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PSI and Pearson VUE have proffesional testing centers which should provide accommodations for various need. These can range anywhere from answering questons to providing specific accommodations for disabled test takers.
To learn the specifics for your location and state please choose one of the states below.
Choose the answer by state?
Does an Alabama real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Yes. PSI allows for testing accommodations in compliance with the ADA. Any candidate with visual, sensory, or physical disabilities that would prevent them from taking the exam under standard conditions may request accommodations by filling out the Request for Special Examination Accommodations on pages 17-18 of the Candidate Handbook. Send in the form before calling PSI at 888-818-5824.
PSI is committed to maintaining exam security. For that reason, no personal items beyond keys and a wallet are allowed in the testing room. You must return any other items to your car or place them in the provided secure storage area. All electronic devices are not allowed in the testing room.Eating, drinking, and smoking are not allowed during the exam.
Pencils and scratch paper will be provided for your use. Scratch paper must be returned to the test supervisor before receiving a score report. Unscheduled breaks are allowed, but the exam clock does not stop.
Does an Alaska real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Yes, all Pearson VUE examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). Make an exam accommodation request by visiting https://home.pearsonvue.com/Test-takers/Accommodations.aspx after you’re registered for the test. Be prepared to provide documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis.
Information on accommodations requests are found in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Pearson VUE only allows for approved items into the testing room. Personal belongings must be placed in secure storage provided at each location before the exam, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle. Electronic devices of any type are not allowed in the exam room. Neither is food, drink, or gum.
Anyone that accompanied you cannot wait in the test center, the building, or the building’s property.
All testing candidates will be asked to sign a Candidate Rules Agreement as part of the check-in process. Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the exam center will have their results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Alaska Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the Pearson VUE testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the administrator for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
Does an Arizona real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Yes. PearsonVUE allows for testing accommodations in compliance with the ADA. Visit http://pearsonvue.com/accommodations, and select your test program sponsor from the list. For additional questions concerning test accommodations, contact the ADA Coordinator at [email protected].
PearsonVUE is committed to maintaining exam security. No personal items are allowed in the testing room. You must return these to your car or place them in the provided secure storage area. All electronic devices must be turned off. Eating, drinking, and chewing gum are not allowed during the exam.
Unscheduled breaks are allowed, but you must raise your hand to alert the exam administrator. The exam clock does not stop. You are not allowed to leave the floor or building. You can only access essential personal items, such as medication, and must have permission from the exam administrator.
Does an Arkansas real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Yes, all Pearson VUE examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations can start the process at http://pearsonvue.com/accommodations. For more information, see the online information or see “accommodations” in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Your request form will need documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommended modifications.
Pearson VUE will only allow approved items into the examination room. Personal belongings will be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle. Electronic devices of any type are not permitted in the exam room and must be turned off before being placed in secure storage.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building’s property.
No food or drink is permitted in the test center. Smoking is not permitted. No reference material or studying is allowed in the test center.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Arkansas Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the Pearson VUE exam center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the administrator for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam. You cannot leave the floor or building.
Does a California real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Yes, the DRE can provide reasonable accommodations for applicants with disabilities.
You must submit a Reasonable Accommodation Request for Examination form along with the following documentation:
• If your disability is observable, and accommodations are limited to wheelchair space, seating or equipment needs, professional verification will not be needed.
• If your disability is clearly not observable, you will be required to submit documentation from the medical authority or learning institution that rendered a diagnosis. The following must be submitted on the letterhead of the medical authority or specialist:
○ A description of the disability and testing needs.
○ Recommended accommodations or modifications.
○ Name, title and telephone number of the medical authority or specialist.
○ Original signature of the medical authority or specialist.
○ Professional license or certification number of the medical authority or specialist.
If you have been previously granted a reasonable accommodation by an organization that required documentation to verify your disability, the DRE may accept a copy of that verification.
The Reasonable Accommodation Request for Examination form and required supporting documentation should be submitted with your state exam application.
While taking the state exam, you must abide by the following rules set forth by the Real Estate Commissioner:
• You cannot refer to any printed or written material during the exam.
• You can only use the scrap paper provided by the exam proctor.
• You cannot communicate with any other person in the exam room other than the exam proctor.
• You are strictly prohibited from copying or making notes of any exam questions.
• You can only leave the exam room after obtaining permission from the exam proctor.
• You cannot share the use of exam materials with any other examinee.
Cell phones are strictly prohibited in the exam room and cannot be used while out on a break. Cell phones must be powered off and placed in an individual locker.
For security reasons, the following items are not permitted in the exam room:
• Cell phones
• Purses
• Wallets
• Smart glasses
• Keys
• Backpacks
• Briefcases
• Suitcases
• Food
• Drink
• Gum
• Study materials
• Tablets
• Laptops
• PDAs
• Calculators
• Video or digital recording devices
• Watches
• Pens
• Lapel pins
• Tie tacs
• Hats or caps
• Weapons
• Other items deemed in appropriate by the proctor
Does a Colorado real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Yes, all PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must follow instructions for the accommodations request form found in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Your request form will need documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
PSI will only allow approved items into the examination room. Personal belongings will be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle. Electronic devices of any type, including personal calculators, will not be permitted in the exam room.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building’s property.
No food or drink is permitted in the examination center. Smoking is not permitted.
As part of the check-in process, all testing candidates will be asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted. They will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Colorado Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
Does a Connecticut real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Yes, all PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). Instructions for the accommodations request form are found in the Candidate Information Bulletin. You will need to go online to submit an exam accommodations request.
The request will need uploaded documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing and the recommendation modifications.
PSI will only allow approved items into the examination room. Personal belongings must be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle. Electronic devices of any type are not allowed in the exam room.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building’s property.
No food, drink, gum, or smoking is permitted in the examination center.
As part of the check-in process, all testing candidates will be asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted. They will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Connecticut Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
Does a Delaware real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Yes, all Pearson VUE examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must make an accommodations request online at http://pearsonvue.com/accommodations.
Your request will need uploaded documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, State the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
Pearson VUE only allows approved items into the testing room. Personal belongings must be placed in the secure storage provided at each exam site, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle.
Electronic devices of any type are not permitted in the exam room. These devices must be turned off before storage.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building's property.
No food, drink, or candy is permitted in the test center. Smoking is not allowed.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Delaware Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the Pearson VUE testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
Does a Florida real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
English as a second language applicants are permitted to use approved foreign language translation dictionaries during the examination. However, these translation dictionaries are limited only to word-for-word or phrase translations. Dictionaries containing definitions or meanings will not be allowed. Electronic translation devices are discouraged as they often have features prohibited for exam use. If you have questions regarding your ability to use a translation dictionary during your exam, you may contact the Bureau of Education and Testing at 850-487-1395.
