How many times can you take the real estate exam?

Many states do not limit the number of times you can take the real estate license exam. You will however have to pass it within a set period from completing your pre-licensing course.
There are states that have a limited number of tries at passing the state exam. If you fail you will have to re-purchase 1 or 2 courses and retake them before being able to re-attempt passing your exam.

To find out how many times you can take the real estate exam in your state, please choose one of the options below.



How many times can you take real estate exam in Alabama?

Alabama does not limit the number of times you can take the salesperson license exam, but you must pass it within six months of passing your 60-hour pre-licensing course. If you do not pass, you must wait 24 hours to reschedule your exam. The exam attempt will cost $77.

Your PSI-provided score report will include diagnostic information related to the exam. This information will help guide your study for the retake.


How many times can I take the real estate exam in Alaska?

Alaska does not limit the number of times you can retake the salesperson license exam. Scheduling a retake of the Alaska state licensing exam is the same as scheduling the first test of the exam. The only difference is you need to wait 24 hours after your failed exam so that the system can show your failed test result.

Alaska requires you to take both sections of the exam even if you passed one portion.


How many times can I take real estate exam in Arizona?

Arizona does not have a limit on the number of times you can take the salesperson license exam. You must wait (24) hours before scheduling your retake.You will use the reexamination instructions provided to you with your score report to register for your retake. The exam attempt will cost $75. If you fail the exam twice, Arizona offers a one-time exam review opportunity. You will have 30 minutes to review the questions you missed.


How many times can you take real estate test in Arkansas?

You have six months to pass the Arkansas state licensing exam once you take it the first time. If you fail one section and pass the other, you have six months to retake just the failed part of the exam. Your retakes are unlimited within this window, but you’ll pay the exam fee each time you retest. ($75)

First, wait 24 hours before scheduling your retake. Then you’ll go to your online Pearson VUE account or call 800-274-2606 to set the exam appointment.


How many times can you take the real estate exam in California?

There is no limit as to how many times you can take the state exam. You can take the state exam as many times as needed until you pass. You simply have to reschedule your next exam attempt and pay the $60 exam fee. You have two years to pass the exam from the date your exam application is received by the DRE.

You can apply to retake the state exam by using the eLicensing Online System.
Or, you can mail in your Examination Result Notice form along with the $60 exam fee to the following address:
Department of Real Estate
Examination Section
P.O. Box 137001
Sacramento, CA 95813-7001


How many times can you retake real estate exam in Colorado?

You can take the state broker license exam as many times as necessary to pass both the national and state portions. The fee to retake both sections or a single section is $42.50. However, keep in mind that the score of the section you passed is only valid for (1) year for your broker license application.

You will visit PSI’s website or call (855) 744-0313 to reschedule your state exam.


How many times can you take the real estate test in Connecticut?

There is no limit to the number of times you can take the Connecticut licensing exam. However, your testing eligibility is only good for one year. You'll need to pass both sections of the exam before this eligibility expires. The date is listed on the postcard PSI sent you.

You are allowed to retake the Connecticut real estate salesperson exam as long as you're trusting eligibility has not expired. First, you need to wait 24 hours. After that, you can log into the PSI website [nofollow/ newtab] to reschedule your Connecticut state licensing exam. You can sign up to take both portions or just one section. The exam fee for taking just one section of the test is $55.


How many times can you fail the real estate exam in Delaware?

If you do not pass the state licensing exam the first time, you can take it up to three times within one year.

The registration process will be the same as when you set up your exam appointment with Pearson VUE. Please give 24 hours before you try to reschedule your next exam attempt. Then you can log on to your Pearson VUE account or call Pearson VUE at 1-800-274-2604.

If you passed one section of the Delaware real estate licensing exam but not the other, you can just take the section you need to pass. You still only have three attempts in one year. You'll need to pay the full $85 exam fee.


How many times can you take the real estate exam in Florida?

