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What do you need to be a real estate agent?
By Jordan PetkovPublished: December 13, 2022
Are you thinking about shifting your career and becoming a real estate agent? The job doesn’t require an academic degree but it doesn’t mean that everyone can enter the industry. There are general and state requirements one needs to meet to apply for a license. So, what do you need to be a real estate agent?
What do you need to be a real estate agent? General requirements
What do you need to be a real estate agent? Every state has different requirements for getting a real estate license. There are some general criteria that are pretty much the same everywhere. To be able to become an agent, you have to:
Be at least 18 years old (21 in some states).
Have a clean criminal record.
Be a US citizen or have a valid visa.
Complete a real estate pre-licensing course.
These are only some of the general requirements you need to meet. Before you decide to start a career in real estate, be sure to check specific criteria in your state.
Is it the right career for you?
Even if you meet the requirements and get your license, it doesn’t mean that you have everything needed to be a real estate agent.
The job requires:
being proactive,
having great organizational and communication skills,
being able to work independently,
being knowledgeable about the market and the properties you’re selling.
The amount of time needed to obtain a real estate license varies by state. Typically, the process takes from a few weeks to a few months.
The first step is to complete an accredited pre-licensing course. You'll need to pass a state-specific exam and undergo a background check. Next you will need to have a sponsoring broker. Once this is done, you can submit the application to the state real estate commission. Finally, you'll be issued the license.
What are the benefits of working as a real estate agent?
There are many benefits of working as a real estate agent. The most common advantages of this job include:
flexible working hours - as a real estate agent, you can set your own working hours. This allows you to tailor your schedule to personal plans,
being your own boss - you can decide how many hours to work or how many deals to close in a given time period,
unlimited earning potential - your earning potential as a real estate agent isn’t capped,
helping people find their dream homes - as a real estate agent, you have the opportunity to help people fulfill their dreams of owning a property.
Are you asking yourself “what do I need to become a real estate agent”? The process of becoming a licensed real estate agent is pretty straightforward. Here are the four steps you need to take:
Complete a pre-licensing course that can take from 40 to 180 hours, depending on the state requirements,
Pass the state exam that is a multiple choice test, covering the national and state portions,
Get a sponsoring broker you’ll work under. The broker will hold your license and will introduce you to the industry
Undergo a background check and apply for your real estate license.
After completing these steps, you can start a career as a real estate agent.
The takeaway
What do you need to become a real estate agent? If you’re thinking about becoming a real estate agent, check the requirements in your state.
Typically, to obtain a license, you need to be at least 18 years old, have a clean criminal record, be a US citizen or have a valid visa, and complete a real estate license course.