

Step by Step Guide How To Become a Virginia Real Estate Agent in 2024

By: RealEstateUUpdated: 5 March 2024

In a nutshell, here is how to get your real estate license in Virginia step by step.


  • You must be 18 years old or above.
  • You must hold a high school diploma (or its equivalent).

Step 1:

Complete the 60-hour Virginia Real Estate License Course. This course must be approved by the Virginia Department of Professional and Official Regulation (DPOR).

Step 2:

Schedule and pass the VA Real Estate License State Exam.

Step 3:

Submit your fingerprints and clear your background check verification.

Step 4:

Find a VA Sponsoring Broker who can help you kick start your real estate career.

Step 5:

Apply for your Virginia Real Estate Salesperson license.

Now let’s cover each of these steps in detail.



Welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to get your real estate license in Virginia!

Tired of working for someone else? Do you want to be your own boss? Well, a career in real estate could help you do that! This quick guide will help you find answers to questions like:

  • Who needs a real estate license in Virginia?
  • What basic qualifications would you need before you can apply for a real estate license in Virginia? 
  • What are the VA education requirements that you need to have to be able to apply for a license?  
  • How much will it cost?  
  • How much time would you need to get your VA real estate license?
  • and more…

If you’re looking to save time and money while studying to become a real estate agent in Virginia, you will love this updated guide!

Wisconsin real estate license sale woman agent
Real Estate License Virginia Basics

Chapter: 1

How To Get A Real Estate License in Virginia: The Basics
Steps To Get Your Real Estate License Virginia

Chapter: 2

How to Get a Real Estate License in Virginia: Becoming Licensed
How Much Does It Cost to Get a Virginia Real Estate License?

Chapter: 3

How to Get a Real Estate License in Virginia: The Costs
How Long Does It Take to Receive Your Virginia Real Estate License?

Chapter: 4

How to Get a Real Estate License in Virginia: Time Needed


How to Get a Real Estate License in Virginia: The Basics

In this chapter, you will learn about the basics of real estate licensing in Virginia

First, you will learn why you need a real estate agent license in Virginia. You will also understand why it is useful to have one!

Next, you will learn how you can have a successful career in real estate in Virginia.

Real estate license Virginia Chapter 1 basics.

Who Needs a Real Estate License in Virginia?

If you want to be your own boss with a career in real estate, then you will first need to get licensed in the state of Virginia. You can earn a living from various activities, such as buying, selling, or renting properties on behalf of your clients. 

With a Virginia real estate agent's license, you can represent a buyer or tenant looking to buy or lease a property, and earn a commission fee in the process. 

The Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (DPOR) is the authority that assigns and regulates licenses in the state of Virginia.

The DPOR determines the minimum standards necessary to enter a profession, and qualify applicants based on a combination of education, experience and examination.


How Much Can a Real Estate Agent Earn in Virginia?

The average salary for a real estate agent in Virginia is around $110,265 per year. 

To get information that is up-to-date, you can visit

How do I do that?

Type “real estate agent” in the What box and “Virginia” in the Where box.

Then click “Search”.

Real Estate Agents Salary in Virginia.

On the same page, if you scroll further,  you will also find a breakdown of the highest paying cities in Virginia for real estate agents. 

Below you can see a few examples for real estate agent salaries in MaLean, Arlington, Chantilly, Charlottesville, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Woodridge, Fredericksburg and Williamsburg.

Information for highest paying cities for real estate agents in Virginia listed on

What are the Types of Real Estate Licenses offered by the State of Virginia?

The state of Virginia offers two types of licenses. They are:

  1. Real estate Salesperson license
  2. Real estate Brokers license 

If you want to be a real estate professional in Virginia, you will first need a real estate Salesperson license. You will need to be sponsored by a licensed VA Broker to start working as a real estate agent. 

Under the guidance and supervision of the Broker, you will be able to learn and establish yourself in the field of real estate. 


All salespersons must work for a licensed broker, also called a ‘sponsoring broker’.