Students who fail the Florida State exam receive a score report that includes a numeric score and diagnostic information. Students who want to retake the exam must wait 24 hours before rescheduling the test.

Test takers are given their exam results immediately upon completion of the exam.

If you fail the state exam, you will receive a score report that includes a numeric score and diagnostic information. Test-takers who want to retake the exam must wait 24 hours before rescheduling.

If you fail the state exam, you have the opportunity to review the questions and their incorrect answers. However, the review will be in accordance to the parameters set by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. The same security requirements followed at the state examination will be followed at the review session. Review sessions will be held at a Pearson VUE testing center. There is a $35 review test fee. You may only review your most recent exam.

You will need to make your request to review your incorrect answers within 21 days from the date of your original exam. Your review session can be scheduled by going online or by calling 1-888-204-6289.

You will be provided with 1.75 hours to review your exam and will not be allowed to take notes, digital or written, of any kind.

If you fail the state exam for a Florida real estate sales associate license, you will receive a score report that shows a numeric score and diagnostic information to show what areas you need to focus on before retaking the exam. You must wait a minimum of 24 hours before rescheduling your exam.


How many times can you retake the real estate exam in Hawaii?

You can take the Hawaii real estate license exam an unlimited number of times as long as you do it within the two years stated on your course completion certificate date. You do need to wait 24 hours before rescheduling any exam. Once that time is past, scheduling your retake is the same as scheduling the original test. Either go online to and log in to your account or call PSI at 855-579-4640. You can retake only the failed portion of the licensing exam. You need to pay the $61 exam fee again.


How many times can you take real estate exam in Idaho?

You can take the state licensing exam as many times as you need as long as you do the retakes while your certificate of completion is still valid. If you are just retaking one section of the exam, you have to retake the other section within one year of the date you passed that one section.

You need to wait 24 hours before rescheduling any state licensing exam. Once that period has passed, you can go online to your Pearson VUE account and reschedule your exam. You will need to pay the full $80 exam fee again.


How many times can I take the real estate exam in Illinois?

You can take your Illinois broker license exam up to four times within one year, starting with the first date you attempt to pass the test. If you cannot pass the Illinois broker license exam after taking it four times, you'll need to retake the pre-license course.

To retake your Illinois state exam, follow the instructions on your score report. It contains reapplication instructions. If you feel just one section, you can just take that section of the exam. However, you still need to pay the full broker exam fee of $58. You'll need to wait 24 hours before you log on to psi to set the next exam appointment.


How many times can I take real estate exam in Indiana?

You can take the state broker license exam as many times as necessary to pass both the national and state portions, as long as your retakes are within one year of the date on your course completion certificate. If you pass one section and not the other, you can retake just the section you failed.

You will visit PSI’s website or call (855) 746-8172 to reschedule your State Exam.


How many times can you take real estate test in Iowa?

Iowa does not limit the number of times you can take the state salesperson license exam. You are limited by the amount of time between finishing the 60-hour pre-license course and completing all the steps in the licensing process. You only have one year to pass your state exam and be hired by a real estate broker.

Wait 24 hours before scheduling any retakes of your Iowa State salesperson licensing exam. Then you can go online to your PSI account or call PSI at 855-898-0712. You need to pay the $95 exam fee again.

In Iowa, you'll need to retake both sections of the exam if you have a failing score in any section. The exam fee is $95.


How many times can you retake real estate exam in Kansas?

There is not a limit to the number of times you can take that Kansas salesperson license exam, but there is a time limit. You can just retake the portion of the exam that you failed. Keep in mind that you have to pass both sections of the exam within six months of your first testing attempt. You will need to pay a $75 retake fee.

Wait 24 hours after your testing attempt. Then you can log in to or call Pearson VUE at 800-274-4971 to reschedule the exam.


How many times can you take the real estate test in Kentucky?

You can take the Kentucky State salesperson licensing exam as many times as you need to, but keep in mind you only have four months to pass any failed sections after your first exam. Otherwise, you'll have to take the 96-hour pre-license course again. It will cost $100 every time you retake the test, regardless if it is both sections or just one.

