Real Estate and Remote Work: Understanding the Opportunities, Benefits and Trends

By Ciprian Morariu Published: January 23, 2024

The global pandemic became the catalyst that changed the way work happened. It shifted the expectations of employers and employees, customers and clients. 

This unprecedented change in the way work is done quickly forced everyone to move from in-office to remote-only, thereby, changing the very definition of workplace. 

Over a short period, a growing number of businesses and companies have fully embraced the flexible nature of remote work. Even employees and real estate professionals have adapted to the remote-first way of getting work done. 

With the advent of technology and virtual tools, there has been a surge in the adoption of remote-first work opportunities. 

Even in real estate, which has traditionally been an in-person, on-site industry, employers and professionals are experiencing the impact of these new trends. 

Due to the sudden shift in the industry, real estate professionals, including agents, brokers, and appraisers have all moved to remote-first. They are no longer tied to a single location to get work done. 

Are you an upcoming real estate agent? Have you been wondering about a common question - can you work from home as a real estate agent? Let’s find out the answers to your questions! 

As the real estate industry continues to evolve with the changing times and emerging trends, now is a good time to get started as a remote real estate agent. Now is a good time to get your foot through the door and enjoy the flexibility of working remotely. 

In this article, we will discuss in detail the real estate trends related to remote work and what are the benefits and opportunities you can enjoy as a remote worker. 

To get clarity on how you can adapt to a new way of working remotely, read the article till the end as we will share actionable tips and tricks.

Real Estate Agent

Can You Work from Home as a Real Estate Agent?

Rise of Remote-First in Real Estate Job Opportunities

Traditionally, real estate has been an in-person and on-ground industry where people worked from offices or traveled to meet clients. 

Post the pandemic, this notion has changed drastically. The mindset that real estate is a field job only has given way to a flexible, more current way of working remotely from anywhere as long as the job is getting done. 

Many companies, firms, and independent professionals in real estate have adopted remote jobs that allow them to work freely from their homes or any place suitable.

Remote jobs in real estate have been on the rise for the last few years, thanks to the growing number of real estate professionals who voluntarily want to switch to remote work only. 

But now that the shift has happened, a growing number of real estate professionals are adapting to the remote way of working. Trends show that even traditional real estate agents, brokers, and appraisers are now deciding to work remotely only. 

As a result, there has been a massive influx from full in-office jobs to remote, hybrid work opportunities in real estate. 

If you are considering starting a real estate career soon, this could be a pivotal time for you to enter the industry. Due to the shifting nature of real estate jobs, you can easily start on the right foot by getting a remote real estate job. 

Put simply, working from home is no longer a limiting constraint in real estate. Instead, it is a flexible reality which offers the best for both employers and employees. 

There are proven merits to working from home as a real estate professional but what about the challenges and potential pitfalls? Let’s find out about these factors in detail below. 

Advantages of Working from Home as a Real Estate Agent

Ask anyone about the biggest advantage of working from home and they will tell you the flexibility and freedom to manage work and life. No wonder why there’s a growing demand for remote real estate jobs. 

Here are some additional invaluable benefits for remote real estate professionals: 

  1. Work-Life balance: Working in a dynamic, fast-paced industry like real estate can be hectic. Thankfully with remote jobs on the rise, more real estate professionals can manage their work and life effectively.
  2. Save time: Imagine not having to worry about your morning and evening commute to work! Remote workers save a significant amount of time every day and these hours can easily be utilized to get more done personally and professionally. 
  3. Save money: Working remotely will also help you save money spent on traveling, commuting, and other expenses incurred in an in-office environment. Savings of fuel alone is a huge factor when you do the math as it can amount to a significant sum of money over some time.
  4. Better time management: Remote working professionals have agreed to have the ability to manage their everyday schedule better. The flexibility to work from home helps avoid unnecessary meetings and minimize unproductive activities. This frees up a lot of time for you to focus on your work and get real work done. 
  5. Improved mental health: Studies have shown that working from home can be beneficial for the mental health and well-being of employees who previously had to face long commutes. Many real estate agents have agreed to feel more relaxed while working from home. 

All the above advantages of working remotely are great for aspiring and experienced real estate professionals.

Remote working in real estate is here to stay, however, with great benefits there are also some common challenges of working from home. Let’s find out more about them in detail next. 

Common Challenges in Remote Real Estate Agent Roles

The rise of remote work in real estate has led to the emergence of some newfound challenges, which have been affecting many real estate professionals. 

Some of these common challenges might seem small, but over time, can affect the productivity and efficiency of remote workers negatively. 

  1. Limited Collaboration: Many real estate professionals have admitted that working from home negatively impacts their ability to collaborate with their team. When you are not present in the same space or location, achieving smooth collaboration can be difficult. 
  2. Lack of On-Field Expertise: If you are an upcoming real estate agent, it is important to gain on-field, real-world experience for a strong foundation. When you work remotely, it can be difficult to simulate the experience of collaborating and learning from others, as you would do in an office or on-ground environment. 
  3. Limited Client Access: Remote real estate agents have limited access to clients, as working from home restricts their ability to meet and greet clients in person. Clients generally prefer meeting agents at their offices, residences, or restaurants. 

