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Depending on the education and application requirement for your specific state it might take you anywhere from 2-4 months to obtain your real estate license.
Simply click on one of the state links below and you will see specifi information about the time it will take you to take a license.
Choose the answer by state?
How long does it take to get your real estate license in Alabama?
The time required to achieve your Alabama real estate salesperson's license will vary from person to person. Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to earn your Alabama real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 60-hour AL pre-license course.
- Many students choose to take the course online so they can complete the hours at their pace.
- An online course can be faster to complete than an in-person class.
- Finishing your 60-hour course can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks, depending on how quickly you complete the course online.
Step 2: Schedule and take the State exam.
-You must wait for your exam eligibility to be submitted before scheduling the course. You’ll receive a notification via email. This could take up to 7 days from the date you officially finish your course.
- Once you’ve been notified, schedule your exam through https://schedule.psiexams.com or by calling 888-818-5824.
- Scheduling the exam can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 3: Apply for a Temporary License
-You have up to 90 days to apply for the Temporary Salesperson's License, starting with the day you pass the exam. If you have all the documents gathered, you could submit the application within a day.
Step 4: Submit Fingerprints for a Background Check
-All applicants must get their fingerprints taken and by the state’s background check processor. Find full fingerprint scanning and processing instructions at www.aps.gemalto.com.
- The process for the AREC to receive your results could take up to 30 days.
- Time your application submission with your fingerprint date.
Step 5: Take the 30-hour Post-Licensing Course
-You will need to take a 30-hour Post-Licensing Course before you can apply for a permanent license.
-Many opt to take the post-licensing course online in order to work at their pace on their schedule. It could be done in as little as a week.
Step 6: Apply for your permanent license
- You can submit the application as soon as you have passed the post-licensing course. The AREC does not offer a process timeline, but we estimate it will be 2-4 weeks.
-You will need to be hired by an Alabama licensed real estate broker to receive your permanent license.
Total Time: 8-12 weeks
As you see, it’s possible to have an Alabama real estate license within eight weeks. How quickly you earn your license will depend on when you complete your course, pass the exam, apply for the license, clear the background check, and get hired by a broker.
How long does it take to get a real estate license in Alaska?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Alaska real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 40-hour Alaska Pre-License course.
• An online course can be faster and more affordable to complete than an in-person class.
• Expect a flexible online course to take anywhere from 1-2 weeks, depending on how quickly you complete the lessons.
Step 2: Schedule and take the state exam.
• You can schedule your exam through www.pearsonvue.com or by calling (800) 274-5592.
• Depending on test center availability and your schedule, your exam appointment may be 1-3 weeks out.
Step 3: Purchase E & O Insurance
• All real estate salespersons are required to carry errors and omissions insurance in Alaska.
• Your policy begins when you pay your premium.
• Pricing and choosing a policy can take 1-3 weeks depending on how quickly you receive quotes and select a policy.
Step 4: Be hired by an Alaska broker
• An Alaska licensed broker must agree to hire you before submitting your license application.
• Hiring can take 1-3 months.
Step 5: Apply for your license.
• You can submit the application as soon as you have passed the exam, been hired by an Alaska broker, and have proof of E&O insurance. You have a six-month limit to apply.
• The online application is the fastest way to apply.
• Processing can take the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development 2-4 weeks.
Total Time: 10-24 weeks
It's possible to have your Alaska real estate license within three months, but it depends on how quickly you work through the steps: completing your course, passing the exam, obtaining insurance, being hired by a broker, and applying for the license.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Arizona?
The time required to achieve your Arizona real estate salesperson's license will vary from person to person. Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to earn your Arizona real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 90-hour AZ pre-license course.
- Most students take the course online so they can complete the course at their pace.
- An online course can be faster to complete than an in-person class.
- Finishing your 90-hour course can take anywhere from 2-6 weeks, depending on how quickly you complete the course online.
Step 2: Schedule and take the State exam.
- You can schedule your exam through www.pearsonvue.com/az/realestate or by calling (888) 405-5776
- Scheduling the exam can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 3: Get an AZ Fingerprint Clearance Card
-All applicants must get their fingerprints taken and secure a Fingerprint Clearance Card (FCC) before applying for their license.
-According to their site, an applicant with no criminal history could be processed in less than ten days.
- The process to receive your FCC could take 8-10 weeks.
- Apply as soon as you pass your 90-hour pre-license course.
Step 4: Take the 6-hour Contract Writing Course
-Once you have passed the state exam, you will need to take a 6-hour Contract Writing Course before you can apply for your license.
-Completing your 6-hour course could take anywhere from a day to a week, depending on when and where you take the course.
Step 5: Apply for your license
- You can submit the application as soon as you have your course completion certificates, Fingerprint Clearance Card, and official exam score report. The ADRE does not offer a process time estimate, but assume 2-4 weeks.
Step 6: Be Hired and Get Activated
You will need to be hired by an Arizona licensed real estate broker. Once your application is approved, your real estate broker will activate your license, and you can begin transacting real estate.
Total Time: 6-12 weeks
As you see, it’s possible to have your real estate license within six weeks. How quickly you earn your license will depend on when you complete your course, pass the exam, clear the
fingerprint check, apply for the license, and get hired by a broker.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Arkansas?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Arkansas real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 60-hour Arkansas Pre-License course.
• While you can take the course at a college or university, an online course is a faster and more affordable way to meet the education requirement.
• This step can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks, depending on how quickly you complete an online course.
Step 2: Submit the AR license application.
• You can submit the application as soon as you have finished your pre-license course.
• The Arkansas Real Estate Commission requires you to submit fingerprints on an FBI fingerprint card.
• AREC estimates 5-10 days to process a completed application and issue a Certificate of Testing Eligibility. Any delays will push this date out further.
• We estimate 1-2 weeks to get your fingerprints and application documents together and 2 weeks for mailing and processing.
Step 3: Schedule and take the state exam.
• You can schedule your exam through http://www.pearsonvue.com or by calling 1-800-274-2606.
• Expect scheduling to take from 1-3 weeks, depending on availability at the testing location.
Step 4: Send follow-up documents and pay the licensing fee.
• Once you pass the exam, you have 90 days to pay your licensing fee and send your official exam score report.
• Submission should take no more than one week to mail in. AREC does not estimate a processing time to issue your initial license. Expect 2 weeks.
Step 5: Take your post-license course
• Arkansas requires all real estate salespersons to take an 18-hour post-license education within six months of the licensing date.
• The time to take the class should be 1-2 weeks.
Total Time: 10-16 weeks
It's possible to have an Arkansas real estate license within three months. How quickly you earn your license will depend on the time it takes you in completing your pre-license course, applying for the license, passing the exam, and processing at the AREC.
How long does it take to get real estate license in California?
Here is a breakdown of the time frames involved in getting your California real estate license:
Step 1: Complete the required 3, 45-hour pre-license courses - 7-1/2 weeks
According to the DRE, you cannot complete any one, 45-hour course within 2-1/2 weeks. This means it will take a minimum of 7-1/2 weeks to complete all three courses.