You will be able to apply for your Virginia Broker license only after being actively engaged as a Salesperson for 36 of the 48 months before applying for the license. 

In this guide, we will focus only on how to get your real estate salesperson license in the state of Virginia. 


How To Get A Real Estate License in Virginia: Becoming Licensed

To become a licensed real estate agent in Virginia, you will need to follow five steps.

In this chapter, you will learn exactly what these five steps are.

Let’s dive right in!

Chapter 2 Steps to get real estate license in Virginia.

Step #1: 

Complete the Virginia 60-Hour Real Estate License Course

Your first step to beginning your journey towards getting a Virginia real estate Salesperson license is to complete the 60-hour pre-licensing course. 

The pre-licensing course is offered by education providers who are approved by the Virginia Real Estate Board. 

You can take the VA real estate pre-licensing education either as classroom training or as online classes. 

You’ll find more information about this in Chapter 3. 

So, keep reading! 

Here’s how you can view the list of approved providers.

1. Go to the Virginia DPOR website.

Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation Home page

2. Click Apply for a License tab.

Apply for a License tab on Virginia DPOR website.

3. Next, scroll down to the list of regulated professions and occupations. Click on the Real Estate Salespeople and Brokers link.

Real Estate Salespeople & Brokers link on Virginia DPOR website.

4. On the next page Real Estate Board, click the Education & Exams dropdown option. You will find PRE-LICENSE Education Courses for New Applicants.

Pre-License Education providers link on Virginia DPOR website.

5. This PDF will show you the Approved Real Estate Pre-License Course options. Here is an example of Real Estate U as an approved real estate school.

Information showing Real Estate U as an approved pre-license education provider in Virginia.

The 60-hour Virginia pre-license real estate course will have a Course Final Exam at the end. You must pass this Course Final Exam to qualify to appear for the Virginia State Exam. 

You will receive your Course Completion Certificate as soon as you pass the Course Final Exam. You will be asked to provide this certificate as evidence that you have completed the VA pre-licensing course when you schedule your Virginia State Exam.


Keep in mind that the Course Exam is separate from the  State Exam. Passing the Course Exam only qualifies you to apply for the State Exam. If you fail the State Exam, you cannot get your license. So, don’t confuse the two exams!

Step #2: 

Schedule and Pass the Virginia Real Estate State Exam

The next step to getting your Virginia real estate license is to pass the Virginia State Exam. You can schedule your Virginia Real Estate License Examination through a professional testing center called PSI Services

PSI Services offer a lot of different examination programs nationwide.

There are 3 ways in which you can be approved to take the State Exam. You can apply for a license by examination:

  1. with a letter from the board for permission to take the examination, OR
  2. by reciprocity (We will cover this option at the end of this Chapter.), OR
  3. from your education provider

If you have completed the 60-hour Virginia real estate license course from a Board approved school, you need to select the third option.

Your education provider will provide your eligibility to PSI. They will notify the PSI testing center that you have completed the course. 

After your school has submitted your file to PSI, you can schedule your exam with PSI online or by telephone. 

1. Here’s how you can schedule your Virginia Real Estate Exam online? 

Go to the PSI Services website and do the following: 

  • register for an exam on the PSI website
  • pay the examination fee
  • schedule your examination
  • take the license examination online

If you don’t already have an account with PSI, then this is the time to create your own account.

Here is how to sign up for PSI for taking your VA Real Estate Exam.

A. On the PSI Exam website, click Create an account.

PSI Homepage to create an account.

B. Next, fill in your details and personal information as requested. This information must match the information submitted by your education provider. Be sure to check the box next to ‘Check here to attempt to locate existing records for you in the system’.

PSI website requesting details and personal information needed to create the account.

C. Your record will be found, and you will now have to pay a fee of $60 and schedule the Exam. 

D. Enter your zip code. You will see a list of the testing sites closest to you. Once you select the desired test site, you will see the available dates. 

