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Generally the answe is No. All states requires real estate agents to work under a licensed real estate broker's supervision. In some states you will not be able to apply for a license without having a sponsoring broker. And in other states if you don't have a sponsoring broker you will receive an inactive real estate license. You’ll need the broker to activate your license.
Choose the answer by state?
Can I get an Alabama salesperson license if I don't work for a broker?
No. State law requires Alabama real estate salespersons to work under the supervision of a state licensed real estate broker. In fact, you can’t practice real estate until the AREC issues your license to a qualifying broker.
Can I get an Alaska real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
No, your license application requires you to submit the employing broker information. All real estate salespersons must work under the supervision of an employee broker.
A broker license enables you to run a real estate business. A salesperson license enables you to work in a real estate business under the supervision of a real estate broker.
Can I get an Arizona salesperson license if I don't work for a broker?
No. State law requires Arizona real estate salespersons to work under a licensed real estate broker's supervision. In fact, you’ll need an Arizona broker to activate your salesperson license with the ADRE.
Can I get an Arkansas real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
All Arkansas real estate salespersons must work under the supervision of a licensed real estate broker. You will need to have a broker for your license.
Arkansas salesperson and a broker license certify you to work in the business of real estate. Holding an Arkansas broker license enables you to run your own real estate business and hire employees to work under you. Your salesperson license authorizes you to work under the supervision of a broker.
Can I get a California real estate license if I don't work for broker?
If you do not have a sponsoring broker when you submit your license application, the DRE will send you an inactive real estate license once your license application is approved. If you have an inactive real estate license, you will not be able to perform any duties that require an active real estate license.
Can I get a Colorado real estate broker license if I don't work for a broker?
To work with an active license in Colorado, you need to be hired by an employing broker. You can hold an inactive license, but you won’t be able to legally transact real estate and earn a commission. Your license application will ask you to identify an employing broker.
An associate broker license enables you to represent buyers and sellers in real estate transactions. An independent or employing broker license allows the licensee to supervise other brokers. Managing brokers can be responsible for real estate companies. Having an independent broker license allows a person to act as a sole proprietor without being associated with a company.
Can I get a Connecticut salesperson license if I don't work for a broker?
No, you must be hired by a Connecticut licensed broker to activate your salesperson license. You have two years from passing the exam to be hired by a broker and activate your license, or you'll need to take the exam again.
A real estate broker license enables you to act on behalf of a person or entity for a fee, commission, or other valuable consideration, on the sale, purchase, exchange, at lease, or rental of an interest in real estate. A real estate salesperson is someone who is affiliated with a real estate broker to list for sale, assist with the purchase, or assist with the leasing of real estate on behalf of the said broker.
Can I get a Delaware real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
No. Your application requires a Statement of Broker of Record signed by the broker of record for the office you will work under. Your license application won't be approved until you show a Delaware licensed broker will supervise you.
A Delaware broker license lets you open up an independent real estate business and hire employees to work under your supervision. You are authorized to run the day-to-day operations of a brokerage organization. A salesperson license authorizes you to work under the supervision of a licensed broker.
Can I get a Florida real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
A Florida real estate license can be issued to an applicant who meets Florida's licensing requirements and passes the state exam. However, the license will be issued as inactive and you will be unable to perform real estate services until you find a licensed Florida real estate broker to sponsor you. Your new broker will need to sign your license activation application. Once this form has been submitted, you will be ready to legally perform real estate services in Florida.
Can I get a Georgia real estate license if I don't work for broker?
Yes, you can still obtain an inactive real estate license. However, you cannot engage in any real estate related activities with an inactive license.
You can renew an inactive license every four years by simply paying the renewal fee. Inactive licensees are not required to complete the 36 hours of continuing education credits.
If you wish to sell or lease properties in the State or Georgia, you must obtain an active real estate license, which requires that you work under a sponsoring broker.
You must submit the Real Estate Change Application and take the required continuing education courses to switch your license from inactive to active.
Can I get an Hawaii salesperson license if I don't work for a broker?
All Hawaii license real estate salespersons must work under the supervision of a managing broker. You need to identify a broker as part of the licensing process.
