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Every state detemines their own real estate license application fee. For some you wil have to pay the application fee directly to the state and for other to PSI.
To make sure you understand how much is the real estate salesperson license aplication fee in your state please click on one of the options below.
Choose the answer by state?
How much is the real estate license application fee in Alabama?
Your AL real estate salesperson license application fee for the temporary salesperson license is $150, payable to the AL Real Estate Commission. You’ll also pay $30 to the Recovery Fund and $30 to Research Education, for a total of $210. Your Original License application fee will be $85 per year or $170 for a two-year renewal.
You must file your temporary application within 90 days of passing the AL state salesperson exam. The state recommends you time your sending of the application with the processing of your background check. Once you’ve been issued a temporary license, you have (1) year to complete the 30-hour post-licensing course and then apply for a permanent license.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Alaska?
You have several fees to pay for your Alaska real estate salesperson license. In total, you will pay $390. This includes the $200 non-refundable application fee, the $140 license fee, and the $50 recovery fund fee.
You have six months after passing the state's licensing exam to file your license application with the Alaska Real Estate Commission. It is recommended you make the filing as soon as you have secured errors and omissions insurance and been hired by an employing broker. The earlier your application is approved, the sooner you can get to work as a salesperson.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application fee? Arizona?
Your AZ real estate salesperson license application fee is $60, payable to the AZ Department of Real Estate with a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card, checks, or money order.
You must file your application within (1) year of passing the AZ state salesperson exam. However, you can’t file it until you have successfully completed your required 6-hour Contract Writing Course and received your AZ Fingerprint Clearance Card. Your license will be considered inactive until an AZ licensed broker hires you and activates it.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Arkansas?
The total cost is $86.25 due to the Arkansas Real Estate Commission. The fee is $50 for the application, $22 for the Arkansas criminal background check, and $14.25 for the FBI criminal background check.
The ideal time to file your salesperson license application is immediately after you have finished your pre-license course. However, Arkansas is now accepting license applications before you have finished your course. You will need to send in proof you have completed the education before the AREC will approve your testing eligibility.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application fee in California?
The California real estate salespersons license application fee is $245.
Acceptable payment methods include credit card, cashiers' check, money order, or check.
The application fee is non-refundable.
If you have a sponsoring broker, you can submit the Combined Exam/License Application right after you complete the 3, 45-hour pre-license courses.
If you previously submitted a Salesperson Examination Application using the eLicensing system, the DRE will email you information about submitting your salesperson license application in the system. If you mailed the application, the DRE will mail a Salesperson License Application after you pass the state licensing exam.
You can then submit the completed license application as soon as you like. You have one year from the date you passed the state exam to submit a completed license application, along with the required fee and other supporting documents.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Colorado?
Your broker license application fee is $200, made payable online through the application system with a credit card.
File as soon as possible. You will have up to (1) year after successfully completing the state exam to apply for your broker’s license. The CDRE will match your fingerprints to your incoming license application once they are received. Track your application status online.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Connecticut?
The license application processing fee is $80 made payable to PSI Examination Services. You'll need to send a check or money order with your license application.
The best time to file your license application is as soon as you have the pre-license course completion certificate. You want to take the exam when the information is fresh in your mind. Since being approved for the exam takes a few weeks, it's in your best interest to get approved as quickly as possible.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Delaware?
Your initial salesperson application fee will be $131. You will pay this online using a credit or debit card in the DELPROS system.
You have up to one year after passing the Delaware real estate salesperson licensing exam to file your license application with the Department of Professional Licensing. File soon after your broker hires you.
However, it's important to note that once you start the license application, the DELPROS system will only save it for six months. Plan to finish the process within that time frame.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Florida?
The cost of submitting your Florida real estate license application is $83.75.
It is recommended to wait about five days after submitting your fingerprints. This gives enough time for the background check report from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to be sent to the Florida Real Estate Commission. You do not have to complete the required pre-license education course prior to submitting your application. You will, however, need to have your application approved prior to taking the state exam.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Georgia?
If you apply for your license within 90 days of passing the State exam, there is a non-refundable license fee of $170.
If you apply for your license between 90 days and 12 months of passing the State exam, the license fee doubles to $340.
If you do not apply for your license within 12 months of passing the State exam, you must retake and pass the State exam.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application fee? Hawaii?
