Nebraska Real Estate License Course

66-Hour Nebraska Broker Pre-License Course Online

The fastest and most affordable way to get your real estate salesperson license in Nebraska! Here you'll learn:

  • How To Get Your NE License Online
  • What's Included In Our Courses
  • Why You Should Get Your NE License
  • General Information About the Nebraska Real Estate License Online Course
  • FAQ's
  • Articles For Further Education

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Nebraska SREC logo.

Course Approval Number: TBD
Education Provider Number: TBD

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How to Get a Real Estate Salesperson’s License in Nebraska

All Nebraska salesperson applicants must:

If you meet these general qualifications, move through the following (8) steps to earn your license.

Step 1: Take the 66-hour pre-license education

All new Nebraska salespersons must take (2) 30-hour Nebraska Real Estate Commission (NREC) approved courses. These courses must be taught by an approved school or provider in real estate subjects that are not less than 30 hours of study. Applicants must also take six hours in professional practice and standards, known as course 0003.

All the required real estate education programs are required to have at least one test, including a final exam.

Step 2: Submit salesperson license application

For the fastest processing, submit the real estate license application online. You do have the option to download and mail the application.

The license application submission must include:

  1. A passport-type photograph showing your head and shoulders. Submit the photographs separately or as an attachment in an email to in a Word, JPEG, or PDF file.
  2. Proof of your high school education or its equivalent.
  3. Proof of your pre-licensing education in the form of transcripts or certificates of completion.

Your application requires information about prior residences and employment history for the last three years, any prior professional licenses, and information about any lawsuits or criminal offenses.

Your license application and its associated fees are valid for one year from the date the NREC receives your application in its office.

The Nebraska fees are:

  • $135 for the license application fee
  • $150 for the license examination fee

Step 3: Undergo a criminal background check

All real estate salespersons must submit their fingerprints for a criminal background check. Your license application must be on file and signed at the NREC office before the fingerprint cards will be released to you.

Your application will not be complete without the criminal background report. It takes four to six weeks after submitting the fingerprints for the NREC to receive your criminal background check report.

get real estate licence Florida online

Step 4: Schedule your state licensing exam

Testing vendor PSI will send you an email once NREC approves your application.

It’s up to you to schedule the exam within one year of your application date. The fastest and easiest way to schedule the licensing exam is to go online to Create an account using the same information on your licensing application. PSI will locate your record and enable you to schedule the test.

Telephone scheduling is also available by calling (855)-834-8748.

Step 5: Take and pass the licensing exam

The Nebraska Salesperson Licensing Exam has:

  1. National section with 80 items and 150 minutes to take the test.
  2. State section with 50 items and 90 minutes to take the test.
  3. You must pass both sections with a minimum 75% score.

The Candidate Information Bulletin has exam content outlines and the percentage of questions asked in each topic area.

Immediately upon finishing the exam you will get an official score report essential for your license issuance. All passing candidates have 30 days to finish the licensing process.

Step 6: Submit the License Issuance Forms

All licensing candidates, after passing the Nebraska licensing exam, must submit to the NREC the License Issuance Form signed by your employing broker and you, indicating you agree to be employed by the broker. The issuance fee for a salesperson license is $80.

Step 7: Obtain Errors & Omission Coverage

All real estate salespersons need to have Errors & Omission insurance. You may obtain insurance from any company authorized by the State of Nebraska Department of Insurance. For this option, submit a Certificate of Coverage to the NREC.

The NREC offers a group plan. The fee varies by the selected coverage and the month you apply for coverage. If you use the group plan, the insurer will send verification to the NREC.

Nebraska Real Estate Commission will issue you an active real estate license after it verifies your insurance coverage.

Step 8: Take a 12-hour post-licensing course

After your license is issued, you have 180 days to take and submit to the NREC proof of completion of a 12-hour post-licensing course. Failure to submit proof of completion will result in the license being assigned an inactive status.

Congratulations, you can now enjoy the benefits of being a Nebraska real estate salesperson!

fl real estate course man writing on a notepad.

Start the Nebraska Real Estate Salesperson Course Today!

What’s Included in Your Course​

Course Structure

The RealEstateU 66-Hour Nebraska Real Estate Salesperson’s Course includes::

  • An orientation to familiarize you with how the lessons will work.
  • All the need-to-know content is packaged in easy-to-follow audio lectures and written transcripts.
  • The coursework is segmented into themed chapters, which we segmented into targeted lessons.
  • Some lessons include enhancements like an infographic or a contract document.
  • Each chapter wraps with a multiple choice quiz. Answer at least 70% of the questions right to continue to the next chapter.
  • Every course finishes with a final exam. You must pass the exams to complete the course.
  • Ultimate flexibility with short, downloadable audio lessons. Learn while driving in the car, at home, or practically anywhere!. The self-paced course is designed for on-the-go learning.
  • RealEstateU’s 66-hour Nebraska Real Estate Salesperson course meets everything neededto satisfy the state’s real estate education requirement.
Alabama course structure.

Audio Transcripts

  • Follow along to each audio lesson with a written transcript.
Audio transcripts.

Beautifully Designed Infographics

  • Break down complex real estate topics with multiple infographics that help you understand the key concepts essential for your exams and future career.

Course Glossary

  • Learn the essential industry terms for your exams by searching the course Glossary, which is available as a PDF download.

Course Final Exams

  • The NE course requires you to pass the exams spaced throughout the course and a final exam administered at the end of each course.

Buy Our PDF Course Textbooks & Appendixes

You can purchase a PDF version of the course textbook for only $29!

The course textbook contains all the materials covered in the course, including all the audio transcripts, infographics, and supporting documents.

Please note that the PDF textbook is sold separately and not included in the course tuition. The textbook is designed to supplement the online course and not replace it.

This allows you to review the course content offline. The course textbook also enables you to print out individual lessons as needed.

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Why Get an Nebraska Real Estate License

Enjoy the numerous rewards of earning an Nebraska real estate salesperson license:

Income Potential

Real estate agents have unlimited income potential. The more transactions you represent and close, the more money you can earn!

Income tax.

Flexible Schedule

Forget spending your working years stuck in a boring 9-5 desk job. Be your own boss! Real estate agents choose their schedule and set their own hours.

Woman with sand clock

Work Part-Time or Full-Time

Want side income? Real estate is perfect! Or, start part-time and slowly transition from your current career. You can always move immediately to full-time and make real estate your dream job.

Holding loads of money.

Sell or Lease All Types of Real Estate

Holding a real estate license allows you to sell or lease all types of real estate throughout Nebraska.

Sell lease real estate.

Course Completion Time

All students have 12 months from the time of purchase to complete the RealEstateU 66-hour Nebraska Real Estate Salesperson Course (including the course exams).



Refund Policy

All courses are eligible for a refund within 30 days of purchase if the student has not completed more than 50% of the course. All refunds issued are subjected to a $20 admin charge. Please read our Terms and Conditions for more details.



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Get Your Nebraska Real Estate License Online

This is the fastest and most affordable way to get your Nebraska Real Estate License!
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