2. Here’s how to schedule your Virginia Real Estate Exam via telephone?

You can call PSI at 855 340-3910 to schedule an examination appointment. 

You can speak to a PSI representative Monday - Friday, between 7:30 am and 10:00 pm and Saturday - Sunday, between 9:00 am and 5:30 pm, Eastern Time. 

You can choose one of the following cities as your PSI Examination location:

  • Vienna Area
  • Richmond
  • Virginia Beach
  • Roanoke
  • Charlottesville
  • Johnson City (Tennessee)
  • Eastern Shore Area (Maryland)

Johnson City and Eastern Shore Area do not offer the Fingerprinting process.

We will talk about this process in detail in the next step. 

Your PSI registration is valid for one examination only. 

The examination fee is valid for one year from the date PSI receives the fee.

Now that you have successfully registered for your VA Salesperson Examination, you need to pass it. Let’s look at a few details about the VA Salesperson Examination.

The State exam consists of two portions: 

  1. National portion 
  2. State portion 

You can find the Virginia Salesperson Examination summary below:



No. of Questions

Minimum Passing Score 70%

Time Allocated




56 correct answers

105 mins




30 correct answers

45 mins

You need to pass both the National and the State portions of the exam to proceed to the next step.

Pro Tip:

When you go to the testing center, remember to carry identification that matches the legal name that you used on the Examination Registration Form to register for the examination. 

If the name in the PSI system does not match the name on your government-issued ID and 2nd form of ID, you will not be permitted to take the examination and the examination fee will be forfeited.

Step #3: 

Submit Your Real Estate License Fingerprints and Clear the Background Check Verification in Virginia

Now that you have passed the Virginia Real Estate Examination, the next step is for you to get your fingerprints taken. Your fingerprints will be used to conduct a background check.

Fingerprinting is mandatory. Before you submit your application for a VA real estate license, you must submit a set of fingerprints to the Virginia Central Criminal Records Exchange (CCRE). The CCRE will conduct a state and national fingerprint based criminal history record. 

You can submit your fingerprints in 2 ways. 

  1. At a PSI testing location
  2. By using Fieldprint

How do you submit your fingerprints at a PSI testing location?

You can do this by simply getting your fingerprints taken after you complete the VA State Exam!

The Johnson City, Tennessee and Salisbury, MD test sites do not offer fingerprinting. 

You can pay the $52.00 fee, by money order, cashier’s check, VISA or MasterCard. 

Pro Tip

Save yourself time and get fingerprinted at the same PSI center where you appear for your Virginia Real Estate License Exam! 

How do you submit your fingerprints using Fieldprint?

Fieldprint, is a leading provider of nationwide electronic fingerprinting services. It offers sites throughout Virginia where license applicants can go to have their fingerprints taken via Livescan. 

A. Go to Fieldprint Virginia. Click on the Schedule an Appointment tab. 

Fieldprint website to schedule a fingerprint appointment.

B. Enter an email address under New Users/Sign Up. Click the Sign Up button.

Fieldprint sign up page.

C. Enter the Fieldprint Code for the Real Estate Salesperson license – FPDPORRES

D. You will need to enter your contact and demographic information. You can then schedule a fingerprint appointment at a location convenient to you. 

E. At the end of the process, print the Confirmation Page. You must take the Confirmation Page with you to your fingerprint appointment, along with two forms of identification. 

This whole process of verification may take 4 to 6 weeks


Remember background checks expire after 45 days. So, submit your license application during that time or otherwise you will have to get your fingerprints taken again for an additional fee.

Step #4: 

Find a Real Estate License Sponsoring Broker in Virginia

Licensed real estate salespersons in Virginia are required to work under a sponsoring broker. This means you will need to be employed by a licensed broker or brokerage firm in Virginia.

One easy and practical way to choose a broker in Virginia is to check out 

For example:

We searched for “real estate agent” in “Virginia” and found a list of brokerage firms. The list also includes information about how much a real estate agent can potentially earn working for each of these firms.