If you desire special testing accommodations due to a disability, you should submit an application to the special testing coordinator prior to your exam:
Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Bureau of Education and Testing
ATTENTION: Special Testing Coordinator
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0791
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 850.487.9757
The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation has contracted with Pearson VUE to conduct the examination program. Pearson VUE offers the state exam through a network of computer examination centers around the country and on U.S. military bases. In addition, Pearson VUE offers a remotely proctored online exam.
The Candidate Information Booklet lists those supplies that are not authorized to be taken into the testing room. Unauthorized items are subject to removal by the testing center’s staff.
The following items are NOT allowed in the testing room during the test: cameras, tape recorders, computers, pagers, or cell phones. Watches with alarms must be silenced. Also prohibited are notes and reference materials, thesauruses, personal defense items, backpacks, briefcases, fanny packs, or pocketbooks.
Applicants who wish to cancel their exam must contact Pearson VUE at least 2 DAYS before the testing appointment. Should an applicant cancel an exam less than 2 DAYS prior to the testing appointment, or miss the exam, this may result in the forfeiture of testing fees.
If candidates are not able to attend the scheduled test, acceptable excuses include: an illness for the test taker or someone in their immediate family, a death in their immediate family, a traffic accident, military duty, scheduled jury duty, or a court appearance.
All candidates asking for excused absences must submit written verification and supporting documentation to Pearson VUE no later than four days after the originally scheduled test date. The paperwork and documentation submitted regarding medical absences must include the nurse or doctor’s original signature. As such, stamped signatures are not acceptable for excused absences. Candidates will be required to pay the examination fee, and possibly have to reapply to Florida’s Department of Business and Professional Licensing, if a candidate does not show up for the scheduled exam.
Does a Hawaii real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Yes, all PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must go online to PSI and submit an exam accommodation request. Do this after registering for the exam.
Upload with the request documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
PSI will only allow approved items into the examination room. Personal belongings will be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle. Electronic devices of any type, including personal calculators, will not be permitted in the exam room.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building’s property.
No food or drink is permitted in the examination center. Smoking is not permitted.
As part of the check-in process, all testing candidates are asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. They will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Hawaii Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
Does an Idaho real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Yes, all Pearson VUE examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs testing accommodations must visit http://pearsonvue.com/accommodations to start the request process. Create an account on the Reasonable Adjustments Request System. Anyone with questions can contact the ADA Coordinator at [email protected].
PearsonVUE will only allow approved items into the examination room. Personal belongings will be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle. Electronic devices of any type, including personal calculators, are not permitted in the exam room.
All testing candidates will be photographed and asked to sign a Candidate Rules Agreement as part of the check-in process. Anyone suspected of cheating will be reported to the Idaho Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the Pearson VUE testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Notify the test administrator first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
Does an Illinois real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Yes, all PSI test centers provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate seeking testing accommodations must submit an accommodations request form found in the Candidate Information Bulletin. You must submit this form before contacting PSI at 855-340-3893 to schedule the exam appointment.
Your request form will need documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
PSI will only allow wallets and keys into the test center. Coats must stay outside the testing room. A soft locker is provided at each testing site for wallets and keys. Electronic devices of any type, including watches, are permitted in the exam room.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building’s property.
No food or drink is permitted in the examination center. Smoking is not permitted.
As part of the check-in process, all testing candidates will be asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may take breaks, but you won’t receive make-up time. Ask the test proctor for permission first.
What are accomodation at the real estate exam testing center in Indiana?
All PSI examination sites can provide accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disability Act. A candidate with a disability who needs accommodations must follow instructions for the accommodations request form found in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
You will also need documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
PSI will only allow approved items into the examination room. Personal belongings will be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam. Electronic devices of any type are not permitted in the exam room. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes are not allowed.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building’s property.
No food or drink is allowed in the examination center. Smoking is not permitted.
As part of the check-in process, all testing candidates will be asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. They will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have their results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
What are accomodation at the real estate exam testing center in Iowa?
All PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must follow instructions on the accommodations request form found in the Candidate Information Bulletin. You’ll fax this form to (702) 932-2666.
Your request form will need documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
PSI requires permissible personal belongings like your wallet, small purse, or keys, be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle. Electronic devices of any type, including personal calculators, smartwatches, and cell phones, are not allowed in the exam room.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building’s property.
No food, drink, gum, or candy is permitted in the test center. Smoking is not permitted.
As part of the check-in process, all testing candidates will be asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted. They will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Iowa Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the test administrator for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam
What are accomodation at the real estate exam testing center in Kansas?
All PearsonVUE examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). Visit Pearson VUE and its test accommodations webpage to request testing accommodations. Be prepared to supply medical supporting documentation for the request.
PearsonVUE will only allow approved items into the examination room. Personal belongings must be placed in the secure storage provided at each testing site or stored in your vehicle before the exam. Electronic devices of any type, including personal calculators, are not allowed in the exam room.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building’s property.
No food, drink, chewing gum, or smoking is permitted in the test center.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Kansas Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the Pearson VUE exam center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You do not receive extra time to complete the exam.
What are accomodation at the real estate exam locations in Kentucky?
All PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must follow instructions for the accommodations request form found in the Candidate Handbook. Kentucky requires you to register for the test first and then request accommodations.
Your request form will need documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
PSI will only allow approved items into the examination room. Personal belongings will be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle. Electronic devices of any type, including smartwatches, will not be permitted in the exam room.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building’s property.
No food or drink is permitted in the examination center. Smoking is not permitted.
As part of the check-in process, all testing candidates will be asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted. They will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Kentucky Real Estate Commission.
View the procedures and items not allowed in the PSI testing room in the Candidate Handbook.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
What are accomodation at the real estate exam locations in Louisiana?
All PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must follow instructions for the accommodations request form found in the Candidate Information Bulletin. You can request testing accommodations from PSI’s website.
The request form requires documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
PSI only allows approved items into the examination room. Personal belongings must stay in your vehicle or can be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam. Electronic devices, including mobile devices, watches, cameras, and music players, will not be permitted in the exam room.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building’s property.
Food and drink are not allowed in the examination center. Smoking is not permitted.
As part of the check-in process, all testing candidates will be asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted. They will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Louisiana Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you start the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
What are accomodation at the real estate exam locations in Maine?
All Pearson VUE examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). To begin the request, visit http://pearsonvue.com/accommodations, and then select your test program sponsor from the alphabetized list.