First, wait 24 hours after your initial test. After that, you can call PSI at 855-746-8176 or go online to your account to set up the retake.


How many times can you fail the real estate exam in Louisiana?

You can take the state salesperson license exam more than once, but you’ll need to apply to the LREC for permission to retake. The new exam eligibility will cost $15 plus the exam fee of $85. Keep in mind that the score of the section you passed is only valid for (1) year for your salesperson license application.

Once LREC approves your new exam eligibility, visit PSI’s website or call (855) 579-4644 to reschedule your state exam.


How many times can you retake the real estate exam in Maine?

You can retake the Maine sales agent licensing exam as many times as you need to, as long as you do it within one year of the date on your course completion certificate.You can retake just the section you need to pass.

You will follow the same steps as you did when you initially registered for the sales agent exam. Log in to your Pearson VUE account to find the nearest test center and available testing date. You'll repay the full exam fee.


How many times can you take real estate exam in Maryland?

If you don’t pass, you have an unlimited number of retakes as long as you do it within your one-year testing eligibility window. You have to pay the exam fee of $44 each time you take the test. You can just retake the portion that you failed.

Wait 24 hours before rescheduling the exam. Then, go to the PSI website or call (855) 744-0318 to set the exam appointment.


How many times can I take the real estate exam in Massachusetts?

You must pass all sections of the Massachusetts real estate licensing exam within two years of the completion date on your educational certificate form. Otherwise, you have an unlimited number of retakes. You can just retake the section of the exam that you failed. The retake fee is $54.

You need to wait 24 hours before trying to reschedule your real estate salesperson exam. After that, you can log into your PSI account to schedule the retake. The retake fee is $54.


How many times can you take the real estate exam in Michigan?

You can take the Michigan state licensing exam as many times as needed until you pass.
You simply have to schedule a new exam attempt through PSI and pay for another exam fee.

If you did not pass the Michigan state licensing exam, you must schedule a new exam attempt through PSI.
You can do so through PSI's website or by phone at (800)733-9267.
You will also have to pay another $79 examination fee.

Your exam registration expires after one year.
If you do not take or pass the state exam within one year, you will have to re-register for the state exam and pay for another exam fee.


How many times can I take real estate exam in Minnesota?

If you failed one or both portions of the real estate salesperson licensing exam, the official score report will include instructions for retesting.

There is not a specified limit on the number of times you can retake the Minnesota salesperson exam. You must wait at least 24 hours before rescheduling the exam. If you failed just one section, you may retake just that portion of the exam. The fee will be $39. Otherwise, you will pay the full $63.

Register for the exam as you did the first time, by going online at or by contacting PSI at 833-273-1946.

On your official score report, you are provided with a diagnostic report for the general section of the test before leaving. It will show your strengths and weaknesses on each exam question type. Unfortunately, if you failed the state exam, you will not receive further information.


How many times can you take real estate test in Mississippi?

The Mississippi Real Estate Commission issues you a two-month testing window once it approves your license application. You can take the national portion and an unlimited number of times during this window. You can only take the state portion of the exam twice. If you feel it again, you have to wait three months and reapply for exam eligibility.

To retake the Mississippi State licensing exam, you first must wait 24 hours before contacting PSI. You can register using your online PSI account or by calling PSI at 855-557-0620. The exam retake will cost $75 regardless of how many sections you are taking. You also need to schedule the retakes within your two-month testing eligibility window.


How many times can you take the real estate exam in Missouri?

According to PSI Services, applicants may take the Missouri State real estate exam as often as they like, with no defined exam limits.

Candidates who need to retake the Missouri State exam must make another appointment for an exam. While space availability dictates the next available testing date, theoretically a test taker who is unsuccessful on a Tuesday could call on Wednesday to reschedule for Thursday if space permits. Scheduling is available 24 hours per day through PSI Services’ touch-tone phone system at 800-733-967


How many times can you retake real estate exam in Montana?

