requirements.
You must have a sponsoring broker to transact real estate as a broker in Indiana.
Do you have to have a sponsoring broker to get a real estate license in Iowa?
Being hired by an Iowa broker is not a requirement for taking the state license exam. You will need to be hired to submit your license application.
How to get a sponsoring broker for real estate in Kansas and do I need one?
You don't need to have been hired by a state-licensed real estate broker in order to take the state licensing exam. You will need to be hired relatively soon after passing the exam.
Do you have to be sponsored by a broker to get your real estate license in Kentucky?
You do not have to have been hired by a principal broker to take the state licensing exam.
Do you have to have a sponsoring broker to get a real estate license in Louisiana?
Louisiana does not require you to have a sponsoring broker to take the state exam. However, you will need broker sponsorship when you submit Part B of the Salesperson License Application.
How to get a sponsoring broker for real estate in Maine and do I need one?
You can still take the state licensing exam if a real estate broker has not hired you. You'll need to work on being hired after you pass the exam.
Do you have to be sponsored by a broker to get your real estate license in Maryland?
Maryland does not require you to have a sponsoring broker before taking the state licensing exam.
Do you have to have a sponsoring broker to get a real estate license in Massachusetts?
You can take the Massachusetts state licensing exam without being hired by a Massachusetts licensed broker.
Do you need a sponsor for real estate license in Michigan?
You are permitted to take the state licensing exam if you do not have a sponsoring broker.
However, you will not receive your real estate license until you have a broker confirm your employment.
How to get a sponsoring broker for real estate in Minnesota and do I need one?
The only requirements to take the Minnesota state salesperson exam are to pass Course I. You will need to be associated with a Minnesota licensed broker to apply for your license.
Do you have to be sponsored by a broker to get your real estate license in Mississippi?
Mississippi salesperson application asks for information about your employing broker. You won't be approved to take the exam without this information.
Do you need a sponsor for real estate license in Missouri?
The state exam is available to applicants who have completed the 48-hour pre-exam course.
Do you have to have a sponsoring broker to get a real estate license in Montana?
You can take the exam without being hired by a licensed Montana broker. You will need to be hired before submitting your license application.
How to get a sponsoring broker for real estate in Nebraska and do I need one?
You can take your state licensing exam if you have not been hired by a state-licensed broker yet. You will need to be hired before you can request your license be issued. Since you only have 30 days after passing to finish the process, you should be in the final stages of finding a licensed broker.
Do you have to be sponsored by a broker to get your real estate license in Nevada?
You can take your Nevada state exam without being hired by a Nevada licensed broker.
Do you have to have a sponsoring broker to get a real estate license in New Hampshire?
You do not need to be hired by a New Hampshire license real estate broker before you take the state licensing exam.
How to get a sponsoring broker for real estate in New Jersey and do I need one?
You can take the New Jersey real estate licensing exam without being hired by a Managing Broker. You will need one to apply for your license.
Do you have to be sponsored by a broker to get your real estate license in New Mexico?
You don't need to have been hired by a brokerage or a qualifying broker to take the state licensing exam.
Do you need a sponsor for real estate license in New York?
You do not need a sponsoring broker in order to take the state exam.
You only need a sponsoring broker when it comes time to submit your license application.
Do you need a sponsor for real estate license in North Dakota?
You can take the North Dakota licensing exam if a state-licensed broker has not hired you. Your broker will need to submit a license activation request once you have passed the exam and been hired.
Do you have to have a sponsoring broker to get a real estate license in Ohio?
Your exam application requires you to have a sponsoring broker. Your application won’t be approved unless you have a hiring broker.
How to get a sponsoring broker for real estate in Oklahoma and do I need one?
Oklahoma does not require that you be hired by a managing broker in order to take your state licensing exam.
Do you have to be sponsored by a broker to get your real estate license in Oregon?
Oregon does not require you to have been hired by a broker to take the state exam. However, you will need to be hired by a Principal broker to activate your real estate license.
Do you need a sponsor for real estate license in Pennsylvania?
You are allowed to schedule and take the state licensing exam without an employing broker.
The Real Estate Commission only requires you to have an employing broker when it comes time to apply for your Pennsylvania real estate license.
Do you have to have a sponsoring broker to get a real estate license in Rhode Island?
You can take the state exam if you have not been hired by a broker yet. You'll have one year after passing the state exam to complete all the steps in the process, including being hired by a state-licensed broker.
Do you need a sponsor for real estate license in South Dakota?
You can take the exam without being hired by a qualifying broker. Your license will be issued on inactive status. Once you do have a qualifying broker, they will request your license change to active status.
Do you need a sponsor for real estate license in Texas?
You do not need a sponsoring broker to take the state licensing exam.
Once you pass the state exam, you will receive an inactive real estate license. However, you will not be able to work as a real estate agent with an inactive license. If you want to obtain an active license, you will ultimately have to complete a sponsorship request online using TREC’s Online Licensing Service platform.
How to get a sponsoring broker for real estate in Utah and do I need one?
Utah does not require you to have a sponsoring or employing broker when you take the state exam.
Do you need a sponsor for real estate license in Vermont?
You can take the national exam before a Vermont broker hires you. You’ll need to be hired by a broker before you take the Vermont state exam.
Do you need a sponsor for real estate license in Virginia?
You do not need a sponsoring broker to take the Virginia state licensing exam.
You only need a sponsoring broker when it comes time to apply for an active Virginia real estate salesperson's license.
Do you need a sponsor for real estate license in West Virginia?
Yes, only because you must indicate an employing broker when you turn in your application request form. Without an employing broker, your application won’t be approved, and you won’t be able to sit the exam.
Do you need a sponsor for real estate license in Wisconsin?
Yes, you can take your WI state exam if you don't have a sponsoring broker. A sponsoring broker is only needed when you apply for your Wisconsin Real Estate Salesperson license.
The DSPS requires all Wisconsin Real Estate Salespersons to work under a sponsoring broker.
Do you need a sponsor for real estate license in Wyoming?
You can take the Wyoming state licensing exam if you have not been hired by a state-licensed broker yet. You will need a responsible broker when you complete your license application. Your salesperson license will be emailed to your broker.