Be ready to upload documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommended accommodations.
Pearson VUE only allows approved items into the testing room. No personal belongings are permitted. Any electronic devices, wallets, and purses must be placed in the secure storage provided at each exam site.
Electronic devices of any type must be turned off before storage.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building’s property. Studying in the center is not allowed.
No food, drink, gum, or candy is permitted in the test center. Smoking is not allowed.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Maine Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the Pearson VUE testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
What are accomodation at the real estate exam locations in Maryland?
All PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate seeking testing accommodations must follow instructions for the Accommodations Request Form found in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Your request requires documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommended modifications.
PSI will only allow approved items into the examination room. Personal belongings must be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam. You can also store them in your vehicle. Electronic devices of any type are not permitted in the exam room, including smartwatches.
No food, drink, or gum is permitted in the examination center. Smoking is not permitted.
As part of the check-in process, all testing candidates are asked to empty pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted. They will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Maryland Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
What are accomodation at the real estate exam locations in Massachusetts?
All PSI examination sites will provide testing accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must follow instructions for the accommodations request form found in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Your request form will need documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications. Fax all forms to PSI (702) 932-2666 or email PSI at [email protected].
PSI will only allow approved items into the examination room. Personal belongings will be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle. Electronic devices of any type, including smartwatches, are not permitted in the exam room. Food, drink, and gum are not allowed in the exam room.
Anyone that accompanied you to the test center cannot wait in the center, building, or the building’s property.
As part of the check-in process, all testing candidates are asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted. They will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Massachusetts Board of Licensing.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
Does a Michigan real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
All PSI testing centers are equipped to provide access in accordance with the ADA.
If you have a disability and would like to request testing accommodations, you must submit a request HERE.
You are also required to submit the following documentation from the medical authority or learning institution that rendered a diagnosis:
A description of the disability and limitations related to testing.
Any recommended accommodations / modifications.
The name, title and telephone number of the medical authority or specialist.
An original signature of the medical authority or specialist.
You may request additional time beyond the 180-minute time-limit for the Michigan state licensing exam.
There is an additional fee of $50 per exam attempt.
To obtain additional time, you must submit a Michigan Exam Accommodations Request form prior to your exam date.
The following is a summary of the exam policies for the PSI testing center:
1) Only approved items are allowed in the exam room.
2) All personal belongings must be placed in a secure storage provided by PSI.
3) Electrical devices are not permitted in the exam room.
4) Bulky or loose clothing, hats, and other personal items are not permitted in the exam room.
5) Any person(s) accompanying you to the test center are not permitted to wait in the exam center, inside the building, or on the building's property.
6) No smoking, eating, or drinking is allowed in the exam center.
7) Eyeglass frames, tie tacks, or any other apparel that could be used to harbor a recording device may be inspected by the proctor.
8) Any candidate possessing prohibited items in the exam room shall immediately have his or her test results invalidated.
9) Any candidate seen giving or receiving assistance on the exam, found with unauthorized materials, or who violates any security regulations will be asked to surrender all exam materials and to leave the exam center.
10) Copying or communicating exam content is prohibited and may lead to the disqualification of your exam results.
11) Once you have been seated and the exam begins, you are only allowed to leave the exam room to use the restroom, and only after receiving permission from the proctor.
Please have a look at page 3 of the PSI Candidate Information Bulletin for more detailed exam policies.
What are accomodation at the real estate exam locations in Minnesota?
The Minnesota Real Estate Commission contracted with PearsonVUEto administer the real estate salesperson licensing examination.
For questions or requests for more information about the exam itself, refer to PearsonVUE Real Estate Candidate Handbook. Otherwise, contact PearsonVUE Customer Service at [email protected]. You can also make a written inquiry addressed to:
Pearson VUE/Minnesota Real Estate
5601 Green Valley Dr., Bloomington, MN 55437
Personal items are allowed into the testing center other than keys and wallet. You will be provided with secured storage to place personal belongings before entering the exam room. In addition, no food or drink is permitted into the exam room.
Any break policies are established by the exam sponsor. Most sponsors allow unscheduled breaks. To request an unscheduled break, raise your hand to get the administrator’s attention. You will not get extra exam time if you choose to take a break. You must leave the testing room, but not the floor or building. You can only access personal items with an administrator’s prior approval.
Eating and drinking are not allowed in the test center. Chewing gum is also prohibited.
Plan to arrive at your test center no later than 30 minutes prior to your appointment time. This provides adequate time to sign in, provide identification and your Course I completion certificate, and familiarize yourself with the exam process.
If you are late, your exam fees will be forfeited. You will need to re-register and pay the fees for a new exam appointment.
All testing candidates must adhere to a strict set of requirements when taking the exam:
• No recording devices of any type are allowed in the testing area. Any recordable device like a phone, watch, camera, pens and paper, must be placed in the secure personal storage provided at the exam center.
• No guests or visitors are allowed in the testing center. This includes the reception area. Any guests must leave the property while you are testing.
• No eating, drinking, or chewing gum will be allowed in the testing center.
• Any candidate found with prohibited items in the exam room will have their test results invalidated. PearsonVUE will notify the commission of the violation.
What are accomodation at the real estate exam locations in Mississippi?
All PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must submit a request here or by following instructions for the accommodations request form found in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Your request form will need documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
Register for the exam before requesting accommodations.
PSI will only allow approved items into the examination room. Place personal belongings into the secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam, or store them in your vehicle. Electronic devices of any type are permitted in the exam room. This includes smartwatches.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building's property.
No food, drink, gum, or smoking is permitted in the test center.
As part of the check-in process, all candidates will be asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted. They will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Mississippi Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the test administrator for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
Does a Missouri real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
According to the PSI Services Candidate Information Handbook, PSI Services provides reasonable accommodations as follows:–
· For those test takers with a disability (sensory, visual, or physical).
· For those test-takers who require wheelchair accessibility.
Missouri State exam takers in need of special accommodations should contact PSI Services and complete the Request for Special Examination Accommodations Form (pages 3 and 16 in the PSI Services Candidate Handbook).
PSI Services testing centers continuously videotape the entire testing premises to ensure a safe and secure environment for all test takers. Additional policies at the testing site include the following:
· No cameras or recording equipment.
· No cellphones.
· Calculators are permitted if they are silent and are non-programmable, without printing capacities.
· No guests are permitted to wait in the testing area or reception area.
· Wallets and keys are allowed but must be stored in a safe locker at the testing site during the exam.
· No personal items – this includes hats, watches, etc.
· Pencils and paper are provided to test takers.