Montana's Board of Realty Regulation does not indicate a limit to the number of times you can take the licensing exam. You will need to pass it within two years of taking your pre-license course, or that course completion certificate will expire. You'll pay the same exam fee.

Follow the same registration process as you did to initially sign up for the exam. Go to or call (855) 898-0716.


How many times can you take the real estate test in Nebraska?

If you fail one section of the exam, you can take the other portion up to three times or six months, whichever comes first. If you cannot pass the exam within three attempts or six months, you have to retake the full exam. Otherwise, your exam eligibility is only good for one year from your license application form. You'll have to pass the exam within that window. Each time you fail the exam, you have to reapply to take the test and pay the required exam fee. You need to show your failed score report.


How many times can you fail the real estate exam in Nevada?

You are not limited on the number of times you can retake the test within a 12-month period. You just must pass the exam within 12 months of your initial test. If you fail just one section, you can retake just the failed part. You'll have to pay the exam fee each time you retake the test.You must wait 24 hours before rescheduling your exam.

You schedule a retake for the state licensing exam using the same process scheduling your initial exam. You just must wait 24 hours before calling (888) 248-8055 or going online to schedule the test.

New Hampshire

How many times can you retake the real estate exam in New Hampshire?

You can retake the New Hampshire licensing exam up to eight times within your six-month testing eligibility window. If you fail to pass within this window, you'll need to retake an accredited pre-license education course.

To schedule your exam retake, you must submit the original score report to the New Hampshire Real Estate Commission along with the state licensing exam fee of $155. Once you have an email from PSI, you can go online or call to set the exam appointment.

New Jersey

How many times can you take real estate exam in New Jersey?

New Jersey does not specify a limit on salesperson license exam retakes. Any retakes must be taken with your one-year eligibility window.

Wait 24 hours before logging in online. Go to the PSI website and follow the instructions to schedule your next exam attempt. You’ll need to pay the $45 exam fee again.

New Mexico

How many times can I take the real estate exam in New Mexico?

If you fail all or part of the New Mexico broker license exam, you have 90 days to pass the test. You can take it as many times as you need to within that 90 days.

Wait 24 hours before trying to reschedule your New Mexico broker exam. Then you can log on to your PSI account or call PSI at 855-557-0621 to schedule your retake. You'll have to pay the examination fee of $95.

New York

How many times can you take the real estate exam in New York?

You can take the NY state licensing exam as many times as needed until you pass.
You simply have to schedule a new attempt through your eAccessNY account and pay the $15 examination fee.

North Carolina

How many times can you take the real estate exam in North Carolina?

If you fail one or both sections of your exam, you may reschedule your exam and pay the corresponding fees directly through PSI, granted you are within the 180-day examination eligibility period. Most applicants who need to reschedule will be able to make use of PSI’s expedited “one stop” reapplication and examination rescheduling procedure. You will be able to pay the combined fees and will not need to complete a completely new license application.

If you have failed on your first attempt at the exam, you may retake it as soon as you want, after waiting 24 hours to schedule. If you test unsuccessfully on a Monday, you may call the next day, Tuesday, and retake the exam as quickly as Friday, depending on space availability.

You will be provided with a detailed, written analysis of your test results, broken down by section and subsection, which should be useful in preparing to retake the exam.

North Dakota

How many times can i take real estate exam in North Dakota?

The North Dakota Real Estate Commission does not limit how many times you can retake the salesperson licensing exam. You must just pass both portions of the exam within 12 months. You can retake just the North Dakota licensing exam section that you did not pass. The exam fee will still be $131. Remember to wait 24 hours before scheduling your retake. Then you'll be able to log into your PSI account or call PSI to schedule your retake.


How many times can you take real estate test in Ohio?

Each license application enables you to take the exam one time within your 12-month eligibility window. Your testing window is printed on the mailing label of your Candidate Bulletin. If you fail, you must submit a retake application provided with your score report. You will pay an exam fee each time you retest, $39 for one section or $58 for both. ODRE will let you know when your retake is approved.