Your license application fee varies depending on when in Hawaii's licensing cycle you submit your application. Your licensing exam score report will have a specific licensing fee but you will need to pay. The breakdown of the fee is as follows:
• Application fee: $25
• License fee $42
• Original license fee: $74 in first year of biennial/ $42 in second year of biennial
• Education fund: $68
• Recovery fund: $84
So you could pay up to $293 for a Hawaii real estate salesperson license.
It is recommended that you file your license application as soon as you can after completing your state licensing exam. The sooner you get your license application into the Commission, the quicker your application will be approved and you can begin working as a licensed real estate salesperson.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Idaho?
The Idaho real estate salesperson license application fee is $160. You will need to submit a check or a credit card authorization form.
You should file your license application with the Idaho Real Estate Commission as soon as your background check results have been received. Your background check is only valid for six months. Your license exam results are only valid for one year.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application in Illinois?
The Illinois real estate broker initial license application fee is $125, payable by credit card through the Online Services Portal.
You have up to one year after passing the broker State licensing exam to file your license application with the IREC. After that, you'll need to start the process again.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Indiana?
Your broker license application feeis $60, made payable as a check or money order to the Indiana Professional Licensing Association or “IPLA.”
File as soon as possible. You will have up to (1) year after successfully completing the State Exam to apply for your broker’s license. If you are hesitating to apply because you do not have a sponsoring broker, you can still apply. The Commission will classify you as “unassigned” until you are able to notify them you have a sponsoring broker, at which point you will be given an active license.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Iowa?
The salesperson licensing fee is $125. You can pay it through My Iowa PLB using a credit card.
File your license application after you have completed all of the required 96 hours of education, passed the state licensing exam, been hired by an Iowa broker, purchased E&O insurance, and submitted your fingerprints for the background check. You must do all of this within one year of finishing your first 60-hour pre-licensing course.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application in Kansas?
The Kansas real estate salesperson licensing fee is $125.
You need to file your salesperson license application before your Kansas practice course completion certificate expires. It is valid for six months from the day you completed the course. File your application as soon as possible.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Kentucky?
The Kentucky salesperson license fee is $130 for an active license. You pay the fee to the Kentucky Real Estate Commission using a credit card, debit card, or electronic check.
You only have 60 days after passing the Kentucky State licensing exam to file your license application with the Kentucky Real Estate Commission. After that, you'll need to start the process again.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application fee? Louisiana?
Your salesperson license application fee is $90, made payable to the Louisiana Real estate Commission with a check or money order.
You’ll want to file the application as soon as possible. You will have up to (1) year after successfully completing the state exam to order your background check, be hired by a sponsoring broker, and get E&O insurance. The LREC will match your background check to your license application once they are received, but results are only good for 180 days. Time your Part B application accordingly.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application in Maine?
The Maine sales agent license application is a total of $121 paid to the “Maine State Treasurer.” The fee includes your $100 application and $21 criminal history check fee.
It's a good idea to keep moving through the process, so you'll want to file your license application as soon as a Maine licensed broker has hired you. It will take some time for them to pull the criminal history report and process your application. The earlier you get your application in, the earlier you get to start work as a sales agent.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application in Maryland?
The cost of your license application fee is $90. That fee includes the $20 Guaranty Fund payment.
You have one year from the date of passing your state licensing exam to file your license application. It's in your best interest not to delay the process. Complete your application as soon as you are hired by a sponsoring Maryland broker or request an active real estate license before your year is up.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application in Massachusetts?
Your Massachusetts salesperson license exam application fee is $85. You must submit this to PSI.
It is best to file your license application as soon as you have your three character endorsements. Your pre-license education completion certificate is good for two years, but you'll want to take the test while most of the information is still fresh in your mind. PSI needs time to process your exam application, so don't delay in sending in your license application.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Michigan?
Your license application fee will vary depending on when in the 3-year license cycle you are applying. The application fee may be $88, $62, or $36.
The application fee is payable using a Visa, MasterCard, or Discover Card credit card.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application in Mississippi?
The license application fee is $120 made payable to the Mississippi Real Estate Commission using a personal check, cash, cashier's check, or money order.
It is recommended that you submit your salesperson license application after a Mississippi licensed broker has hired you, and you feel ready to take the state licensing exam. Once the Mississippi Real Estate Commission approves your application, you only have two months to take and pass the state exam.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Missouri?