· There is no smoking, eating, or drinking in the testing facility.
· Breaks are permitted as needed for each test taker, but no additional time will be provided for lost time used during break periods.
· Misconduct is cause for dismissal and forfeiture of examination time and fees. These behaviors include:
o Being disruptive or uncooperative.
o Using or holding an electronic communication device, like a phone or pager.
Applicants who violate testing site rules may have their application denied by the Missouri Real Estate Commission. MREC Board Rule CSR2250-3.020(3).
What are accomodation at the real estate license testing center in Montana?
All PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must make an accommodations request online.
Your request will need uploaded documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing and the recommendation modifications.
PSI only allows approved items into the examination room. Personal belongings must be placed in the secure storage provided at each test site, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle.
Electronic devices of any type are not allowed in the exam room. These devices must be turned off before storing them.
Anyone that accompanied you to the licensing exam cannot wait in the test center, the building, or the building's property.
No food, drink, or candy is permitted in the exam center. Smoking is not allowed.
As part of the check-in process, the testing candidates are asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted. The exam administrator will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Montana Board of Realty Regulation.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
What are accomodation at the real estate exam locations in Nebraska?
All PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must go outline and submit an accommodations request form or see the instructions from the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Your request will need documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
PSI will only allow approved items into the test room. Personal belongings will be placed in secure storage provided at each exam location before the test. Electronic devices of any type are not permitted in the exam room.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building's property.
No food, drink, or smoking is permitted in the test center.
As part of the check-in process, all testing candidates will be asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted. They will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Nebraska Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
What are accomodation at the real estate exam locations in Nevada?
All PearsonVUE examination sites are required to provide accommodations in compliance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate seeking accommodations should visit http://pearsonvue.com/accommodations, as accommodations can vary.
You can also request additional time if English is your second language using the ESL Request Form in the same bulletin. Email your requests to [email protected] or fax the form to (610) 617-9397.
Arrive no later than 30 minutes before your exam for check-in. You will be photographed as part of the check-in.
Only approved items are allowed into the examination room. Personal belongings must be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site. Electronic devices of any type, including personal calculators, will not be permitted in the exam room.
Anyone that accompanied you to the test center cannot wait in the center, the building, or the building’s property.
No food, drink, smoking, or chewing gum is permitted in the test center.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the exam room will have their results invalidated and will be asked to leave the test center. A report will be made to the Nevada Real Estate Commission.
See the full list of items not allowed in the Pearson VUE testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may have unscheduled breaks such as using the restroom or access medicine. Ask the exam administrator for permission first. You are not allowed to leave the floor or the building. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
What are accomodation at the real estate exam locations in New Hampshire?
All PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must follow instructions for an accommodations request form found at the end of the Candidate Information Bulletin. You can also go online with PSI to submit an accommodation request.
Your request form will need documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
PSI will only allow approved items into the examination room. Personal belongings must be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle. Electronic devices of any type, including smartwatches, are not allowed in the testing room. Any bulky or loose clothing must be removed.
No food, drink, or smoking is permitted in the test center.
As part of the check-in process, all testing candidates will be asked to empty their pockets and lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. They may also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the exam center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave. A report will be made to the New Hampshire Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
What are accomodation at the real estate license testing center in New Jersey?
All PSI exams do provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs test accommodations must submit an accommodations request as explained in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Your request will need documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
PSI will only allow approved items into the examination room. Personal belongings must be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the test. Electronic devices of any type, including smartwatches, are not permitted in the exam room.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the test center, the building, or the building’s property.
No food or drink is allowed in the test room. Smoking is not permitted.
As part of the check-in process, all testing candidates are asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. No headgear, other than what is worn for religious reasons, is allowed. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted. They will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found with prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the New Jersey Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you start the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
What are accomodation at the real estate exam locations in New Mexico?
All PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must submit the accommodations request form found in the Candidate Information Bulletin to PSI via fax or email.
The request form will need documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommended modifications.
PSI will get back to you within four days regarding your accommodation request. Don't schedule the exam until PSI has reviewed your accommodation request.
PSI will only allow approved items into the examination room. Place personal belongings in the secure storage provided at each exam site before the test, or store them in your vehicle. Electronic devices of any type are not allowed in the exam room.
Anyone that accompanied you cannot wait in the test center, building, or the building’s property.
No food, drink, or gum is permitted in the test center. Smoking is not permitted.
As part of the check-in process, all testing candidates will be asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted. They will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing room will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave. A report will be made to the New Mexico Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you begin the exam, you may only leave the testing room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You do not receive extra time to complete the exam.
Does a New York real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Yes, there are testing accommodations available for persons with disabilities.
If you need a testing accommodation you should not schedule your exam online through eAccessNY.
Instead, you must call the Department of State at (518)474-4429 to arrange your testing accommodation.
You can take the NY state exam in Spanish, Korean, Russian, or Chinese.
You must notify the exam proctor when you arrive at the testing center in order to take the exam in one of these four languages.
The following are the exam site policies for the NY state licensing exam:
Only permitted calculators may be used during the exam.
Cell phones, beepers, and any other electronic devices must be turned off during the exam.
Dictionaries, books, other reference materials, large bags, and briefcases are not allowed at the exam site.
Eating, drinking or smoking is not permitted at the exam site.
Visitors, guests, and children are not permitted at the exam site.
Any person found using notes, books, or other aids; giving or receiving help, removing examination materials or notes from the exam site; or causing a disturbance will be dismissed from the exam site.
Does a North Carolina real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
For questions or requests for more information about the exam itself, you can refer to the Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina handbook or you can contact PSI directly at 800-733-9267 or online at candidate.psiexams.com.
The North Carolina Real Estate Commission has contracted with PSI Examination Services (PSI) to schedule and administer the broker license exam program. PSI offers the state exam through a network of computer examination centers in North Carolina. PSI also offers remote online proctoring for the exam.
PSI works closely with the Commission to ensure the examination provided meets both state and national needs, both in content and administration of the exam.
Eating, drinking and smoking are prohibited in the test center. You may take a break whenever you wish, but you will not be given additional time to make up for time lost.
You will be provided with a pencil and piece of scratch paper to use by the test center. You must return the paper to the supervisor once you have finished the exam or you will not receive your score report. You will not be allowed to bring any notes, papers or documents into the test center.
You should plan to arrive at the test center a minimum of 15 minutes before your scheduled exam time. This will allow time for you to check-in and receive instructions on taking the exam. If you are late for your scheduled exam time, you will not be admitted and will forfeit your exam fee.