Step 2: Apply to take the state exam - 6-8 weeks
You can check the DRE Current Application Processing Timeframes to see how long it will take to receive an exam date from the DRE.
Step 3: Apply for your real estate license - 2-4 weeks
Total Time Frame: 15-1/2 - 19-1/2 weeks
Due to the long processing times, we recommend submitting a Combined Salesperson Exam and License Application. This will save you at least 2-4 weeks of time.
How long does it take to get your real estate license in Colorado?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Colorado real estate broker license:
Step 1: Complete the required 168-hour Colorado Pre-License course.
- Most students opt to take the course online so they can complete the course at their pace.
- An online course can be faster to complete than an in-person class.
- This step can take anywhere from 4-8 weeks, depending on how quickly you complete the course online.
Step 2: Schedule and take the state exam.
- You can schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com or by calling 1-855-744-0313.
- This step can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 3: Schedule your background check.
-Once you pass the exam, schedule your fingerprints and background check.
-The state has three approved vendors to schedule and submit your fingerprints.
- Scheduling your fingerprints could take 1-3 weeks depending on availability.
-The Colorado Division of Real Estate will match your background check results to your application once they receive it. Results could take up to 10 weeks.
Step 4: Obtain E&O insurance
Colorado requires all real estate brokers to have a current E&O policy before getting an active license. The Colorado Real Estate Commission offers a Group E&O Program. Your insurance coverage begins when you pay your premium.
Step 5: Apply for your license.
-You can submit the applicationas soon as you have your proof of education, passed the exam, insurance, and started the background check.
-The real estate commission does not provide an application process time estimate. It often depends on when the state receives your background check.
Total Time: 12-24 weeks
It's possible to have your real estate license within three months. How quickly you earn your license will depend on the time it takes you in completing your course, passing the exam, submitting fingerprints, obtaining insurance, and applying for the license.
How long does it take to get a real estate license in Connecticut?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Connecticut real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 60-hour Connecticut Pre-License course.
• Most students choose to take the course online so they can complete the course at their pace.
• An online course can be faster to complete than an in-person class.
• This step can take anywhere from 1-2 weeks, depending on how quickly you complete the course online.
Step 2: Apply for your license.
• You can submit the application as soon as you have your proof of real estate education.
• PSI does not provide an application process time estimate. Expect 3-4 weeks from the date you mail the forms.
Step 3: Schedule and take the state exam.
• After receiving your approval notice in the mail, you can schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com or by calling 1-(800)-733-9267.
• The exam appointment can be anywhere from 1-3 weeks out, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 4: Activate your license.
• Once you pass the exam, you have two years to activate your license.
• Be hired by a CT licensed broker. This step can take 1-3 months.
• To activate, go online and pay the licensing fee. This step takes less than an hour.
Total Time: 3-5 months
It's possible to have your real estate license within three months. How quickly you earn your license will depend on the time it takes you in completing your course, passing the exam, being hired by a broker, and activating for the license.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Delaware?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Delaware real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 99-hour Delaware Pre-License course.
• Many students opt for an online course so they can complete the course at their pace.
• An online course can be faster to complete than an in-person class.
• Completing the course can take anywhere from 3-8 weeks, depending on how quickly you work.
Step 2: Schedule and take the state exam.
• You can schedule your exam through www.pearsonvue.com/de/realestate or by calling (800) 274-2604..
• Scheduling can be from 1-3 weeks out, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 3: Be hired by a Delaware broker
• Once you pass the exam, you need to work under a Delaware Broker to submit the license application.
• Hiring can take 1-3 months.
Step 4: Apply for your license.
• You can submit the application with DELPROS as soon as you have your proof of education, passed the exam, and been hired by a broker.
• Delaware's Department of Professional Licensing does not provide a processing time estimate. Expect 2-4 weeks.
Total Time: 12-24 weeks
It's possible to have your DE real estate license within three months. How quickly you meet your license requirements will depend on the time it takes you to complete your course, pass the exam, and apply for the license.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Florida?
The DBPR generally takes 10 to 30 days to complete the application process, if the application is submitted as complete. The DBPR must complete its process in 90 days or less. Real estate license applicants will be notified if the real estate application is deficient or needs clarification.
The DBPR must notify an applicant if the application is incomplete or has errors within 30 days and must notify an applicant within 90 days of approval or denial of an application.
For the fastest service, you should make your application online at the Department of Business and Professional Regulation online services website.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Georgia?
Here is the timeline it takes to obtain your Georgia real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 75-hour Georgia Pre-License course.
- Most students prefer to take the course online since it allows them to complete the course at their own pace.
- An online course is most likely faster to complete compared to an in-person class.
- This step can take anywhere from 2-6 weeks, depending on how long it takes you to complete the course online.
Step 2: Schedule and take the State exam.
- You can schedule your exam online through www.goAMP.com.
- This step can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 3: Obtain your license.
- The good news is you can obtain your real estate license at the PSI testing center, right after you pass the State exam. You simply need to have your license application completed along with the required documentation. You can receive either an active or inactive license.
Total Time: 3-9 weeks
How long does it take to get real estate license in Hawaii?
Here is a possible timeline for earning your Hawaii real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 60-hour Hawaii Pre-License course.
• While you can take the course in person or online, most students choose an online course so they can work at their pace and on their schedule.
• You can pick up an online course at any time.
• Depending on how quickly you work through an online course, this step can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks.
Step 2: Apply to take the state exam.
• You can schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com or by calling 1-855-579-4640.
• Scheduling can take from 1-3 weeks, depending on testing center availability and your schedule.
Step 3: Pass the exam and apply for your license.
• You’ll be given your salesperson license application as soon as you pass the state exam.
• The Real Estate Commission reviews all applications at its meetings. Meetings are held once a month. You'll have to wait for the next available meeting after submitting your application to see if you are approved.
• This step could take 2-8 weeks, depending on when you submit and when the HREC receives your application.
Total Time: 6-15 weeks
It's possible to have your real estate license within two months if you work quickly through the pre-license course, schedule the exam as soon as possible, and the time your application submission before an HREC meeting.
How long does it take to get your real estate license in Idaho?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Idaho real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 90-hour Idaho Pre-License course.
• Most prospective salespersons decide to take the course online so they can complete the course at their pace.
• An online course can be faster to complete than an in-person class, taking anywhere from 2-8 weeks depending on your schedule and how quickly you complete the online course.
Step 2: Schedule and take the state exam.
• You can schedule your exam through www.pearsonvue.com or by calling 1-(877)-540-5833.
• The actual test date may be 1-3 weeks out depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 3: Schedule your background check.
• Once you pass the exam, schedule your fingerprints and background check.
• You can have your fingerprints taken at the testing center if you set an appointment first.
• The Idaho Real Estate Commission estimates 1-12 weeks for processing.
Step 4: Create an IREC Online Services Account
• Creating your account will be essential for checking on your fingerprint status.
• You cannot submit your license application until your background check clears.
• Creating an account can be done in under an hour.