List of Virginia real estate brokerages and their yearly earning potential.

Pro Tip:

As a newly licensed Virginia real estate agent, it is best to look for a sponsoring broker that has a strong education program for new agents. Focus less on getting the high commissions, and focus more on getting properly educated!

Step #5: 

Submit Your Virginia Real Estate License Application

Once you pass the VA real estate State Exam and submit your fingerprints, you must submit a  completed Virginia Real Estate license application within one year of passing the State Exam. 

How do you apply for a Virginia Real Estate License?

A. Go to the DPOR Real Estate page. Go to forms and applications for Salespersons.

Virginia DPOR Real Estate Salesperson License application page.

B. Under the Apply section, select Static.

Virginia DPOR Online Services Profile creation page.

C. Print and fill in the form.

Virginia DPOR Real Estate Salesperson License Application Form.

D. Post a check or money order of $170, payable to the Treasurer Of Virginia, or a completed credit card insert along with:

  • Original Certification of Licensure/Letter(s) of Good Standing dated within 60 days of application receipt. This is required ONLY if you had or have been licensed to practice real estate in any other state.
  • Original or certified transcript, Education Certification, Certification of Completion, License Certification or other documentation verifying the completion of your VA real estate license course. 
  • Disciplinary Action Reporting Form and all required attachments. This form is optional. If you DO NOT have any disciplinary action to report then don’t.

Once your application is approved by the DPOR, your license will be mailed to your sponsoring broker. And you can begin your career as a real estate professional in the state of Virginia!


Remember to renew your license within the first year of licensure by completing 30 hours of post-license education. 

You will also have to complete 16 hours of Continuing Education courses within each two-year renewal period.

Virginia Real Estate License Reciprocity

Do you already have an active real estate license from another state? And you want to get your license in Virginia? 

If the answer is yes to both these questions, then you’re in for a good surprise! 

Virginia is one of the few states in the country that offers full reciprocity with all other states. Yes, after completing a few steps, you can become a licensed real estate agent in the state of Virginia too. 

If you meet the requirements for reciprocity, the Real Estate Board will waive the 60-hour pre-license education requirement and the national portion of the VA State licensing exam.

This means that you will only have do the following to obtain your Virginia real estate salespersons license through reciprocity:

1) Pass the State portion of the Virginia real estate licensing exam.

2) Get fingerprinted at the PSI testing center.

3) Submit a VA Salesperson License Application with the following documents:

  • An original or certified transcript, Education Certification, Certification of Completion, License Certification or other documentation certifying the completion of a real estate license course that is substantially similar to the 60-hour Virginia pre-license course.
  • An original Certificate of Licensure or Letter of Good Standing from your current state, dated within 60 days of your Virginia license application being submitted. This is required for all states where you are or have been licensed to practice real estate.
  • A Disciplinary Action Reporting Form if you ever had any disciplinary action taken against your current or past real estate license(s).
  • Payment for the $170 license application fee.


How to Get A Real Estate License in Virginia: The Costs

Getting your Virginia real estate license will cost money. This Chapter will help you understand how much you would be looking to spend.

There are fixed and variable costs. 

Fixed costs are what you will spend for the VA real estate license application fee, the examination fee, and the fee for background checks.

Variable costs are what you will spend for the VA real estate licensing course you need to take. Online courses are cheaper than in-person classroom courses. Also, the fees you pay will depend on the school you choose.

Ready to learn the details?

Real estate license Virginia Chapter 3 Virginia real estate license cost.

What are the Variable Costs Associated with Getting Your Online Virginia Real Estate Course?

The variable costs are related to the Virginia real estate licensing course. These costs will vary depending on:

  • whether you choose online courses or classroom programs and
  • the education provider you select

Online courses for Virginia Pre-licensing Real Estate License cost between $99 and $360. This cost will vary depending on the education provider that you choose. 