PSI has numerous security procedures in place during the examination. All applicants must adhere to these requirements when taking the exam:
Calculators used during the exam must be silent and battery-operated. Theycannot be programmable and must not have paper-tape printing capabilities. Calculators used cannot have a keyboard containing the alphabet.
PSI strongly advises against bringing personal belongings into the exam room. Any personal belongings that you bring to the exam location must be put into secure storage provided at each site before you will be allowed access to the exam room. Personal belongings not allowed into the exam room include, but are not limited to, the following:
Electronic devices of any type, including mobile phones, recording devices, electronic/smart watches, cameras, pagers, laptop computers, tablet computers such as iPads, music players, radios or electronic games.
Bulky or loose clothing or outerwear that could be used to hide recording devices or notes. For security purposes, outerwear is not allowed in the exam room, including, but is not limited to, the following: open sweaters, cardigans, shawls, scarves, hoodies, vests, jackets and coats. In the event you are asked to remove the outerwear, you must have appropriate attire underneath.
Hats or headgear, unless worn for religious reasons or as religious apparel. Hats, baseball caps and visors are all prohibited.
Other personal items are prohibited, including purses, notebooks, reference or reading materials, briefcases, backpacks, wallets, pens, pencils, other writing devices, food, drinks, and good-luck items.
PSI is not responsible for any loss, damage or theft of personal belongings or prohibited items brought to, stored at, or left behind at the examination site, including items in secure storage. PSI assumes no responsibility in respect to any personal items and makes no representation that the secure storage provided will be effective in protecting such items from theft, loss or damage.
If you forget any items at the examination site after you have completed your exam and do not claim them within 30 days, PSI will dispose of them or donate them, at its discretion.
If someone accompanies you to the exam location, they may not wait for you in the exam center, facility or grounds. This includes any guests accompanying a candidate, including drivers, children, friends, family members, colleagues, instructors or any others.
Candidates may not smoke, eat or drink in the exam center, nor may these items be brought into the facility.
During the check-in process, all candidates will be asked if they possess any prohibited items. You may also be asked to empty your pockets and turn them out for the proctor to ensure they are empty. The proctor may also ask you to lift up the ends of your sleeves and the bottoms of your pant legs to ensure you are not concealing notes or electronic devices.
Proctors will also carefully inspect eyeglass frames, tie tacks, or any other accessory that could potentially hide a recording device. Proctors may ask to inspect items in candidates’ pockets.
If you are found with prohibited items during check-in, you must put them in the provided secure storage or return the items to your vehicle. PSI will not be responsible for the security of any personal belongings or prohibited items brought to the exam scene and does not guarantee the security of the storage offered.
Any candidate for broker license found to possess prohibited items in the exam room shall immediately have his or her test results invalidated, and PSI will notify the North Carolina Real Estate Commission of the occurrence.
Any provisional broker candidate found to be providing or receiving assistance on an exam, in possession of unauthorized materials, or who otherwise violates any security regulations, will be asked to surrender all examination materials and leave the examination center. All such instances will be reported to the North Carolina Real Estate Commission.
Copying or communicating examination content violates a candidate’s contract with PSI, as well as federal and state law. This may result in the disqualification of examination results and may also lead to legal action.
Once the examination is under way, candidates are only permitted to leave the exam room to use the restroom and must obtain permission from the proctor to do so. Candidates will not receive extra time to complete the exam due to restroom breaks.
If you were to engage in any of the following conduct during your exam, you could be dismissed from taking the test, and your exam would not be scored or reported. Also, your exam fee would not be refunded. Examples of misconduct include:
Creating a disturbance, acting abusive or refusing to cooperate
Displaying and/or using electronic communications equipment, such asa smartphone, cellular device or pager
Talking or conversing with other exam candidates
Giving or receiving help or suspected of doing so
Leaving the test center during the exam
Attempting to record exam questions or making note of them
Attempting to take the exam for someone else
Being observed with personal belongings
Being observed with notes, books or other aids
Does a North Dakota real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
All PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must make an accommodations request using the form found near the end of the Candidate Handbook. Your request must be made at least 45 days before your test. It must be approved before you schedule the test.
Your request will need uploaded documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
PSI only allows wallets and keys into the testing room. Any coats and jackets must be left outside the testing room. You will be given a small soft Locker to place your wallet or keys that the Proctor will lock prior to your entrance to the testing room. Whatever you bring must fit into the soft locker.
Electronic devices of any type are not permitted in the exam room.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center or the building’s reception.
No eating, drinking, or smoking is permitted in the test center.
As part of the check-in process, the testing candidates are asked to empty their pockets to ensure any notes or recording devices are not hidden.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the North Dakota Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
Google Version
Only approved items are allowed in the testing center. Personal belongings must be placed in the provided secure storage. No food, drink, smoking, or gum is allowed in the exam room. See the Candidate Bulletin for a full list of prohibited items.
What are accomodation at the real estate license testing center in Ohio?
All PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must follow instructions for the accommodations request form found in the Candidate Information Bulletin. The form must be faxed to (702) 932-2666.
Your request form will need documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommended modifications.
PSI only allows approved items into the testing room. Personal belongings will be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle. Electronic devices of any type, including smartwatches, are prohibited from the testing room.
Anyone that brought you to the exam cannot wait in the testing center, the building, or the building’s property.
No food or drink is allowed in the exam center. Smoking is not permitted.
As part of the check-in process, all candidates are asked to empty their pockets and lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted. They will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Ohio Division of Real Estate.
See the full list of prohibited items in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the exam administrator for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
What are accomodation at the real estate license testing center in Oklahoma?
All PSI test centers will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must follow instructions for the accommodations found in the Candidate Information Bulletin. You can also request arrangements at PSI.
Your request form will need documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
PSI will only allow approved items into the examination room. Personal belongings will be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle. Electronic devices of any type, including smart watches or purses, are not allowed in the exam room.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building’s property.
No food or drink is permitted in the test center. Smoking is not permitted.
As part of the check-in process, all testing candidates will be asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted. They will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
What are accomodation at the real estate license testing center in Oregon?
All PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate seeking accommodations must follow instructions for the accommodations request form found in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
The request form requires documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
PSI will only allow approved items into the examination room. Personal belongings will be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle.
Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted.
Electronic devices, other than a non-programmable calculator, will not be permitted in the exam room.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building’s property.
You may bring a bottle of water, but it must stay with the proctor during testing. No food, drink, or gum is allowed inside the examination center.
As part of the check-in process, all testing candidates will be asked to empty their pockets and lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. They will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Oregon Real Estate Agency.