Step 5: Purchase E&O insurance
Idaho requires all real estate salespersons to have a current E&O policy before getting an active license. The Idaho Real Estate Commission offers a Group E&O Program. Your insurance coverage begins when you pay your premium.
Step 6: Apply for your license.
• You can submit the application as soon as your background check clears.
• You need proof of pre-licensing education, high school education, and legal presence in the US.
• The IREC takes a minimum of 10 business days to process your application.
Step 7: Have your Broker activate you
• Once the IREC approves your license, it issues you a license on inactive status.
• Ask your affiliating broker to log in and activate the license.
Total Time: 8-24 weeks
While timing would be tight, it's possible to have an Idaho real estate license within two months, although a more realistic estimate is 3-4 months. How quickly you earn your license does depend on how long it takes to complete your course, pass the exam, submit fingerprints, obtain E&O insurance, apply for the license, and be hired by a broker.
How long does it take to get a real estate license in Illinois?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Illinois real estate broker license:
Step 1: Complete the required 75-hour Illinois Pre-License course.
• Select from an approved education provider.
• Remember, an online course can be faster to complete than an in-person class because it is more flexible with your schedule.
• Finishing the course can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks, depending on how quickly you work through an online course.
Step 2: Schedule and take the state exam.
• You can schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com or by calling 855-340-3893.
• Test center appointment availability be 1-3 weeks out.
Step 3: Find a sponsoring managing broker
• You must be sponsored by a managing broker before you can submit a license application.
• You have up to one year to be hired by a broker.
• Finding a managing broker could take 4-12 weeks.
Step 4: Apply for your license.
• Go online to submit the application as soon as you have a managing broker.
• Upload your score report, managing broker information, and pay the application fee.
• The IREC does not provide an application approval time estimate. It often depends on when the state receives the application.
Total Time: 7-12 weeks
It's possible to have your real estate license within two months. How quickly you earn your license depends on how long you take to complete the education, pass the exam, get a sponsoring broker, and apply for the license.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Indiana?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Indiana real estate broker license:
Step 1: Complete the required 90-hour Indiana Pre-License course.
- Most students opt to take the course online so they can complete the course at their pace.
- An online course can be faster to complete than an in-person class.
- This step can take anywhere from 2-6 weeks, depending on how quickly you complete the course online.
Step 2: Schedule and take the State exam.
- You can schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com/INRE or by calling 1-800-733-9267
- This step can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 3: Obtain your license.
-Once you pass the exam, apply for your license. You can submit the application as soon as you have your course completion certificate and official score report. The real estate commission does not provide an application process time estimate, but you can track your application progress online.
Total Time: 4-10 weeks
As you see, it’s possible to have your real estate license within four weeks. How quickly you earn your license will depend on when you complete your course, pass the exam, and apply for the license.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Iowa?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Iowa real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 60-hour Iowa Pre-License course and (3) 12-hour required courses.
• Most students opt for online courses so they can complete the education at their pace.
• Online courses are your most flexible and affordable option.
• This step can take anywhere from 4-8 weeks, depending on how quickly you complete the courses online.
Step 2: Schedule your background check.
• As you near completing the coursework, make an account on My Iowa PLB to request your background check.
• Iowa Real Estate Commission will mail you a fingerprinting packet within 3-10 business days.
• Scheduling your fingerprints at a vendor could take 1-3 weeks, depending on availability.
• The IREC will match your background check results to your application once they receive them.
Step 3: Schedule and take the state exam.
• You can schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com or by calling 1-800-733-9267.
• Expect to schedule anywhere from 1-3 weeks out depending on test availability at the centers.
Step 4: Obtain E&O insurance
• Iowa requires all real estate salespersons to have a current E&O policy before getting an active license. The Iowa Real Estate Commission offers a Group E&O Program. Your insurance coverage begins when you pay your premium.
• Complete in as little as one day.
Step 5: Be hired by a broker.
• Your sponsoring broker must sign your application and original license.
• Expect the hiring process to take 1-3 months.
Step 6: Apply for your license.
• You can submit the application as soon as you have your proof of education, passed the exam, E&O insurance, been hired by a broker, and started the background check.
• The IREC estimates 3-5 business days from submission if all paperwork is present.
Total Time: 12-24 weeks
It's possible to have your Iowa real estate license within three months. The actual time will depend on the time it takes you in completing your required education, submitting the background check, passing the exam, obtaining insurance, being hired by an Iowa broker, and applying for the license.
How long does it take to get your real estate license in Kansas?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Kansas real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 60-hour Kansas Pre-License course.
• Most students opt to take the course online as it is faster than an in-person class, not to mention more flexible and affordable.
• An online class can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks, depending on how quickly you work through the lessons and tests.
Step 2: Schedule and take the state exam.
• You can schedule your exam through www.pearsonvue.com or by calling 800-274-4971.
• Scheduling can be 1-3 weeks out depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 3: Schedule your background check.
• Once you pass the exam, schedule your fingerprints and background check.
• All prints need to be done at a local police/sheriff’s department or an authorized print vendor.
• Scheduling the fingerprint appointment could take 1-3 weeks depending on availability.
• Results could take up to 10 weeks but are only good for 180 days.
Step 4: Affiliate with a Kansas Real Estate Broker
• Kansas requires all real estate salespersons to work under the supervision of a licensed Kansas real estate supervising or branch broker.
• Your broker will need to sign your license application.
• The hiring process can take 1 to 3 months.
Step 5: Apply for your license
• You can submit the application as soon as you have passed the exam and started the background check.
• The KREC does not provide a processing time estimate. It often depends on when the state receives your background check.
Total Time: 10-24 weeks
It's possible to have your Kansas real estate license within three months. The final time for the process depends on you and the time needed to complete your pre-license course, pass the exam, order the background check, and be hired by a Kansas licensed real estate broker.
How long does it take to get a real estate license in Kentucky?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Kentucky real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 96-hour Kentucky Pre-License course.
• Choose an online course, as it can be faster and more affordable than an in-person class.
• This step can take anywhere from 3-6 weeks, depending on your schedule and how quickly you work through the course.
Step 2: Schedule your background check.
• Contact the Kentucky State Police or the FBI for fingerprinting.
• Scheduling your fingerprints could take 1-3 weeks depending on availability.
• Background check results expire 90 days from the date of issuance. Results could take up to 10 weeks.
Step 3: Schedule the state exam.
• You can schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com or by calling 855-746-8176.
• Scheduling can take 1-3 weeks, depending on your schedule and openings at the testing centers.
Step 4: Obtain E&O insurance
Kentucky requires all real estate salespersons to have a current E&O policy before getting an active license. The Kentucky Real Estate Commission offers a Group E&O Program. The insurance coverage begins when you pay your premium.
Step 5: Apply for your KY sales associate license.
• You have 60 days to submit the application as soon as you pass the state exam.
• Have all your paperwork ready (proof of high school diploma, real estate education completion, background check, and insurance).
• The KREC does not provide an approval time estimate. Speed the process by sending all documentation as a complete package.