Listed above are some common disadvantages of working remotely as a real estate agent. However, these should not discourage you as there are possible workarounds to overcome these challenges. 

Due to the rise in the availability of online jobs for real estate agents, it is possible to start your career as a remote real estate agent. 

Ready to get your foot in the door as a remote salesperson? Here are some tips to keep in mind.

Real Estate Agent Working

Exploring Types of Remote Real Estate Job Opportunities

A Growing Availability of Remote Jobs

Industry trends, Bureau of Labor Statistics data, and job market surveys show that more than 35% of jobs are shifting to remote from in-office and on-premise. 

Real estate is also being affected by the shift to a hybrid and remote-first way of working is emerging as the preferred medium in new job openings. 

The job market has embraced the remote culture and the trends are pointing towards an increased number of remote first jobs for agents and brokers.  

Online Real Estate Jobs for Agents: Options and Possibilities

Planning to start your career with remote jobs in real estate? Let us walk you through some of the most popular job opportunities you can tap into: 

  1. Real estate data entry clerk: your main responsibility is to ensure important data, information, and documentation are updated, managed, and stored. As a data entry clerk, you will be responsible for ensuring compliance with all paperwork related to a real estate transaction. 
  2. Real estate agent: your prima facie job responsibility is to assist sellers and buyers in real estate transactions. You will also be responsible for scouting new leads and opportunities. The day-to-day responsibilities will also include working with brokers, property managers, and appraisers. 
  3. Relocation specialist: your job responsibilities will include managing and overseeing the relocation requirements of a company or a client based on their preference, budgets, or needs. You might have to travel occasionally. 
  4. Managing broker: your core job role is to manage real estate agents and junior brokers and ensure they are duly completing their responsibilities. You must also ensure, establish, and enforce the guidelines, standards, and best practices for your brokerage firm. 
  5. Real estate appraiser: A real estate appraiser is a licensed professional who is responsible for accurately and objectively evaluating the fair market value of a property. Your job responsibilities will include research, analysis, and reporting of your detailed findings and recommendations related to pricing a property. 
  6. Escrow officer: If finance and accounting are your strong suits, then working as an escrow officer can be a good career path for you. The key responsibilities of a real estate escrow officer include managing the availability of funds required to close a transaction. Additionally, you must also be able to manage the paperwork related to the finances and ensure compliance with the state regulations. 
  7. Leasing agent: As a real estate leasing agent, you will be responsible for assisting and guiding prospective clients in leasing real estate. Your job duties will also include managing paperwork, preparing leasing documentation, and conducting site visits with clients.  
  8. Asset manager: The job of an asset manager in real estate is to ensure guiding clients through investment decision-making progress. You will be the point of contact when a buyer or seller wants to know more about managing and growing their assets. 

Succeeding as a Remote Real Estate Professional

Establishing a productive work setup at home

To achieve your career goals you need to have high productivity and skill. 

Having a dedicated desk setup is an easy way to provide yourself with a conducive working environment at home so you can focus on your tasks and get more done without distractions. 

For remotely working real estate professionals, it is important that their work setup is practical, easy to use, and comes with the required tools. 

When you work in a well-lit, comfortable, and peaceful working environment, it is easier to stay focused for longer and boost your productivity. 

The Importance of Self-Discipline and Better Time Management in Remote Jobs

Remote work for real estate professionals is a flexible and exciting opportunity, however, it works best only when you have a specific schedule and a set routine in place. 

Without a pre-defined schedule, it can be difficult to manage work-life. 

If you simply go on with your days without self-discipline, then it is just a matter of time before you lose track of your tasks and schedule. 

To avoid this problem, it is recommended that you establish a working schedule in advance to stay on top of things. This way, you can manage your everyday tasks and goals easily without having to worry about the nitty-gritty of daily time management. 

Self-organized professionals find it easier to juggle multiple tasks and fulfill different personal and work responsibilities with ease. 

Having an organized schedule also makes it easier for them to manage their professional duties better. 

The Role of Technology and Online Tools to Advance in your Real Estate Career

Want to make a successful career while working as a remote real estate professional?

It’s time to leverage technology and make use of industry-standard tools and software to get the job done. 

In a competitive industry like real estate, time is money. To stay ahead of the curve, you must learn how to maximize your time and get more done. 

Thankfully with the use of online tools and software, almost every job can be automated partially or fully. 

For example - instead of manually following up with your client list, you could simply send an automated email cadence on a set schedule with the help of a CRM. 

This way you will eliminate the redundant manual effort and get work done faster.  

Similarly, if you cannot meet a potential client in person due to different schedules or priorities, you can use video conferencing software like Zoom to set up a virtual call. 

This way you can provide online consultations to clients and meet them wherever they are, 

Using social media as a real estate professional is another way to promote your services and spread the word about your firm or practice.