View the complete list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
Does a Pennsylvania real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
PearsonVUE complies with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended. The purpose of accommodations is to provide candidates with full access to the test. Accommodations are not a guarantee of improved performance or test completion.
PearsonVUE provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations to individuals with documented disabilities who demonstrate a need for accommodations. Test accommodations may include things such as:
• A separate testing room
• Extra testing time
• A Reader or Recorder, for individuals with mobility or vision impairments and cannot read or write on their own
Test accommodations are individualized and considered on a case-by-case basis. All candidates who are requesting accommodations because of a disability must provide appropriate documentation of their condition and how it is expected to affect their ability to take the test under standard conditions.
This may include:
• Supporting documentation from the professional who diagnosed the condition, including the credentials that qualify the professional to make this diagnosis
• A description of past accommodations the candidate has received
The steps to follow when requesting test accommodations vary, depending on your test program sponsor. To begin, go to http://pearsonvue.com/accommodations, and then select your test program sponsor from the alphabetized list. Candidates who have additional questions concerning test accommodations may contact the ADA Coordinator at [email protected].
What are accomodation at the real estate license testing center in Rhode Island?
All Pearson VUE examination sites will provide testing accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations should start by visiting the Reasonable Adjustments Request System and making an account.
Your request will need documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. It can take up to ten business days to review the materials and approve accommodations.
Pearson VUE will review the test documents and photograph you for the score report. Only approved items are permitted into the examination room. Personal belongings will be placed in secure storage provided at each testing site before the exam and includes coats, hats, and bags. Electronic devices must be turned off before being placed in storage.
Anyone that accompanied cannot wait in the test center, the building, or the building’s property.
Food, drinks, chewing gum, and smoking is not permitted.
Once you begin the exam, you may take an unscheduled break to access essential medication or use the restroom. Ask the test administrator for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Rhode Island Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of procedures and policies for the Pearson VUE testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Does a South Carolina real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
The South Carolina State Real Estate Commission has contracted with the testing agency PSI to administer the real estate salesperson licensing examination.
For questions or requests for more information about the exam itself, you can refer to PSI Handbook for South Carolina real estate license candidates or you can contact PSI directly at 855-340-3701 or online at the PSI website.
If you have questions regarding your application or eligibility, you should contact the South Carolina Real Estate Commission at 803-896-4400 or consult the commission’s website, www.llr.state.sc.us.
You should plan to arrive at your test center no later than 30 minutes prior to your appointment time. This will allow enough time to sign in, provide identification and familiarize yourself with the exam process. Fees will be forfeited, and you will need to re-register and pay the fees for a new exam appointment if you arrive late.
South Carolina Labor Licensing Regulation allows for licensure under the “Armed Services Members and Spouses Professional and Occupational Licensing Act” to apply to those married to, and living with, an active military member. Applicants must hold a professional or occupational license in another state. The goal of the Act is to enable spouses of military members to work while in the state of South Carolina.
You will need to complete a real estate license application and provide a copy of your spouse’s orders indicating assignment dates, verification of licensure in your home state and a criminal background check. Expedition of your license can only occur if you have a license elsewhere in good standing and have not been disciplined or under investigation. Also, the requirements for receiving your license in your home state must be at least or greater than the South Carolina requirement.
In addition, licensed members of the military are exempt from continuing education requirements if on active duty.
For security purposes, all PSI test centers are continuously monitored by video and audio surveillance equipment. All applicants must adhere to a strict set of requirements when taking the exam:
Because exams are proprietary, no type of cameras, smart phones or other cellular devices, notes, notebooks, recording devices or pagers are allowed in the testing area. If an applicant brings any such item to the testing center, he or she will be dismissed from the center. This will also dismiss them from the exam and they will forfeit the exam fee.
You will be able to bring a calculator for use during the exam. However, calculators taken into the exam room must be silent, battery-operated and non-programmable. Calculators with paper-tape printing capabilities or keyboards containing letters will be prohibited.
No guests or visitors will be allowed in the testing center. This includes the reception area.
No personal items will be brought to the exam room, with the exclusion of keys, wallets, and close-fitting jackets and sweatshirts. All other personal belongings are prohibited and should be placed in the secure storage prior to entering the exam room. Personal belongings not allowed in the exam room include, but are not limited to, the following:
Electronic devices of any kind
Bulky or loose-fitting clothing or outerwear that could be used to conceal notes or recording devices.
Any hats or other headgear not being worn for religious reasons or as religious apparel.
Any other personal items, including purses, reading materials, notebooks, reference material, backpacks, pencils, pens, any other writing instrument, food, drinks, good luck items and other personal items.
If someone has accompanied you to the test center, they are not to wait anywhere within the building or on the building’s property. This applies to any and all guests, regardless of age or relationship.
No smoking, drinking or eating of any kind will be allowed in the exam center.
During check-in, you will be asked if you have brought any prohibited items and may be asked to empty your pockets and turn them out for the proctor to confirm they are empty. Similarly, the proctor could ask candidates to lift up the ends of their sleeves and pant legs to ensure no notes or recording devices are concealed there.
Items such as eyeglasses and tie tacks may be inspected to ensure there are no recording devices.
If prohibited items are discovered during check-in, these may be placed in the provided secure storage or, if time allows, returned to their vehicle.
If prohibited items are found in the exam room, the candidate possessing such items will have their test results invalidated. PSI will notify the commission of the violation.
If a candidate is seen giving or receiving assistance of any kind, found with unauthorized materials or in other ways violates security regulations, they will be asked to surrender all exam materials and leave the testing center. In addition, the incident will be reported to the commission.
A candidate who is caught communicating or copying exam material is not only breaking PSI’s security regulations, but also violating state and federal law. The candidate will be disqualified and legal action could be taken.
Once you have entered the exam room, you may only leave to use the restroom and must obtain permission from the proctor to do so.
If you engage in any activities considered to be acts of misconduct while taking your exam, you may be dismissed and the South Carolina Real Estate Commission may be notified. Your score will be invalidated and you will forfeit your exam fee.
Examples of misconduct may include:
Leaving the testing area during the exam.
Displaying or using any type of electronic communications devices, such as smartphones, cellular devices, pagers, smart watches or other such devices.
Talking, shouting or engaging in conversation.
Receiving, offering or providing help on the exam or suspected of doing so.
Recording or copying exam questions, making notes of them or attempting to do so.
Taking or attempting to take the exam for another candidate.
Bringing personal belongings into the exam room.
Causing any type of disturbance, displaying abusive behavior or in any way refusing to cooperate or follow instruction.
In possession of notes, books or other aids unless noted on the roster as allowed.