Total Time: 8-16 weeks
It's possible to have your real estate license within three months. The actual timeline depends on the time it takes you to complete your pre-license course, passing the exam, submitting fingerprints, obtaining insurance, and submitting the license application.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Louisiana?
How long it might take to earn your Louisiana real estate salesperson license will vary, but here is a potential timeline:
Step 1: Complete the required 90-hour Louisiana pre-license salesperson course.
• Most students opt to take the course online so they can complete the course at their pace.
• An online course can be faster to complete than an in-person class.
• This step can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks, depending on how quickly you complete the course online.
Step 2: Submit Part A- Initial Salesperson Application
• You’ll need proof of a HS education or equivalent
• If you have all your paperwork ready, you can submit within a day.
• Can it take up to 1-4 weeks for LREC to process your application
Step 3: Schedule and take the state exam.
• PSI will contact you when you are approved to schedule your exam. Visit http://www.psiexams.com or call (855) 579-4644 for test dates.
• This step can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 4: Schedule your background check.
• Once you pass the exam, order your background check through the state website.
• Results will go to the LREC. It could take 1-4 weeks.
Step 5: Obtain E&O insurance
Louisiana requires all real estate salespersons to carry an E&O policy before getting an active license. The LREC offers a Group E&O Program. This step could take up to 1 week.
Step 6: Submit Part B of the Salesperson License Application.
• You need proof of E & O and a sponsoring broker in order to submit Part B.
• The LREC does not provide an application process time estimate. It can depend on when the state receives your background check. Estimate 1-3 weeks.
Total Time: 8-12 weeks
It's possible to have your real estate license within two months if you get your paperwork in order and are hired quickly by a real estate broker. How quickly you earn your license will depend on the time it takes you to complete your course, pass the exam, submit the background check, obtain insurance, and apply for the license.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Maine?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Maine real estate sales agent license:
Step 1: Complete the required 55-hour Maine Pre-License course.
- Many students choose to work the course online so they fit the class into their schedule.
- An online course can be faster to complete than an in-person class.
- This step can take from 2-4 weeks to complete, depending on the pace you work through an online course.
Step 2: Schedule and take the state exam.
- You can schedule your exam through Pearson VUE or by calling 1-877-543-5220.
- Your test date could be anywhere from 1-3 weeks out, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 3: Apply for your license.
-You can submit the application as soon as you have your proof of education, passed the exam, and have a designated broker.
-Being hired by a broker can take 1-3 months.
-The Maine real estate commission does not provide an application process time estimate. It often depends on when the state receives your criminal history report.
Total Time: 8-20 weeks
It's possible to have your real estate license within two months, but it depends on the time it takes you to complete your course, pass the exam, find a broker to supervise you, and apply for the license.
How long does it take to get your real estate license in Maryland?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to earn your Maryland real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 60-hour Maryland Pre-License course.
• Most students choose to take the online course online so they can work at their pace.
• An online course can be faster to finish than a classroom course.
• This step can take anywhere from 2-3 weeks, depending on how fast you work through an online class.
Step 2: Schedule and take the state exam.
• You can schedule your exam through the PSI website or by calling (855) 744-0318.
• Scheduling ranges 1-3 weeks, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 3: Choose a sponsoring broker
• A sponsoring MD licensed broker is essential for receiving an active license.
• You need their registration number and branch location for the application.
• Finding a broker can take a few weeks or months.
Step 4: Apply for your license.
• You can submit the application as soon as you receive an email from the MREC with instructions. This can take 3-5 days.
• The real estate commission does not provide an application process time estimate.
Total Time: 6-24 weeks
It's possible to have your real estate license within two months. How quickly you earn your license depends on how long it takes you to finish the course, pass the exam, find an employing broker, and apply for the license.
How long does it take to get a real estate license in Massachusetts?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Massachusetts real estate broker license:
Step 1: Complete the required 40-hour Massachusetts Pre-License course.
• The online course is the fastest and most convenient way to complete the course.
• Work at your pace as your schedule allows.
• This step can take from 1-3 weeks, depending on how quickly you complete the course online.
Step 2: Obtain 3 Character Endorsements
• This step depends on when you request your endorsements and how quickly it takes your references to complete the paperwork.
• You can start the request while you work on the pre-license course.
• We estimate 1-3 weeks.
Step 3: Apply for your license.
• You can submit the application as soon as you have your proof of education and character endorsements.
• All documents are sent to the testing vendor PSI.
• We estimate 2-4 weeks for processing and approval once PSI receives your mailed application.
Step 4: Schedule and take the state exam.
• You can schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com or by calling 1-800-733-9267.
• This step can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 5: Pay your licensing fee
• You must be ready to receive and pay for your license when you take the exam.
• Licenses are issued immediately after you pass the state exam.
Total Time: 6-14 weeks
It's possible to have your MA real estate license within two months. How quickly you earn your license will depend on the time it takes you to complete your course, submit the license application submission for processing, and pass the exam.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Michigan?
Here is a breakdown of the minimum time-frame needed to obtain your Michigan real estate salespersons license:
1) Complete the 40-hour Michigan pre-license course: 1 week
If you take the course online, you can complete the course in as early as one week.
2) Submit your license application and receive your Exam Candidate ID number: 5 days
You will receive your Exam Candidate ID number within 2 business days of your license application being approved.
3) Schedule and pass the state licensing exam: 2 days
Depending on availability, you will need at least two days to schedule and take the state licensing exam at a PSI testing center.
After you pass the state exam, you will receive your license at the PSI testing center and you can being working as a real estate salesperson immediately.
Total Time: 2 weeks
If your sponsoring broker confirmed your employment through MiPLUS at least 48 hours prior to your state exam date, you will receive a photo pocket license at the PSI testing center, right after you pass the state exam.
A photo pocket license will allow you to start working as a real estate salesperson immediately.
LARA will then mail a state-issued paper wall license and a pocket card to the main office of your sponsoring broker.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Minnesota?
Every application is considered on an individual basis. The time it takes to process the applications will vary for this reason. Your real estate broker will notify you when your salesperson license application has been approved and you have been granted an active real estate license.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Mississippi?
While everyone will complete the process in a different timeline, here is a potential estimate for how long it could take to earn a Mississippi real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 60-hour Mississippi Pre-License course.
• An online course can be faster to complete than an in-person class because it's flexible with your schedule.
• Expect the course to take from 2-4 weeks, depending on how quickly you work through an online course.
Step 2: Apply for your license.
• You'll need to be hired by a Mississippi broker; expect this to take 1-3 months
• You need letters of recommendation from Mississippi property owners; about 1-3 weeks
• Send to the Mississippi Real Estate Commission for processing; expect 2-4 weeks.
Step 3: Schedule your background check.
• The state will send a fingerprint kit with instructions after approving your application, about 1-3 weeks.
• Scheduling your fingerprints could take 1-3 weeks, depending on availability.
• The Mississippi Real Estate Commission will match your background check results to your application once they receive it. Results could take up to 10 weeks.
Step 4: Schedule and take the state exam.
• The MREC will send an approval letter about 2-4 weeks after receiving your application. You can schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com or by calling 1- 855-557-0620.
