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Please arrive at least 30 minutes early at the exam site and bring with you two forms of identification. Also bring your exam schduled confirmation ID if you revceived one.
Each exam location is different so please choose one of the states below to see what to bring to your real estate exam.
Choose the answer by state?
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Alabama?
Bring with you to the PSI testing center two forms of acceptable candidate identification. The primary ID must be government-issued and include your name and photo, such as a Driver’s License, Passport, Military ID card, Alien Registration Card, or National/State/Country ID card. A secondary ID must have your name and signature, like your Social Security Card, Debit or Credit Card, or a second form of Primary ID.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Alaska?
Arrive at least 30 minutes early at the exam site and bring with you two forms of identification. PearsonVUE requires primary identification to be non-expired and government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Arizona?
Bring with you to the PearsonVUE testing center the following:
• Two forms of acceptable candidate identification
• Your 90-hour pre-licensure education certificate
Acceptable identification must have a signature and name that exactly matches the exam registration. The primary ID must be government-issued, such as a Driver’s License, Passport, Military ID card, Alien Registration Card, or National/State/Country ID card. A secondary ID can include your Social Security Card, Debit or Credit Card, or a second form of Primary ID.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Arkansas?
Arrive at least 30 minutes early to the exam site and bring with you two forms of identification and your Certificate of Testing Eligibility. Pearson VUE requires primary identification to be in English, government-issued, and photo-bearing. Examples include your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or an issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to real estate exam in California?
In order to take the state exam, you must present a valid photo ID that has been issued within the past 5 years.
The testing center will accept the following forms of identification:
• Current state-issued driver's license or DMV identification card.
• U.S. Passport or a Passport issued by a foreign government.
• U.S. Military identification card.
If you do not have a valid photo ID, you will not be permitted to sit for the state exam.
What to bring to real estate exam in Colorado?
Arrive early to the exam site and bring with you two forms of identification. PSI requires primary identification to be government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to real estate exam in Connecticut?
Arrive at least 30 minutes early to the exam center and bring with you two forms of identification. PSI requires primary identification to be currently valid, government-issued, bearing a photograph and signature. Examples include your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Delaware?
Arrive at least 30 minutes early at the test center. Bring with you your course completion certificate and two forms of identification. Pearson VUE requires primary identification to be in English, government-issued, such as your state driver's license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to real estate exam in Florida?
You will need to bring the following to the testing center:
• Two forms of valid signature identification, one of which is government issued. These may include a driver’s license, state identification card, passport or military identification card. Student or employment ID cards and photo-bearing credit cards are not considered acceptable as a photo ID. You will not be admitted without proper ID. Your name and address should match what was submitted on your application.
• Your Florida Division of Real Estate Authorization Notice (if you receive it prior to your test date)
• Your Certificate of Pre-licensing Education Completion, Florida Bar Card and/or Letter of Equivalency from the Division of Real Estate. If the original certificate was mailed to the Division of Real Estate or the Department of Business and Professional Regulation with your initial license application, a photocopy of the certificate may be brought to the testing center instead.
• Calculators must be silent, handheld, battery-operated, nonprinting and without an alphabetic keyboard. If you have opted for the remotely proctored online exam, you must use the built-in exam calculator.
• The Bureau of Education and Testing is permitting the use of foreign language translation dictionaries during the examination for English as a second language students. Translation dictionaries may only contain word-for-word or phrase translations only. No handwritten notes or dictionaries containing definitions. Electronic translation dictionaries are not recommended as most will not qualify. All translation dictionaries will be inspected and approved by testing staff prior to their use on the exam.
What to bring to real estate exam in Hawaii?
Arrive 30 minutes early at the test site. Bring two forms of valid identification and your unexpired Hawaii School Completion Certificate OR Pre-licensing Education Equivalency Certificate.
PSI requires primary identification to be government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to real estate exam in Idaho?
Arrive at least 30 minutes early at the exam site. Bring your exam reservation confirmation number and two forms of identification. Pearson VUE requires primary identification to be currently valid and government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Illinois?
Arrive at least 30 minutes early at the test site and bring with you two forms of identification. You must also provide biometric verification of your identity, which may be a photograph or a fingerprint scan.
PSI requires primary identification to be government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Indiana?
Bring with you to the State Examination primary identification such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card or issued alien registration card. You will also need one form of secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or a wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
You must also bring with you the original proof of completion from the pre-license education course. The certificate must be dated within 365 days of your test date. If you are a reciprocity candidate, bring the authorization to test letter from the Commission.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Iowa?
Arrive at a minimum of 30 minutes early at the exam site and bring with you one form of identification. PSI requires the identification to be government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card.
You must also bring with you your pre-license education completion certificate for Iowa real estate, your pre-license education waiver, or a letter of authorization from the Iowa Real Estate Commission. Without one of these, you won't be allowed to take the exam.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Kansas?
Report to the exam site 30 minutes early. Bring with you The Principles Of Real Estate course completion certificate and two forms of identification. Pearson VUE requires primary identification to be government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to real estate exam in Kentucky?