According to the Missouri Real Estate Commission, the application fee for a real estate license is $50, however, there is an additional $40 fee for the issuance of a Missouri real estate salesperson license. The application fees for real estate licenses are set forth by the Missouri Real Estate Commission and are nonrefundable. These fees must be paid by money order, check, or cashier's check, payable to the Missouri Real Estate Commission.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application in Montana?
The Montana salesperson license application costs $150. Online applications can pay with a credit card. Paper applications can be paid with a check or money order.
It is a good idea to file your license application as soon as an endorsed Montana broker has hired you and purchased E&O insurance. You have one year from passing your exam to apply. The quicker you file, the sooner you can start your real estate career.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application in Nebraska?
The license application fee is $135 paid to the Nebraska Real Estate Commission. You also pay the $150 license examination fee at the same time.
You must pay an $80 salesperson license issuance fee to the Nebraska Real Estate Commission to receive your license.
Your salesperson license application will be filed with the Nebraska Real Estate Commission after you complete the pre-license education and before you take the state licensing exam. This is the required progression from the NREC.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application in Nevada?
The Nevada real estate salesperson license application fee is $125 made payable to the Nevada real estate division as a check or money order. Any payments done in person using a credit card will have a 2% convenience fee tacked on.
You have up to one year to apply for your salesperson license after passing the state licensing exam. It's in your best interest to file your license application as soon as possible so that you can start work as a Nevada license salesperson.
How much is the real estate license application fee in New Hampshire?
The New Hampshire real estate salesperson license application fee is $90 made payable by check to the Treasurer, State of New Hampshire.
You are working under a timeline to submit your salesperson license application. The New Hampshire Real Estate Commission gives you six months from passing the state licensing exam to submit your licensing application. Your application must be submitted while your criminal record report is valid. Time the submission of these so you do not delay your application approval.
How much is the real estate license application fee in New Jersey?
The initial license application fee is $160. Personal checks are not accepted.
You only have one year from the date you pass the pre-license course to file the application. Work with your Managing Broker as soon as you are hired to submit the application, so you can be certified as a New Jersey real estate salesperson as soon as possible.
How much is the real estate license application fee in New Mexico?
Your New Mexico associate broker license application fee is $270.
You have six months after passing the state licensing exam to submit your license application to the New Mexico Real Estate Commission. You should turn in your license application within this timeframe, as soon as you have submitted your fingerprints for a background check, secured E & O insurance, and gathered all of your required supporting documentation.
How much is the real estate license application fee in New York?
The NY real estate salesperson license application costs $55.
You must make the payment through your eAccessNY account using a credit card.
You can only apply for your NYS real estate salespersons license after you have completed the 77-hour NYS real estate salespersons course, passed the NY state licensing exam, and found a sponsoring broker.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application fee in North Dakota ?
The combined fees for the North Dakota salesperson license application are $158. Online applicants can pay by credit card. Paper applicants will need to submit a check.
As long as you are over 18 years of age and a North Dakota resident, you can file your license application at any time. If you are not a state resident, you'll have to wait until you have your certificate of licensure from your licensed state. You don't need to finish your pre-licensing education before you apply.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application fee in Ohio?
The salesperson application fee is $81 made payable to the Ohio Division of Real Estate with a check or money order.
It is advisable to submit your license application to the ODRE soon after finishing your pre-license education and being hired by a broker. It will take over 30 days for the commission to approve your application for the state licensing exam. You want to take the exam as soon as you can, so all of the information you learned is still fresh in your mind.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application fee in Oklahoma?
The first part of the salesperson license application will cost $35. Once you are ready for your license to be issued, you will pay an additional $100 fee. So, in total, your initial salesperson license will cost $135.
We recommend filing your provisional salesperson license application shortly after finishing your 90-hour pre-license education course. The OREC must approve you to take your state licensing exam. You will want to take the exam while the information is more likely to be fresh in your mind. The longer you wait, the more you are likely to forget and the longer it will take to issue your license.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application in Oregon?
Your broker license application fee costs $300, made payable online through the application system with a credit card.
File as soon as you are ready, as it is the first step in earning an Oregon broker license. You can’t proceed with the 150-hour education course or your exam without an applicant ID number.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Pennsylvania?
The Pennsylvania real estate license application fee is $97, plus a $10 real estate recovery fund fee if you never held another Pennsylvania real estate license.
Application fees are non-refundable and payable using a credit card.