• Scheduling be anywhere from 1-3 weeks out, depending on test center availability.
Step 5: Receive your license
• PSI will send your score report to the MREC.
• The MREC mails your license to your employing broker.
Total Time: 12-24 weeks
It's possible to have your MS real estate license within three months, but you'll need to stay on top of the process. The factors you can control include time spent completing your course, scheduling your fingerprints and exam, passing the exam, submitting the license application. Some steps can be done concurrently.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Missouri?
According to the MREC Board Rule CSR 2250-3.010(11), the commission has the authority to hold a real estate application for a reasonable amount of time to complete a thorough investigation.
How long does it take to get your real estate license in Montana?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Montana real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 70-hour Montana Pre-License course.
• Online courses are more flexible. Most students choose this option so they can complete the course at their pace.
• Finishing the course can take from 2-4 weeks, depending on how quickly you complete the course online.
Step 2: Schedule and take the state exam.
• You can schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com or by calling 1- 855-898-0716.
• Scheduling can be from 1-3 weeks out, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 3: Be hired by a Montana licensed broker
• Salespersons must work under the supervision of a broker with a supervising endorsement.
• Being hired can take 1-3 months.
Step 4: Purchase Errors & Omissions insurance
• All real estate salespersons have E&O insurance before getting an active license.
• The Montana Board of Realty Regulation offers a Group E&O Program. Your insurance coverage begins when you pay your premium.
Step 5: Apply for your license.
• You can submit the application as soon as you have your proof of education, passed the exam, insurance, and have been hired by an endorsed broker.
• MBRR does not provide an application process time estimate. Expect 2-4 weeks for processing.
Total Time: 9-24 weeks
If you stay on top of the process, you could have your real estate license within three months. Manage your time to complete your course and pass the exam quickly. Be hired by an endorsed Montana broker. Obtain insurance and apply for the license.
How long does it take to get a real estate license in Nebraska?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Nebraska real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required Nebraska Pre-License courses.
• Most students decide to take an online course because it is faster to complete than an in-person class.
• Finishing your course can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks, depending on how you bundle the three courses and work through the online course.
Step 2: Apply for your license.
• You'll need passport-type photographs, proof of high school education, and your pre-license education before you apply.
• The application can be made online within a day once your documentation is ready.
• Expect around one week to gather documents and 2-3 weeks for processing.
Step 3: Schedule your background check.
• Once the NREC receives your application, it will send fingerprint cards to your address.
• You must follow all instructions and use the listed vendors.
• Scheduling your fingerprints could take 1-3 weeks, depending on availability.
• The NREC estimates results take 4-6 weeks to receive.
Step 4: Schedule and take the state exam.
• PSI will notify you once the NREC approves you to take the exam.
• You can schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com or by calling (855)-834-8748.
• This step can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 5: Obtain E&O insurance
Nebraska requires all real estate salespersons to have an E&O insurance policy before asking for license issuance. The Nebraska Real Estate Commission offers a Group E&O Program. Your insurance coverage begins when you pay your premium.
Step 6: Submit license issuance.
• You need to have your employing broker complete the license issuance form.
• The NREC does not provide an application process time estimate. Expect 1-3 weeks.
Step 7: Take 12-hour post-license course
• You have 180 days or six months to take and submit proof of completing the 12-hour post-license course to the NREC once you have been issued a license.
• Failure to complete the step will move your license to inactive status.
Total Time: 12-24 weeks
It's possible to have your NE real estate license within three months. How quickly you earn your license depends on how long you complete all these steps.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Nevada?
Here is a potential timeline for earning your Nevada real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 120-hour Nevada Pre-license course.
• Most students take the online course so they can complete the required education on their schedule.
• An online course can be faster to complete than an in-person class.
• Expect to take 3-6 weeks, which will depend on how quickly you work through the online course.
Step 2: Schedule and take the state exam.
• You can schedule the licensing exam as soon as you finish the pre-license course.
• To schedule your exam, visit https://home.pearsonvue.com/nv/realestate or call (888) 248-8055.
• Expect 1-3 weeks, depending on test center availability and your schedule.
Step 3: Schedule your fingerprinting.
• Once you pass the exam, schedule your fingerprints and background check.
• Select from one of the state’s approved Fingerprint Vendors. Pearson VUE also has digital fingerprinting at its Las Vegas test center.
• Scheduling fingerprints could take 1-3 weeks, depending on availability and your schedule.
• Results could take 2-6 weeks, depending on how and when you submit the fingerprint card.
Step 4: Be hired by a Nevada broker
A real estate company or broker must hire you before you can submit Form 549 for your license. This step could take a few weeks to months.
Step 5: Apply for your license.
• You can submit the application as soon as you have been hired by a broker, your proof of education, the passing exam report, and your fingerprint verification form.
• The NREC does not provide an application process time estimate. It often depends on when the state receives your fingerprint results.
Total Time: 9-24 weeks
It's possible to have your real estate license in about three months. How quickly you earn your license depends on the time it takes to complete the pre-license education course, pass the exam, submit fingerprints, be hired by an agency or broker, and the license application processing.
How long does it take to get real estate license in New Hampshire?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your New Hampshire real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 40-hour New Hampshire Pre-License course.
• Most students choose to take an online course so they can complete the course at their pace.
• An online course enables you to move faster than an in-person class.
• Expect the course to take from 1-3 weeks. It’s all about how quickly you complete the course online.
Step 2: Consent to criminal records check.
• All New Hampshire real estate salespersons must submit a notarized criminal record release and the required fee of $25 to the Department of Safety, Division of State Police.
• Your report is valid for six months.
• You have to make your license application while the report is valid.
Step 3: Apply to take the state exam.
• New Hampshire's Real Estate Commission must approve you to take the exam. Submit the exam registration form, the pre-licensing course completion certificate, and the examination fee.
• Processing can take 1-3 weeks.
• You’ll receive an email from PSI when you are approved.
Step 4: Schedule the licensing exam
• You can schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com or by calling 855-340-3711.
• This step can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 5: Be hired by a NH Principal Broker
• The Principal Broker needs to attest to your character in your application.
• Hiring processes can take 1-3 months.
Step 6: Apply for your license.
• You can submit the application as soon as you have a principal broker, passed the exam, and three character affidavits.
• The NHREC does not provide an application process time estimate. Expect 2-4 weeks after submission.
Total Time: 9-25 weeks
It's possible to have a New Hampshire real estate license within three months if you stay on top of the steps in the process and are quickly hired by a NH broker.
How long does it take to get your real estate license in New Jersey?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it might take to earn your New Jersey real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 75-hour New Jersey Pre-License course.
• Many students choose an online course as the faster and affordable option to an in-person class.
• This step can take from 2-4 weeks. It all depends on how quickly you work through the course online.
Step 2: Schedule and take the state exam.
• You can schedule your exam through https://www.psiexams.com/njre or by calling 855-579-4624.
• Depending on test center availability and your schedule, the exam appointment may be 1-3 weeks from the date you register.
Step 3: Schedule your background check.
• Once you pass the exam, your next step is to get fingerprinted for a background check.