Arrive 30 minutes early at the test site and bring two forms of identification. PSI requires primary identification to be a valid government-issued ID, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to real estate exam in Louisiana?
Arrive early to the exam site and bring with you two forms of identification. PSI requires primary identification to be government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Maine?
Arrive at least 30 minutes early at the exam site and bring two forms of identification with you. Pearson VUE requires primary identification to exactly match the name on the registration. It must be government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or an issued alien registration card.
Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or US social security card. These secondary cards must be signed.
You’ll also need the course completion certificate from your Sales Agent Course dated within the last year.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Maryland?
Arrive early at the test center and bring two forms of identification. PSI requires primary identification to be government-issued with a photo and signature. Acceptable forms include your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or an issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification with your name and signature.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Massachusetts?
Arrive at least 30 minutes early at the exam site and bring with you two forms of identification. PSI requires primary identification to have a photo and signature, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. Second identification can be another form of Primary ID, a social security card, or a signed credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card.
What to bring to real estate exam in Michigan?
You must bring two valid forms of ID to the PSI testing center.
The first ID must meet all of the following criteria:
• Be a current, valid and government-issued, photo ID, such as a driver's license, state-issued ID, or passport.
• The name on the government-issued photo ID must match the name you used to register for the exam, including designations such as "Jr." or "III", etc.
• It must include your current photo and signature.
The second form of ID must contain a signature that matches the official photo ID, such as a social security card, credit card, bankcard, military or school ID.
If you cannot provide the required IDs, you must contact PSI at least two weeks prior to your exam date to arrange a way to meet this security requirement.
Once LARA approves your license application, PSI will email you your Exam Candidate ID number.
This number is used to schedule your state exam.
You will have to provide this number to PSI, which they will use to verify that you are eligible to take the exam.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Minnesota?
No personal belongings will be allowed in the exam room. Any personal belongings brought to the test center must be secured in the proper storage provided before entering the exam room or stored in your vehicle. Personal items prohibited include electronic devices, watches, wallets, purses, firearms, pencils, pens, and other writing devices, as well as notebooks.
What to bring to real estate exam in Mississippi?
Arrive early at the exam site and bring with you two forms of identification. PSI requires primary identification to be government-issued, such as your state driver's license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card or issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to real estate exam in Missouri?
Test takers must provide two forms of an unexpired ID where the name on each ID matches. Each identification must include a signature. Examples of acceptable ID include a driver's license, green card, Social Security card, or credit card (with a signature).
Additionally, exam takers should bring a basic, non-scientific calculator.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Montana?
Arrive at least 30 minutes early at the exam site and bring two forms of identification with you. PSI requires primary identification to be government-issued, such as your state driver's license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or an issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Nebraska?
Arrive 30 minutes early at the exam site and bring with you two forms of identification. PSI requires primary identification to be government-issued, such as your state driver's license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or an issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to real estate exam in Nevada?
Arrive early at the exam site and bring with you two forms of identification. PearsonVUE requires your primary identification to be government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. Expired licenses are not considered valid. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed. All identification must be in English.
What to bring to real estate exam in New Hampshire?
Arrive at least 30 minutes early to the exam site and bring with you two forms of identification. PSI requires primary identification to bear a photo and be government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in New Jersey?
Arrive early at the exam site and bring with you two forms of government-issued identification. PSI requires one identification to be a state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. The second ID can be another Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to real estate exam in New Mexico?
Arrive 30 minutes early to the test center and bring with you two forms of identification. PSI requires primary identification to be government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or an issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. All ID cards must be signed.
what to bring to NYS real estate exam?
You must bring a current (not expired), government-issued ID that includes your signature and photo. The ID may include any of the following:
• Driver's license
• State issued ID
• IDNYC Card (NYC ID Card)
• Military ID
• U.S. Passport
• Employment Authorization Card
• U.S. INS issued ID
• Certificate of U.S. citizenship
• Foreign Passport
• Brizilian, Mexican, Honduran, and Ecuadorian Consular ID
You will have to bring a print-out of the "Summary of Your Submission" page with you to the state exam.
If you did not print this page after scheduling your state exam, you can find the page again by logging in to your eAccessNY account and clicking on "View Scheduled Exam Details" on the Main Menu page.
The "View Scheduled Exam Details" page is the same page as the "Summary of Your Submission" page.
What to bring to real estate exam in North Carolina?
You are prohibited from taking any personal items into the testing center. PSI is not responsible for any personal items, including those put into secure storage. Personal items should be left in or returned to, your vehicle prior to taking the exam.
What to bring to real estate exam in North Dakota?
Arrive early at the exam site and bring two forms of identification with you. PSI requires primary identification to be government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to real estate exam in Ohio?
Arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled exam. Bring with you two forms of identification. PSI requires primary identification to a valid government-issued ID, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport, or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. The second ID can be another Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Oklahoma?
Arrive 30 minutes early to the exam site and bring with you one form of identification. PSI requires primary identification to be government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card.