You can only apply for your Pennsylvania real estate license after you have passed the state licensing exam.
However, before you apply for your license online using the PALS system, you should have all of the required documents in place in order to prevent any delays in the review process.
You should have all of the following documents before you apply for your license:
1) Copies of your two Certificates of Completion from the 75-hour pre-license course
2) A copy of your state examination pass report
3) Completed state police criminal record check
How much is the real estate salesperson license application fee? Rhode Island?
The Rhode Island salesperson license application fee has two separate checks or money orders. You will pay $140 made out to the Rhode Island General Treasurer and $25 paid to the Real Estate Recovery Account. In total, the application fee will be $165.
After passing the state licensing exam, you have up to one year to file your application with the Department of Business Regulation. File as soon as you are ready to prevent any processing delays.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application in South Dakota?
The non-refundable broker associate license application fee is $225.
You have just 60 days after passing the last portion of your state licensing exam to file the broker associate application. Make the application as soon as possible so you don't miss the deadline and can start work as a real estate professional.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Texas?
If you submit your license application online using TREC’s Online Licensing Service, the application fee is $205.
If you opt to mail in a paper application, TREC charges a $20 paper filing fee on top of the regular $205 application fee. The total paper application fee is $225.
You can file your real estate license application at any time.
Once submitted, your application will be open for 12 months. During this time period, you must complete the following:
• Complete the 180-hour pre-license course.
• Get your fingerprints taken and clear a background check.
• Schedule and pass the state exam.
• Pay the required licensing fee and fingerprints fee.
We recommend that you wait until you are close to completing the 180-hour pre-license course to submit your license application. This will give you 12 months to complete the course, and fulfill the remaining requirements, which is much more reasonable.
If you do not fulfill all of the requirements of your license application within 12 months, you must resubmit a new application and pay the licensing fee again.
How much is the real estate salesperson license application fee in Utah?
The total fee for the sales license application is $157. It breaks down into a $100 application fee, a $12.00 recovery fund fee, a $5 FBI RAP BACK enrollment fee, and a $40 fingerprinting fee. Your fees are payable to the Utah Division of Real Estate.
You have 90 days from the day you pass your state licensing exam to apply with the Utah Division of Real Estate. You must gather the paperwork and submit the application using their online Real Estate License Management System (RELMS) as soon as possible, so you don't miss this deadline.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Vermont?
The salesperson application fee is $100 paid to the Vermont Office of Professional Regulation by credit card.
You should file your salesperson application after a Vermont licensed broker has hired you. They need to complete the employment and supervision form as part of the application process. The sooner you are hired by a broker, the quicker you can begin your new career as a real estate professional.
How much is application fee for salesperson real estate license in Virginia?
There is a $170 fee for the Virginia Salesperson License Application.
You can pay the fee using a credit card, check, or money order.
Checks and money orders must be made payable to the TREASURER OF VIRGINIA.
You should only file your Virginia Salesperson License Application after you have passed the state licensing exam and your fingerprints (criminal record check) have been received by the Board.
You must submit your license application within one year of the initial exam date when you originally took the state exam.
Also, your fingerprints cannot be older than 45 days from the date the Board received your criminal record check to the date they receive your license application.
How much is the real estate license application fee in West Virginia?
The West Virginia salesperson application fee is $25. Online submissions can pay by credit card.
While you have up to five years to file your application, it’s best to get it done when a licensed West Virginia broker has hired you. Being hired, running a background check, and passing the exam takes time. The quicker you work through the steps, the sooner your career as a real estate agent starts.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Wisconsin?
The Wisconsin Real Estate Salesperson license application fee is $75. This is payable to DSPS and can be paid using a cashier’s check or money order if you are submitting a paper application. Online application can be completed through the Online Licensure Application System (OLAS) and the payment can be made using a credit or debit card.
You must submit your application within 1 year of passing the state licensing exam and within 5 years of completing the 72-hour Wisconsin Real Estate Salesperson course.
The Application for Predetermination requires a $68 fee to be paid to DSPS.
How much is the real estate license application fee in Wyoming?
The original licensure fee for the Wyoming salesperson license is $300 made payable to the Real Estate Commission or WREC. You can also pay using the Credit Card Authorization Form.
You have 90 days after passing the state licensing exam to file a completed license application with the Wyoming Real Estate Commission. It’s a good idea to file as soon as you can so you can begin your career as a real estate salesperson.