• Use the state has approved vendors.
• Scheduling your fingerprints could take 1-3 weeks depending on availability.
• The New Jersey Division of Real Estate will match your background check results to your application once they receive it. Results could take up to 10 weeks.
Step 4: Be hired by a Managing Broker and apply for your license.
• All Salespersons must work under the supervision of a Managing Broker.
• Your Managing Broker will go to the Online Licensing Services portal to submit your license application on your behalf.
• Make it easy for your broker by having all your paperwork ready.
• The NJREC does not provide an application process time estimate.
Total Time: 10-24 weeks
If you are hired by a broker quickly, it's possible to have your real estate license within two or three months. The time really depends on how long it takes you to complete your course, pass the exam, submit fingerprints, be hired, and apply for the license.
How long does it take to get a real estate license in New Mexico?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your New Mexico real estate broker license:
Step 1: Complete the required 90-hour New Mexico Pre-License course.
• Most students choose to take the course online because it can be faster and more flexible than an in-person class.
• This step can take from 2-6 weeks, depending on how quickly you move through an online course.
Step 2: Apply to take the state licensing exam
• Apply to take the broker’s examination to the state examination contractor, PSI using the examination registration form in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
• It can take PSI 5-10 business days to approve your eligibility and send you a registration postcard.
• This step can take 2-4 weeks.
Step 3: Schedule your broker licensing exam.
• You can schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com or by calling (855) 557-0621.
• This step can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 4: Submit fingerprints for a background check
• Once you pass the exam, schedule your fingerprints and background check.
• You must first register on the state vendor website Gemalto or by phone at 1-877-996-6277.
• Scheduling your fingerprints could take 1-3 weeks depending on appointment availability.
Step 5: Obtain E&O insurance
• New Mexico requires real estate brokers to have a current E&O policy before approval for an active license. The New Mexico Real Estate Commission offers a Group E&O Program.
• Your insurance coverage begins when you pay your premium.
Step 6: Apply for your license.
• You can submit the application as soon as you have passed the state exam, E & O insurance, and started the background check.
• The NMREC does not provide an application process time estimate. It often depends on when the state receives your background check. Expect somewhere between 2-4 weeks if all your documentation is together.
Total Time: 12-24 weeks
It's possible to have your real estate license within three months. How quickly you earn the license will depend on how long it takes you in completing all the steps, like your pre-license course, passing the exam, submitting fingerprints, obtaining insurance, and applying for the license.
How long does it take to get real estate license in New York?
Here is a breakdown of the time-frame it will take to obtain your NYS real estate salespersons license:
1) Complete the 77-hour NYS real estate salespersons course (including the proctored final exam): 2 weeks
If you take the 77-hour course online, you can complete the entire course in under 2 weeks.
2) Pass the state exam: 2 weeks
Depending on the availability of your nearest state exam proctoring location, you should be able to reserve a seat within 2 weeks.
Please note, you are allowed to schedule (and take) your state exam while you are still completing the 77-hour course. This will help you save time during the licensing process.
3) Submit your license application and have it approved by the DOS: 2 weeks
You can submit your license application the same day you receive your passing score for the state exam. The DOS will then need up to 2 weeks to approve your application and mail your license to your sponsoring broker.
Total Time: 6 weeks
How long does it take to get real estate license in North Dakota?
Here is an estimated timeline for how long it could take to receive your North Dakota real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 90-hour North Dakota Pre-License course.
- Most students opt to take the course online so they can complete the course at their pace.
- An online course can be faster to complete than an in-person class.
- This step can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks, depending on how quickly you complete the course online.
Step 2: Apply for your license.
-You can submit the application as soon as you have your proof of education.
-The real estate commission does not provide an application process time estimate. It often depends on when the state receives your background check.
Step 3: Schedule your background check.
-When you apply for your license, order your fingerprints card.
-Expect receiving the cards to take 2-3 weeks.
-Set an appointment for fingerprinting. This could take 1-2 weeks depending on vendor scheduling.
-The NDREC will match your background check results to your application once they receive them. Results could take up to 10 weeks.
Step 4: Schedule and take the state exam.
- Once NDREC mails your letter of approval, schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com or by calling 855-834-8747.
- This step can take from 1-3 weeks, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 5: Obtain E&O insurance
-North Dakota requires all real estate salespersons to have a current E&O policy before getting an active license. The North Dakota Real Estate Commission offers a Group E&O Program. Your insurance coverage begins when you pay your premium.
Step 6: Pay the Education, Research & Recovery Fund Fee
-All initial licenses must make a one-time payment to the Education, Research & Recovery Fund.
-Pay online to be done in one day or mail-in. Expect 1-2 weeks for processing.
Step 7: Request license activation.
-You can request your license be activated as soon as a qualified broker hires you.
-Expect the hiring process to take 1-3 months.
-Expect activation processing to take 2-3 weeks.
Total Time: 16-24 weeks
It's possible to have your ND real estate license within four months. How quickly you earn your license will depend on the time it takes you in completing your course, passing the exam, submitting fingerprints, obtaining insurance, and applying for the license.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Ohio?
How long it will take depends on how quickly you move through the steps in the process. Here is an estimate for how long it could take for a state salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 120-hour Ohio Pre-License course.
• Taking an online course can be faster than an in-person class because you can work at your pace and schedule.
• Finishing your course can take from 3-6 weeks, depending on how quickly you move through the online modules.
Step 2: Find a Sponsoring Broker.
You must have an employing Ohio broker before you can apply for the salesperson state licensing exam. This step can take 1-3 months.
Step 3: Apply for the State Licensing Exam
• In Ohio, your license exam application is also your state license application.
• How long this step takes depends on how quickly you gather the required documents and signatures.
• We estimate 1-2 weeks.
Step 4: Schedule Your Background Check.
• Once you submit the exam application, you have 10 days to schedule your fingerprints and background check.
• Use a Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCI&I) approved Webcheck® user.
• Scheduling your fingerprints can only take up to ten days.
• The Ohio Division of Real Estate will match your background check results to your application once they receive it. Results could take up to 30 days.
Step 5: Schedule Your State Licensing Exam
• PSI will send you information on scheduling your exam once ODRE approves your application.
• Visit http://www.psiexams.com or call (855) 834-8749 with your reference ID.
• Test appointments can take 1-3 weeks, depending on test center availability.
Step 6: Pass the exam for your license
• ODRE will issue you a license as soon as it receives notice you have passed both sections of the exam.
• License issues can take 5-10 business days.
Total Time: 12-24 weeks
As you can see, it's possible to have your Ohio real estate license within three months. How quickly you earn your license does depend on the time it takes you to complete your course, the background check processing, applying for the exam and license, and passing the test.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Oklahoma?
Every person will earn their license in a different amount of time, but we have estimated potential timeline for obtaining your Oklahoma real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 90-hour Oklahoma Pre-License course.
• The fastest way to meet your education requirement is with an online course.
• Online courses can be done at your pace and fit into your schedule.
• Estimate anywhere from 2-4 weeks, depending on how fast you work through the course online.