The advantage of choosing an online course over a physical classroom course is that you can save money and time. Online courses are flexible and you can study at your own pace and according to your schedule. Also, they tend to be less expensive compared to in-class courses.

We have provided details about the Virginia Real Estate License Course from RealEstateU

We have also included courses from other schools below. All schools follow the same curriculum provided by the state. So most courses will be similar. 


Please do your own research as the prices may change after the publication of this page.

RealEstateU® offers the full 60-hour Virginia Real Estate License Online Course for $99. We believe this is the most affordable real estate licensing course in Virginia.


How to get a Real Estate License in Virginia.

The CE shop offers the 60-Hour Virginia Real Estate Course for prices ranging from $171.75 to $359.25.

The CE Shop Real Estate License Course in Virginia.

The Real Estate Express offers the Virginia Real Estate License Course ranging from $130.20 to $325.50.

The Real Estate Express License Course in Virginia.

Kaplan Real Estate Education offers the Virginia Real Estate course at $348.

How to get Kaplan Real Estate Education License in Virginia.

Virginia Real Estate Physical Classroom Licensing Courses

Apart from the online courses, there are classroom and live-stream classes available as well. 

Livestream classes are usually conducted live by an instructor. You can attend these classes from the comfort of your home but you would need to present yourself virtually for the class at the scheduled time.  

Let’s look at some options. 

Aspire Real Estate School offers the Virginia Real Estate Licensing classroom courses at $349.00. 

How to get Aspire Real Estate Education License in Virginia.

Tri Corner Real Estate School offers the VA Pre-Licensing Real Estate Classroom Courses at $430.00.

Tri Corner Real Estate Institute Classroom Course in Virginia.

The Real Estate Express offers Livestream packages (this is online but one needs to be present to a fixed schedule) on certain days of the week. They are available at $325.50.

Real Estate Express Livestream Course in Virginia.

What are the Fixed Costs Associated With Getting Your Virginia Real Estate License?

Some costs are fixed and are set by the Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (DPOR).

They are: 






State Examination Fee


Per attempt


Fingerprint Fee




License Application Fee






Now that we have both the variable and the fixed costs, we can calculate the total cost for acquiring a Virginia Real Estate Salesperson License. 

The costs we’ve presented below include the pre-licensing course from Real Estate U as it is the lowest priced course (according to our research).



REU’s Virginia Real Estate Salesperson Licensing Course


State Examination Fee


Fingerprint Fee


License Fee




Now that we know the cost to obtain a Virginia real estate license, let’s look at the time required to get one. 


How to get a Virginia Real Estate License: Time Needed

The last few pieces of information you’re probably wondering about are: 

  • How much time would I need to study for the Virginia license?
  • How long would the VA real estate license application process take? 
  • When can I expect to receive the VA real estate state exam results?

That’s what this Chapter will focus on.
Let’s jump right in!

Real estate license Virginia Chapter 4 how to get your real estate license in Virginia.

Estimated Time for Completing the Virginia Real Estate Licensing Course

Typically we see students complete the entire process in as little as 3-4 months.

Pie Chart showing the time needed to obtain a Virginia real estate license.

The amount of time it takes to obtain your VA real estate license will depend on how much time in a day you can dedicate to studying for the 60-hour pre-licensing course. 

Some students are able to finish the course in about one month. Others may need a couple of months to complete the requirements and qualify for the State Exam. 


Virginia Real Estate License Application Process, State Exam, and Background Checks

Scheduling the State Exam can take 1-2 days. Studying for the VA real estate State Exam will depend on how much time you are able to put aside for it.

The Fingerprinting process takes about 4-6 weeks to complete.

Finding a sponsoring broker can take around 2 weeks taking into account the time it would take to find, interview and assess if the broker meets your expectations. 

The license application process from start to finish can take up to 2 weeks

Keeping these points in mind, we usually see students complete the entire process in approximately 3-4 months.

And there it is! Your handy guide to getting your Virginia real estate license. 

If you have any questions, please Contact Us.

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