Oklahoma Real Estate License Requirements

To sell or lease real estate in Oklahoma and earn a commission, you must have an Oklahoma Real Estate License.

The steps to obtain an OK Real Estate License:

Step #1: Complete the 90-hour Oklahoma Real Estate Salesperson Course.

Step #2: Submit a Provisional Salesperson License Application.

Step #3: Submit Fingerprints for a Background Check.

Step #4: Schedule Your State Exam.

Step #5: Take and Pass the State Licensing Exam.

Step #6: Issue Your Provisional Salesperson License.

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General Requirements

How to Get a Real Estate Salesperson License in Oklahoma

To apply for an Oklahoma real estate salesperson license, an applicant must be a United States citizen. There are no other general requirements.

If you meet this qualification, it takes six steps to earn your real estate broker's license.

Step 1: Complete the pre-license course

Start the process with the Oklahoma 90 Hour Pre-license Salesperson Course. Select one from the state's list of approved education providers.

The course is known as “The Basic Course of Real Estate,” Part I. The provisional sales associate candidate will learn about a range of topics such as real estate economics, legal descriptions, transfer of rights, value and appraisal, marketing activities, fair housing, financing, regulations affecting real estate, and law of agency. You will take Part II after passing your licensing exam.

You will receive the Course Completion Certificate immediately after passing the final exam with at least an 80%.

You will submit a copy of the Certificate of Completion to the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission for your provisional salesperson application as proof you completed the required education.

Step 2: Apply for Your Provisional Salesperson License

You have up to three years after successfully completing your 90-hour pre-license education to submit the provisional salesperson license application. The Oklahoma Real Estate Commission uses an online application portal.

You’ll need to upload proof of citizenship as a birth certificate or a passport. A copy of your driver’s license will not be accepted.

The application fee is $35. An approved Provisional Salesperson Application is good for up to (1) year.

Step 3: Complete a background check

Oklahoma requires all applicants pass a background check. The state uses IdentiGO for Fingerprinting services. You will need to visit the website at https://ok.ibtfingerprint.com to schedule your fingerprinting appointment. You will need the service code 2B7NR3 to complete your fingerprinting registration. The fee is $60.

Step 4: Schedule your exam

Your Provisional Salesperson Application is also your application for the state exam. The Oklahoma Real Estate Commission will review your application within 5 business days and notify you via email about your next steps.

PSI administers Oklahoma's Real Estate Salesperson Licensure Exam. You will need the Candidate ID number sent in the approved application email to schedule your exam. PSI will email you within 48 hours of your application approval with a direct link to schedule your exam.

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You can also call the PSI helpline at 855-746-8169 or contact PSI by email at examschedule@psionline.com.

The exam fee is $60. You will directly pay PSI for the exam.

PSI Test Centers are located in Oklahoma City, Tulsa, McAlester, and Woodward. Refer to the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission License Examination Candidate Bulletin for information on site location addresses, exam security, reporting, and preparation.

Step 5: Take and Pass the State Exam

The exam is divided into two sections: national and state real estate. The total number of questions on the exam is 130, with each question worth one point. A passing score is 70% and you have three total hours to complete the exam.

The Candidate Handbook has outlines for the national and state portions of the exam.

Your score will appear immediately on-screen with a diagnostic report showing your strengths and weaknesses. A passing score is valid for one year.

Step 6: Issue Your Provisional Sales Associate License

Once you pass the exam, the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission will email you within 48 hours to issue your license online. You’ll log into the application portal to start the process.

To get an active license, you’ll need the brokerage number of the brokerage you’ll be working under. The Managing Broker will need to approve you before you can resume the steps. Once they do, you’ll log in and make the final license payment of $100.

Congratulations! Your Provisional Sales Associate license has been issued and you can practice real estate in Oklahoma. Note that you’ll have one year to complete the 45-hour post-licensing course and apply for a renewable Sales Associate license. A Provisional Sales Associate license is nonrenewable.

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