How many times can you retake real estate exam in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma does not State any limits on how many times you can retake the salesperson license exam. It likely depends on how long your pre-license course completion certificate is valid. You will have to retake both sections. Oklahoma does not give the option to take just the failed section.

Wait 24 hours before trying to reschedule your Oklahoma State licensing exam. Then, you will contact PSI either by logging onto your online account or by calling them at 855-746-8169.


How many times can you take the real estate test in Oregon?

You can take the state broker license exam as many times as necessary to pass both the national and state portions. The fee to retake both sections or a single section is $75. If you pass one section and not the other, you can retake just the failed section. Just know that your passing section score is only valid for (1) year for your broker license application.

You will visit PSI’s website or call (833) 892-5441 to reschedule your state exam.


How many times can you take the real estate exam in Pennsylvania?

You can take the state exam as many times as needed until you pass. The authorization for Salespersons is good for 5 years after passing the first education course to take the exams.

If you do not pass the Pennsylvania state licensing exam, you must reschedule another attempt with Pearson VUE.

Please note that you cannot retake the exam on the same day in which you tested unsuccessfully. Reservations for reexamination cannot be made at the test center.

Rhode Island

How many times can you fail the real estate exam in Rhode Island?

After taking the exam the first time, you have a one-year window to pass the test. You can retake the exam as many times as you need within this window. You can retake the section that you failed. You'll still need to pay the $70 exam fee.

To schedule your exam retake, first wait 24 hours for the system to update. Go to your Pearson VUE account and follow the same procedures as when you registered the first time.

South Carolina

How many times can you take the real estate exam in South Carolina?

If you failed one or both portions of the real estate salesperson licensing exam, your score and reapplication instructions will be included in your score report.

You will need to re-register for the exam, which includes paying the exam fee again. You can do so by going online at or by contacting PSI at 800-733-9267. To register online or over the phone, you will need to be able to make payment by major credit card. You will not be able to reschedule an exam on the same day you have taken one. Instead, if you have passed one portion of the exam, but not the other, you will still need to wait until the next day or later before you reschedule the portion or portions you need to retake.

If you do not pass, you will immediately receive a notification on your screen that you did not pass. You will then be provided with a diagnostic report before leaving. It will show your strengths and weaknesses on each exam type.

South Dakota

How many times can you retake the real estate exam in South Dakota?

You can retake the exam as many times as you need to within one year. Wait 24 hours after the exam, and then schedule your next appointment on the PSI website. You can retake just the section you failed. The cost will be $95.

You'll schedule just like you did the first time. Go to the PSI website and schedule your next appointment. You can also call 855-557-0623. Every time you take the broker associate exam costs $95.


How many times can you take the real estate exam in Tennessee?

The affiliate broker exam is divided into two sections: national and state. If you pass one section, but not the other, you will only need to retake the section you failed. A passing score for one section of the exam will stay valid through two retakes of a failed section or for 6 months, whichever comes first.

If you have failed on your first attempt at the exam, you may retake it as soon as you want, after waiting 24 hours to schedule. If you test unsuccessfully on a Monday, you can call the next day, Tuesday, and then retest as quickly as Friday, depending on space availability.

After a second failed attempt, you will need to wait 30 days between any subsequent failed examinations to retake the exam.

If you are unsuccessful in passing the affiliate broker state exam, you will be provided with a written analysis of your test results, which should be useful in preparing to retake the exam.


How many times can you take the real estate exam in Texas?

TREC allows up to 3 attempts to pass both the national and state law portions of the exam.

If you fail one portion of the exam, you are only required to retake the portion you did not pass.

You simply have to reschedule your exam through Pearson VUE and pay the $54 exam fee.

If you fail one portion of the exam 3 times, you must take an additional 30 hours of qualifying real estate education.