Does a South Dakota real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
All PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must make an accommodations request using the form found near the end of the Candidate Handbook. Your request must be made at least 45 days before scheduling the exam.
PSI only allows wallets and keys into the testing room, which will be placed in a soft locker. Other personal belongings must be left outside the testing center or stored in your vehicle.
Electronic devices of any type, including personal calculators, are not permitted in the exam room. These devices must be turned off before storage.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center.
No eating, drinking, or smoking is permitted in the test center.
As part of the check-in process, the testing candidates are asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted. Coats and jackets will be hung outside the exam room.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the test center. A report will be made to the South Dakota Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
Does a Tennessee real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
The Tennessee Real Estate Commission has contracted with PSI Examination Services (PSI) to conduct the examination program. PSI offers the state exam through a network of computer examination centers in Tennessee. PSI works closely with the Commission to ensure the examinations provided meet both state and national needs, both in content and administration of the exam.
For questions or requests for more information about the exam itself, you can refer to the candidate booklet for the exam or contact PSI at 1-800-733-9267 or online at candidate.psiexams.com.
Military education, training, or experience can be considered as meeting the education requirements, in whole or in part, for an affiliate broker license if the Tennessee Real Estate Commission deems that it is equivalent to that required for licensure.
What security procedures will be in place during the state examination
PSI has a number of security procedures that will be in place during the examination and must be adhered to by all applicants taking the exam:
· Calculators used for the exam must be silent and battery-operated. They must also be non-programmable and without paper-tape printing capabilities. Calculators must not have a keyboard containing the alphabet.
· PSI recommends not bringing personal belongings into the exam room. Any personal belongings that you bring to the exam must be put in the secure storage that is provided at each site before you will be allowed access to the exam room. Personal belongings not allowed into the exam room include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Electronic devices of any type, including mobile phones, recording devices, electronic/smart watches, cameras, pagers, laptop computers, tablet computers such as iPads, music players, radios or electronic games.
o Bulky or loose clothing or outerwear that could be used to conceal recording devices or notes. For security purposes, outerwear includes, but is not limited to, the following: open sweaters, cardigans, shawls, scarves, hoodies, vests, jackets and coats are not permitted in the exam room. In the event you are asked to remove the outerwear, you must have appropriate attire, such as a shirt or blouse, underneath.
o Hats or headgear not worn for religious reasons or worn as religious apparel, including hats, baseball caps, or visors.
o Other personal items, including purses, notebooks, reference or reading material, briefcases, backpacks, wallets, pens, pencils, other writing devices, food, drinks, and good luck items.
· PSI is not responsible for any damage, loss, or theft of any personal belongings or prohibited items brought to, stored at, or left behind at the examination site. This is true even though each exam site will provide secure storage for personal items. PSI assumes no responsibility in respect to such items and makes no representation that the secure storage provided will be effective in protecting such item from theft, loss or damage.
· If you leave any items at the examination site after you have completed your exam and do not claim them within 30 days, PSI will dispose of them or donate them, at its discretion.
· If someone accompanies you to the exam location, they may not wait in the exam center, inside the building or on the building grounds. This applies to any guests accompanying a candidate, including drivers, children, friends, family members, colleagues, instructors or others.
· Candidates may not smoke, eat or drink in the examination center.
· During the check-in process, all candidates will be asked if they possess any prohibited items. You may also be asked to empty your pockets and turn them out for the proctor to ensure they are empty. The proctor may also ask you to lift up the ends of your sleeves and the bottoms of your pant legs to ensure you are not hiding notes or electronic devices there.
· Proctors will also carefully inspect eyeglass frames, tie tacks, or any other accessory that could be used to hide a recording device. Proctors may ask to inspect items in candidates’ pockets.
· If prohibited items are found during check-in, candidates must put them in the provided secure storage or return these items to their vehicle. PSI will not be responsible for the security of any personal belongings or prohibited items brought to the exam scene and will not guarantee the security of the storage offered.
· Any candidate for affiliate broker license possessing prohibited items in the examination room shall immediately have his or her test results invalidated, and PSI will notify the Tennessee Real Estate Commission of the occurrence.
· Any affiliate broker candidate found to be giving or receiving assistance on an exam, possessing unauthorized materials, or who violates any security regulations will be asked to surrender all examination materials and leave the examination center. All such instances will be reported to the Tennessee Real Estate Commission.
· Copying or communicating examination content violates a candidate’s contract with PSI, as well as federal and state law. Either may result in the disqualification of examination results and may also lead to legal action.
· Once candidates have been seated and the examination begins, they are only permitted to leave the examination room to use the restroom and must obtain permission from the proctor to do so. Candidates will not receive extra time to complete the exam because of restroom breaks.
Does a Texas real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Pearson VUE provides accommodations to individuals with documented disabilities.
Test accommodations are individualized and considered on a case-by-case basis.
Test accommodations may include:
A separate testing room
Extra testing time
A Reader or Recorder
You can read more about Pearson VUE accommodations here:
Here is a list of the Pearson VUE’s test center policies that you should be aware of:
No personal items are allowed in the testing room. This includes your cell phone, purse, wallet, paper, pens or pencils.
Studying is not allowed in the test center.
Calculators are permitted, but you must bring your own. The test center will not provide you with a calculator.
Books, papers, and reference materials are not permitted in the exam room.
You are allowed to take breaks during the exam. You must raise your hand to request a break with the exam administrator.
If you take a break during the exam, you are not permitted to access any of your personal items that you brought with you to the test center.
The Texas Candidate Handbook includes a more detailed breakdown of Pearnson VUE’s test center policies.
Does a Utah real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Pearson VUE is compliant with all ADA policies. If you need testing accommodations, you must request them ahead of time using the Accommodations Request Form. You can find this form in the Candidate Handbook. Your requests must include documentation of your disability and the acceptable accommodations.
No personal items are allowed in the testing room. These include mobile phones, watches, wallets, purses, bags, coats, and hats. There are storage lockers available, but Pearson VUE is not responsible for theft or misplaced items. There is no eating, drinking, gum, smoking, or making excessive noise in the test center. You can take a bathroom break, but you must notify the proctor, and you will not get time added back to the test. You cannot leave the building or floor.
Does a Vermont real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
All PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must make an accommodations request using the form in the Candidate Handbook. All requests must be received at least 45 days before the exam date.
Your request will need uploaded documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
PSI only allows approved items–your wallet and keys– into the testing room. These will be stored in a soft locker during your exam. Anything you bring with you must fit into the soft locker, or you won’t be permitted to test. Coats will be left outside the testing room.
Electronic devices of any type are not permitted in the exam room. If any go off during the test, your exam will be forfeited.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center.