Step 2: Apply for your provisional salesperson license.
• The online portal is quick and easy. You can apply within a day after passing your education course.
Step 3: Schedule your background check.
• The state uses IdentiGO for Fingerprinting services.
• Scheduling could take 1-3 weeks, depending on center availability.
Step 4: Schedule and take the state exam.
• The OREC will notify you within five business days of submitting your provisional application.
• PSI will contact you via email with 48 hours of approval with a link to schedule the exam. You can schedule your exam by calling 855-746-8169.
• Expect to take your test within 2-4 weeks of application, depending on test center availability and processing.
Step 5: Apply for your license.
• ODREC will email you within 48 hours with instructions to issue your license online.
• You will need to be hired by and receive Managing Broker approval before you can finish the process. Finding a managing broker could take 4-12 weeks.
Total Time: 9-23 weeks
As you can see, it's possible to have your real estate license within three months. How quickly you actually earn a license does depend on the time it takes to finish the education, work through the application, submit fingerprints, pass the license exam, and be hired by a broker.
How long does it take to get your real estate license in Oregon?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Oregon real estate broker license:
Step 1: Apply for your license.
-You can submit the applicationwhenever you wish. Oregon requires you to register for an eLicense account. Setting up the account takes around 15 minutes.
-The actual application can be finished within a day, as long you have any needed documentation for upload.
Step 2: Complete the required 150-hour Oregon Broker Pre-License course.
- Taking the course online is the fastest and easiest way to finish the course.
- Online enables you to work on the course at your pace.
- This step can take anywhere from 4-8 weeks, depending on how quickly you complete the course online.
Step 3: Schedule and take the state exam.
- You can schedule your exam through https://www.psiexams.com or calling (833) 892-5441.
- Scheduling and taking the exam can be anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on testing center availability.
Step 4: Be fingerprinted after the exam
-Once you pass the exam, PSI will take your fingerprints for a background check at the test center.
-Results on the background check take up to (4) weeks.
Step 5: Be hired by a Principal Broker
Oregon requires all real estate brokers to be hired by an Oregon Principal Broker. This broker will activate your license. The time depends on how long it takes to be hired; activating your license will take 1-2 days.
Total Time: 8-16 weeks
It's possible to have your Oregon real estate license within two months. How quickly you earn your license will depend on the time it takes you to complete your course, pass the exam, the background check, and be hired by a Principal Broker.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Pennsylvania?
Here is a breakdown of the time-frame it will take to obtain your Pennsylvania real estate salesperson's license:
Step 1: Complete the 75-hour Pennsylvania pre-license course: 2 weeks minimum
If you take the 75-hour pre-license course online full-time, you can complete the entire course in under 2 weeks.
Step 2: Schedule and pass the state exam: 2 weeks (depending on availability)
You must submit your state exam application to PSI. Once processed, PSI will send you a Certificate of Examination Eligibility Registration form, which will allow you to schedule your state exam through PSI. The earliest exam date will vary depending on the exam location. In the meantime, you can obtain your criminal record check from the PATCH website.
Step 3: Submit your license application online with the help of your employing broker: 2 weeks
You must submit your license application online through the state's PALS website. Your employing broker will have to complete part of the application.
The current time-frame (assuming your application is submitted properly with all of the required documentation) is 2 weeks.
Total Time-frame: 6 weeks
How long does it take to get a real estate license in Rhode Island?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Rhode Island real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 45-hour Rhode Island Pre-License course and Lead Mitigation Course.
• Most students opt to take the required courses online so they can work at their pace.
• An online course can be faster to finish than an in-person class.
• This step can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on how quickly you complete an online course.
Step 2: Schedule and take the state exam.
• You can schedule your exam through www.pearsonvue.com or by calling (800) 274-8922.
• This step can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 3: Schedule your background check.
• Once you pass the exam, schedule your background check. The state and federal background checks are conducted in person at the Attorney General’s office.
• Scheduling the check could take 1-3 weeks, depending on availability.
Step 4: Obtain E&O insurance
• Rhode Island requires all real estate salespersons to have a current E&O policy before getting an active license.
• Your insurance coverage begins when you pay your premium.
Step 5: Apply for your license.
• You can submit the application as soon as you have your proof of education, passed the exam, insurance, started the background check, and been hired by a Principal Broker.
• Being hired by a broker can take 1-3 months.
• The Rhode Island Department of Business Regulations estimates at least three weeks for processing.
Total Time: 10-24 weeks
If you stay on top of the process, it's possible to have your RI real estate license within three months. The precise time depends on how quickly it takes you to finish your education, pass the exam, submit fingerprints, obtain insurance, and apply for the license.
How long does it take to get real estate license in South Carolina?
That depends on how long it takes you to complete the steps necessary to qualify for your real estate license in South Carolina, including education and criminal background check.
The principal time requirements include the time it takes to complete your pre-licensing education requirement, and then schedule and take your real estate licensing exam. The timeframe for licensure can also be impacted by the background check, particularly if you have a criminal history or other factors that require longer review and supporting documentation.
Finally, the length of time to obtain your license can be hindered if you apply via regular mail rather than online.
How long does it take to get real estate license in South Dakota?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your South Dakota real estate broker associate license:
Step 1: Complete the required 116-hour South Dakota Pre-License course.
- Complete the course at your pace and on your schedule with an online course.
- This step depends on how quickly you complete the course online, but expect anywhere from 4-8 weeks.
Step 2: Schedule and take the state exam.
- You can schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com or by calling 855-557-0623.
- Scheduling can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on the appointment availability at the exam centers.
Step 3: Schedule your background check.
-Once you pass the exam, schedule your fingerprints and background check.
-Order the cards from the SDREC and schedule your fingerprints with a law enforcement agency or fingerprint vendor.
- Expect 1-2 weeks for ordering and receiving cards, and 1-3 weeks for the fingerprint appointment, depending on availability.
-The South Dakota Division of Real Estate will match your background check results to your application once they receive it. Results could take up to 10 weeks.
Step 4: Buy an E&O insurance policy
-South Dakota requires all real estate broker associates to have an E&O policy before getting an active license. The South Dakota Real Estate Commission offers a Group E&O Program. Your insurance coverage begins when you pay your premium.
Step 5: Apply for your license.
-You can submit the application as soon as you have your proof of education, passed the exam, bought E&O insurance, and been fingerprinted.
-The real estate commission estimates 2-4 weeks to process the application. Background check delays could push this time back.
Step 6: Have your responsible broker request your license
-Once your license is approved, it is inactive until your responsible broker contacts SDREC to request it be activated.
-Estimate hiring to take 1-3 months.
Total Time: 12-32 weeks
It's possible to have an SD real estate license within three months, but you'll need to stay on top of the steps and work through your course quickly. It will also depend on the hiring process with your responsible broker.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Tennessee?
For the quickest service, you should make your application online at the Commission’s website, CORE. Applying via other means, such as email, fax or postal mail, may cause a delay in review of your application.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Texas?
You will receive your license from the Texas Real Estate Commission within 5-10 business days of passing the State exam, provided the following requirements have been met:
• Your license application has been filed with TREC.