If you fail both portions of the exam 3 times, you must take an additional 60 hours of qualifying real estate education.

We recommend that you retake the 30-hour Texas Real Estate Principles - Part 1 course if you fail the national portion of the exam 3 times, and the 30-hour Texas Law of Agency course if you fail the state law portion 3 times. However, you are allowed to retake any of the 6, 30-hour pre-license courses.

Once you complete the required additional qualifying education, you must submit the new Course Completion Certificates to TREC along with a copy of the third failed score report. You can do so via email at TREC will need 5-7 business days to process your documents and submit authorization to Pearson VUE. At that point, you can reschedule your state exam with Pearson VUE.

Please note that your license application is only active for 12 months. If you do not pass both portions of the licensing exam within 12 months, you will have to submit a new license application.


How many times can you take real estate exam in Utah?

If you do not pass one section or both sections, you have six months to retake the exam. You can retake the test as many times as you need to within those six months.

You must wait 24 hours before rescheduling the test. You will need to go back online to Pearson VUE or to call them at 801-530-6747. Follow the same steps as before to reschedule your exam, including paying the $59 exam fee.


How many times can i take the real estate exam in Vermont?

The Office of Professional Regulation does not limit the number of retakes for the national portion of the exam. To re-register, you need to turn in your original score report and a new exam application. No information was published about retaking the state portion of the exam at research time.

To re-register for the national portion of the salesperson exam, submit your score report along with the exam fee to PSI. You can go online or call PSI to set the next appointment. Contact the OPR for information on retaking the state portion of the salesperson exam.

You can retake the national portion of the Vermont licensing exam. Wait 24 hours before contacting PSI. You'll need to submit your original score report and pay $110 for the exam.


How many times can you take the real estate exam in Virginia?

You can take the Virginia state licensing exam as many times as needed until you pass.
You simply have to schedule a new exam attempt through PSI and pay the $60 exam fee for each attempt.

The quickest way to reschedule your exam is online through the PSI website, or by phone at (800)733-9267.
Please note that you cannot schedule a new exam attempt on the same day you tested unsuccessfully. You must wait until at least the following day to set up a new exam date.


How many times can you take the real estate exam in Washington?

If you failed one or both portions of the broker licensing exam, your score and reapplication instructions will be included in your score report.

You will need to re-register for the exam and pay the exam fee again. You can do so by going to or by calling 855-746-8168. To register online or over the phone, you will need to be able to make payment by credit card.

If you have passed one portion of the exam, but not the other, you will need to wait until the next day or later before you reschedule the failed portion. You will need to pass the remaining portion within six months of passing the other portion. If you are unable to do so, you will need to take and pass the entire exam again.

You will receive your score report once you have completed your exam. It will contain your score and information on any area you did not pass.

West Virginia

How many times can i take real estate exam in West Virginia?

You can take the West Virginia salesperson license exam one more time without reapplying to the West Virginia Real Estate Commission. If you passed one section and not the other, you have a three-month eligibility window to pass the second section. If you do not pass on the second attempt, you’ll need to apply with the West Virginia Real Estate Commission to retake the whole test.

First, wait 24 hours so your results can be uploaded to the system. Then you can log in to your PSI account online to reschedule, or you can call 855-340-3903.


How many times can you take the real estate exam in Wisconsin?

There is no limit as to how many times you can take the state exam. You can take the state exam as many times as needed until you pass. However, a $65 exam fee is applicable for each attempt.

Candidates must wait at least 24 hours before making a reservation to retake an exam.


How many times can you take real estate test in Wyoming?

Wyoming doesn’t limit the number of exam retakes, but you must pass both sections within six months of your first test.

Wait 24 hours after your licensing exam. Then you contact Pearson VUE to schedule your retake reservation. You’ll need to call Pearson Vue and have your failing score report with you.

If you failed one section of the licensing exam but not the other, you can just retake the failed section. Note that you have six months from your first exam to fully pass the licensing exam. After that, you’ll need to retake both sections again.

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