No food, drink, or candy is permitted in the test center. Smoking is not allowed.
As part of the check-in process, the testing candidates are asked to empty their pockets to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Vermont Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
Does a Virginia real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Yes, all PSI examination centers are equipped to provide access in accordance with the ADA.
Applicants with disabilities that need a testing accommodation must submit an exam accommodation request.
In addition, documentation must be submitted from the medial authority or learning institution that rendered a diagnosis.
A letter must be uploaded to PSI on the letterhead stationery of the authority or specialist and include the following information:
A description of the disability and limitations related to testing
Recommended accommodation / modification
Name, title and telephone number of the medial authority or specialist
Original signature of the medical authority or specialist
Here are the PSI examination policies you should be aware of before you sit for the Virginia state licensing exam:
1) Only approved items are allowed in the exam room.
2) All personal belongings must be placed in a secure storage provided by PSI. Personal belongings include:
Electronic devices
Bulky or loose clothing or coats that could be used to conceal recording devices or notes
Hats or headgear not worn for religious reasons
Other personal items, including purses, notebooks, reference or reading material, briefcases, backpacks, wallets, pens, pencils, other writing devices, food, drinks, and good luck items
3) Smoking, eating, or drinking is not allowed in the exam center.
4) Eyeglass frames, tie tacks, or other apparel that could be used to harbor a recording device will be inspected by the proctor.
5) Once you have been seated and the exam begins, you can only leave the exam room to use the restroom, and only after obtaining permission from the proctor.
6) Anyone possessing prohibited items in the exam room shall immediately have their exam results invalidated.
7) Anyone seen giving or receiving assistance on the exam, found with unauthorized materials, or who violates any security regulations will be asked to surrender all exam materials and leave the exam center.
8) Copying or communicating exam content is considered a violation, and may lead to the disqualification of your exam results.
Please have a look at pages 10 & 11 of the PSI Candidate Information Bulletin for more detailed PSI exam policies.
Does a Washington real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
PSI test centers are continuously monitored by video and audio surveillance equipment for security purposes. All applicants must adhere to these requirements when taking the exam:
Because exams are proprietary, no cameras, notes, recording devices, pagers, smartphones or cellular devices are allowed in the testing area. If any such item is brought to the testing center, the candidate doing so will be dismissed from the exam and the fee forfeited.
Calculators used during the exam must be silent, battery-operated and non-programmable. They must not have paper-tape printing capabilities nor uskeyboards containing letters. No guests or visitors are allowed in the testing or reception areas.
No personal items, weapons or valuables will be brought to the exam room, with the exclusion of keys, wallets, watches and hats. Coats may be worn to the center, but must be left outside the testing area. You will be provided with a soft locker for storing your allowable personal items while you are taking the test. This locker will be secured prior to your entering the testing room and you will not regain access until you have completed the exam.
After placing your belongings in the soft locker, you will be asked to pull out your pockets to ensure they are empty. If you bring personal items that do not fit in the locker, you will not be able to test.
If you have military training or experience, you may have satisfied the training or experience requirements, unless the director of the Department of Licensing determines that the military training or experience is not equivalent to the state’s requirements for real estate. You can submit verification of any relevant training or education to the Department for review.
The Washington State Department of Licensing has contracted with PSI to administer the real estate broker licensing examination.
For questions or requests for more information about the exam itself, you can refer to the Washington Real Estate Examination Program Handbook or you can contact PSI directly at 855-746-8168 or online at PSI website.
You should arrive no later than your test time. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your scheduled exam, you will not be admitted. Fees will be forfeited and you will need to re-register and pay the fees for a new exam appointment.
If you were to engage in any activities considered to be acts of misconduct during your exam, you may be dismissed, in which case your score will not be recorded and your exam fee will be forfeited. Examples of misconduct include:
Causing a disturbance, displaying abusive behavior or refusing to cooperate.
Displaying and/or using electronic communications devices, such as smartphones, cellular devices or pagers.
Engaging in conversation or talking during the exam.
Receiving, offering or providing help or suspected of doing so.
Leaving the test area during the exam.
Attempting to record or copy exam questions or making note of them.
Attempting to take the exam for another candidate.
Being observed with personal belongings.
In possession of notes, books or other aids unless it is noted on the roster.
Does a West Virginia real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Yes, all PSI examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must notify the West Virginia Real Estate Commission when applying and with PSI when scheduling the exam.
See the Candidate Information Handbook pages 19-20 for the Request for Special Examination Accommodations. Your request will need documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing and the recommendation modifications. This must be turned in 45 days before your requested exam date.
PSI only allows approved items into the testing room. Personal belongings must be placed in the secure storage provided at each exam site, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle.
Electronic devices of any type, including personal calculators, are not permitted in the exam room. These devices must be turned off before storage.
Anyone that accompanied you to the exam cannot wait in the examination center, the building, or the building’s property.
No food, drink, or candy is permitted in the test center. Smoking is not allowed.
As part of the check-in process, the testing candidates are asked to empty their pockets, lift the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure any notes or recording devices are not being hidden. The exam administrator will also inspect eyeglass frames or any other apparel that could hide a recording device. Any exceptionally bulky or loose clothing that could conceal recording devices or notes is not permitted.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the West Virginia Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the PSI testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you are seated and begin the exam, you may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
Does a Wisconsin real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
Yes, special testing accommodations are available for individuals with documented disabilities or those who demonstrate a need for accommodations.
You can find PearsonVUE’s exam center policies on page 14 of the PearsonVUE Wisconsin real estate Candidate Handbook.
Does a Wyoming real estate testing center near me provide exam accommodations?
All Pearson VUE examination sites will provide accommodations following the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A candidate who needs accommodations must make an accommodations request online.
Your request will need uploaded documentation from a medical authority or learning institution that gave the diagnosis. The documentation must be on the letterhead stationery, state the disability and limitations related to testing, and the recommendation modifications.
Pearson VUE only allows approved items into the testing room. Personal belongings must be placed in the secure storage provided at each exam site, or you will be asked to store them in your vehicle.
Electronic devices of any type, including personal calculators, are not permitted in the exam room. These devices must be turned off before storage.
As part of the check-in process, the testing candidates will be photographed.
Any candidate found possessing prohibited items in the testing center will have the exam results invalidated and be asked to leave the examination center. A report will be made to the Wyoming Real Estate Commission.
View the full list of items not allowed in the Pearson VUE testing center in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Once you answer the first question, the exam clock begins. You may only leave the room to use the restroom. Ask the Proctor for permission first. You will not receive extra time to complete the exam.