○ It typically takes TREC a few weeks to process your license application.
However, the exact time-frame varies, depending on the time of the month.
You can see all of TREC’s processing dates here.
• You have cleared your background check.
• TREC has received and filed your 6 Course Completion Certificates.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Utah?
We estimate the following timeline for earning your Utah sales agent license:
• Completing the 120-hour pre-licensing course: 3-6 weeks
• Scheduling the licensing exam: 1 day
• Passing the exam: 1 day
• Submitting license application: 1-90 days*
• Fingerprinting: 1 day- 4 weeks**
• Approval: 2-4 weeks
*Utah requires you to submit your license application within 90 days of passing the state exam. If you have all your documents in order, submitting the application can be done within a day.
**Utah conveniently offers fingerprinting at the test center. You can pass your exam and be fingerprinted on the same day.
In sum, you could have your sales agent license in as little as six weeks.
How long does it take to get real estate liscence in Vermont?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Vermont real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 40-hour Vermont Pre-License course.
- Many students select an online course so they can complete the work at their pace.
- Depending on how quickly you complete the units, an online course can be faster to complete than an in-person class.
- This step can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks.
Step 2: Schedule and take the national licensing exam.
- You can schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com or by calling 1-913-895-4600.
- This step can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 3: Find a hiring broker.
-All salespersons work under the supervision of VT licensed broker.
-The hiring process can take 1-3 months.
-The state needs the employment/supervision form from your hiring broker.
Step 4: Apply for your license.
-You can submit the application as soon as you have your proof of education, passed the national exam, and been hired by a VT broker.
-The Office of Professional Regulation estimates 3-5 business days for processing a completed application.
Step 5: Take the Vermont state licensing exam
-Log in to your application account and follow instructions for registering for the state exam.
-This step can take 1-3 weeks, depending on testing availability.
Step 6: Full application review
-After passing the state exam, the OPR will review your application.
-This step can take 1-2 weeks.
Step 7: The 8-hour Post-License Course
-You have 90 days to take a required 8-hour post-license course.
-Taking this course can take one day-1 week depending on how your course provider arranges the course.
Total Time: 9-16 weeks
It's possible to have your real estate license within three months. How quickly you earn your salesperson license depends on how well you manage the time involved with the steps in the process. The majority of the time lies in completing your course and being hired by a VT broker.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Virginia?
Here is an estimated time-frame it may take to get your Virginia real estate salespersons license:
1) Complete the 60-hour VA pre-license course: 2 weeks
If you take the course online, you can complete the entire course in under 2 weeks.
2) Schedule and pass the state exam: 2 weeks
After you pass the proctored final exam for the 60-hour pre-license course, your school will send your information to PSI within 1 week. At that point, you can register and schedule your state exam. Depending on availability, you can take the state exam within 1 week.
3) Get fingerprinted: 4 - 6 weeks
Its takes up to 4-6 weeks to get your fingerprints processed and have your background check sent to the Real Estate Board.
4) Submit your license application for approvals: 2 weeks
Once the Board receives your background check, you can then submit your license application. It may take up to 2 weeks for the Real Estate Board to receive, review, and approve your license application.
Total Time-frame: 10-12 weeks
How long does it take to get real estate license in Washington?
There are a number of factors that determine how long it will take to get your real estate license in Washington. The primary factors include the time it takes to meet your pre-licensing education requirement, and to schedule and take the licensing exam. Other steps that could impact the timeframe include meeting the fingerprinting requirement and review of your application, particularly if you have a criminal history.
How long does it take to get real estate license in West Virginia?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your West Virginia real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 90-hour West Virginia Pre-License course.
- Most students select an online course so they can complete the required education at their pace.
- This step can take from 2-4 weeks, depending on how quickly you work through an online course.
Step 2: Apply for your license.
-You can submit the application as soon as you have your proof of education and a hiring WV licensed broker.
-The real estate commission does not provide an application process time estimate. It often depends on when the state receives your background check. Expect two weeks-one month.
Step 3: Schedule your background check.
-Time your fingerprints and background check with your license application submission.
-The state uses Identigo to schedule and submit your fingerprints.
- Scheduling your fingerprints could take 1-3 weeks, depending on availability.
-The West Virginia Real Estate Commission will match your background check results to your application once they receive it. Results could take up to 10 weeks.
Step 4: Schedule and take the state exam.
- Once approved by WVREC, you can schedule your exam through http://www.psiexams.com or by calling 855-340-3903.
- Scheduling can be anywhere from 1-3 weeks out, depending on availability at the testing centers.
Step 5: Submit your passing exam result
-Turn in the license activation form found in the Candidate Information Handbook with your original score report to the WVREC.
-Your WVREC sends the license to the employing broker. Expect 2-4 weeks for submission and processing.
Total Time: 9-18 weeks
It’s possible to have your WV real estate license within three months if you manage the process and stay on top of the steps. Work quickly through the course and promptly schedule all your appointments.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Wisconsin?
Step 1:
Complete the required 72-hour WI pre-license course.
If taken online, you can complete the course in 2-8 weeks.
Step 2:
Schedule and pass the State exam. This usually requires 1-3 weeks.
Step 3:
Apply for a WI License.
This usually takes 4-8 weeks.
The entire process may take 7-19 weeks.
How long does it take to get real estate license in Wyoming?
Here is a potential timeline for how long it could take to obtain your Wyoming real estate salesperson license:
Step 1: Complete the required 70-hour Wyoming Pre-License courses
- Many students choose an online course to complete their education at their pace.
- An online class can be faster to complete than an in-person class.
- Finishing the education can take anywhere from 3-6 weeks, depending on how quickly you work through the courses online.
Step 2: Schedule and take the state exam
- You can schedule your exam through http://www.pearsonvue.com/wy/realestate or by calling (866) 600-5442.
- Scheduling can be from 1-3 weeks out, depending on test center availability.
Step 3: Schedule your fingerprints
-Once you pass the exam, order your fingerprint cards and schedule the official fingerprinting. Expect to receive cards in 1-2 weeks.
- Scheduling your fingerprints could take 1-3 weeks, depending on availability.
-The Wyoming Real Estate Commission matches your background report to your application once they receive it. Results could take up to 10 weeks.
Step 4: Obtain E&O insurance
-Wyoming requires all real estate salespersons to have a current E&O policy before getting an active license. The Wyoming Real Estate Commission offers a Group E&O Program. Your insurance coverage begins when you pay your premium.
Step 5: Apply for your license
-You can submit the application as soon as you have your proof of education, passed the exam, E&O insurance, a front-facing photograph, and started the background check.
-Your application is due within 90 days of passing the exam.
-Expect 1-2 weeks to gather documents and send the application in the mail.
-The real estate commission does not provide an application process time estimate. It often depends on when the state receives your background check.
Total Time: 10-26 weeks
It's possible to have your Wyoming real estate license within three months, but it depends on your time management and processing. The more quickly you complete your course, pass the exam, and submit fingerprints, the sooner you can start your real estate career.