What to bring to real estate exam in Oregon?
Arrive early to the exam site and bring with you one primary form of government-issued identification, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or an issued alien registration card. A temporary state driver’s license or ID card is also acceptable. The ID must have your photograph and signature.
What to bring to real estate exam in Pennsylvania?
You must bring two forms of identification with you to the PearsonVUE testing center.
One must be a valid form of government issued identification (driver's license, state ID, passport, or military ID), which includes your signature and your photograph or complete physical description. The second identification must include your signature and pre-printed legal name.
The name on your identifications must match the name you used on the exam application.
If the ID presented has an embedded signature that is not visible (microchip), or is difficult or impossible to read, the candidate must present another form of identification from the Primary ID list that contains a visible signature.
PearsonVUE does not accept expired driver’s licenses.. Newly renewed licenses which result in a temporary paper license will be accepted as long as the expired plastic license is also provided. Temporary licenses will not be accepted.
What to bring to real estate exam in Rhode Island?
Plan to arrive early at the exam site. Bring with you two forms of identification and your pre-license education certificate, if you took the course in Rhode Island. Pearson VUE requires primary identification to be government-issued, with a photo and a signature, and in English. Examples would be your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or social security card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to real estate exam in South Carolina?
You should not bring any personal items into the testing center, other than keys and wallet. You will be provided with secured storage to place personal belongings prior to entering the exam room. Eating and drinking is not allowed in the test center nor is smoking. A restroom break is allowable, with permission from the proctor, but you will not be given additional time to make up for any lost time during breaks. Personal items prohibited include pencils, pens and other writing devices, as well as notebooks.
What to bring to real estate exam in South Dakota?
Plan to arrive early at the exam site and bring two forms of identification with you. PSI requires primary identification to be government-issued, with your photograph, full name, signature, and currently valid. Examples are your state driver's license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or an issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to real estate exam in Tennessee?
You may not take any personal items into the testing center. PSI is not responsible for any personal items and recommends you leave them in a secure place while you take your exam.
What to bring to real estate exam in Texas?
You must present two forms of ID when you arrive at the Pearson VUE testing center.
The name on your primary ID must match exactly to the name on your exam registration.
A primary ID may include one of the following:
• Government-issued Driver’s license
• U.S. Department of State Driver’s License
• U.S. Learner’s Permit
• National/State/Country ID card
• Passport
• Passport card
• Military ID
• Military ID for spouses and dependents
• Alien Registration Card (Green Card, Permanent Resident Visa)
You must also present a secondary ID, which may be any other form of ID including a U.S. Social Security Card, or a debit or credit card.
All forms of identification must be valid and include a visible signature. You cannot use any ID which is expired.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Utah?
To enter the test center, you will need to bring two forms of identification. Your primary form of ID must be government-issued and have your photo and signature. Examples of these are your state driver's license, US passport, or military ID. Your second ID must have a printed name and signature. You must also bring your Candidate Education Certifying document. Failing to bring this document will prevent you from taking the test. Most personal items are not allowed in the test center.
What to bring to PSI real estate exam in Vermont?
Arrive early at the exam site and bring with you two forms of identification. PSI requires primary identification to be government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
What to bring to real estate exam in Virginia?
You must bring two forms of valid (not expired) identification to the PSI testing center.
One ID must be a valid government-issued ID, such as a driver's license, state ID, passport, or military ID, which includes your signature and photograph.
The second ID must include your signature and preprinted legal name.
The legal name on your two IDs must match the name you used on the Examination Registration Form, otherwise you will not be permitted to take the exam and your exam fee will be forfeited.
What to bring to real estate exam in Washington?
You should not take any personal items into the testing center, other than your keys and wallet. You will be provided with a pencil and piece of scratch paper to use by the test center when you check in. You must return the paper to the test supervisor after you have finished the exam in order to receive your score report. No other notes, papers or documents are allowed into the test center.
Eating and drinking is prohibited in the test center, as is smoking. You may take a break if needed, but no time will be added to make up for time lost during breaks.
What to bring to real estate exam in West Virginia?
Arrive at least 15 minutes early at the exam site and bring two forms of identification with you. PSI requires primary identification to be government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card or issued alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification with your signature, such as a social security card, credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card.
What to bring to real estate exam in Wisconsin?
You are required to bring 2 forms of current (not expired) forms of ID to the state testing center - a primary ID and a secondary ID.The primary ID must include a photograph and a signature, such as a government issued Driver’s license or a Passport.The secondary ID only requires a signature, such as a U.S. Social Security card or a debit/credit card.
What to bring to real estate exam in Wyoming?
Plan to arrive early at the exam site and bring two forms of identification with you. Pearson VUE requires primary identification to be government-issued, such as your state driver’s license or ID card, a US government-issued passport or military identification card, or alien registration card. Bring a second form of Primary ID or another secondary identification, such as a credit card, debit card, or wholesale store card. These secondary cards must be signed.
For the online test through OnVUE, you need a webcam, reliable and strong internet, and a private location.