While both licenses enable you to work in the real estate industry, A salesperson license means you must work under the supervision of a broker. A broker's license enables you to open up an independent business and hire employees to assist you with the real estate business.
Can I get an Idaho real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
The Idaho Real Estate Commission initially issues all licenses on inactive status. So initially, you can receive your license without working for a broker, but it will not be an active license. Your hiring broker must go to online services and activate your license to change over to active status.
A real estate broker license enables you to receive compensation for assisting with the selling, marketing, or leasing of real estate or other business opportunities or interest; assisting with the transaction; and, to employ salespersons to work under your supervision.
Can I get an Illinois broker license if I don't work for a managing broker?
No, you must work for a licensed managing broker in order to hold an Illinois real estate broker license.
A managing broker license enables one to open and manage an independent brokerage. One can hire brokers to work under them.
Can I get an IN broker license if I don't work for a broker?
Yes, but it won’t be an active license. You need an active license to legally work as a real estate broker in Indiana. Instead, you will be given an “unassigned” or “inactive” license.
A broker license enables you to represent buyers and sellers in real estate transactions. A managing broker license allows the licensee to supervise other brokers. Managing brokers can be responsible for real estate companies. Having a managing broker license also enables a person to act as a sole proprietor without being associated with a company.
Can I get an Iowa real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
No, Iowa requires all salespersons to work under the supervision of a licensed real estate broker. Your sponsoring broker must sign a broker certification section of the license application and will sign your original license. No inactive licenses are given to new real estate licensees.
A salesperson license enables you to assist clients with transacting real estate while working under the supervision of a licensed broker. A real estate broker license enables you to open up a real estate business and hire employees to work underneath you.
Can I get a Kansas real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
No, Kansas will not issue a salesperson license to someone not affiliated with a licensed Kansas real estate broker. Your broker must sign your license application. No original licenses will be issued on inactive status.
A real estate broker takes responsibility for overseeing the conduct of a real estate brokerage business. They can hire employees and operate an independent brokerage. A real estate salesperson works for and is supervised by the managing broker.
Can I get a Kentucky salesperson license if I don't work for a broker?
You will need to work for a Kentucky licensed real estate broker in order to receive an active salesperson license. Your licensing application will ask you for the name of a person or company that you will associate with for the business of real estate.
A Kentucky broker license enables you to operate an independent real estate firm into higher sales associates to work for you. A salesperson license enables you to assist with the business of real estate but work under the supervision of a real estate broker.
Can I get a Louisiana real estate license if I don't work for a broker
To work with an active license in Louisiana, you need to be hired by a sponsoring broker. Their sponsorship is required for the Initial Real Estate Salesperson License-Part B. You can file for an inactive salesperson license, but you won’t be able to legally transact real estate and earn a commission.
A broker license allows the licensee to supervise other brokers. A broker company license enables the holder to manage real estate companies.
Can I get a Maine real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
No, you are required to work under the supervision of a Maine licensed broker. Part of your sales agent license application asks about your affiliating agency and needs the authorization of your broker.
A sales agent is someone who is in their first two years of licensed work as a real estate professional in Maine. You have to work under the supervision of a broker. A broker's license means you have several years of experience, and you are able to hire employees to work under you.
Can I get an Maryland salesperson license if I don't work for a broker?
You can't receive an active real estate license without being hired by a Maryland licensed real estate broker. Your license application will ask for your employing broker's information.
A salesperson's license means that you are able to assist in the purchase and sale of real estate in the state of Maryland. You are required to work under a broker’s supervision. A real estate broker license enables you to hire others to work for you in the business of real estate and to operate your own brokerage agency.
Can I apply for a Michigan real estate license if I don't have broker?
Yes, you can still submit your Michigan real estate license application if you do not have a sponsoring broker; however, you will not receive a license until you have a sponsoring broker.
If you do not have a sponsoring broker when it comes time to submit your license application, you must submit an Employing Broker Notification form when you eventually get a broker.
If you submitted your sponsoring broker's 10-digit permanent ID number as part of your Michigan real estate license application, you should notify your broker to confirm your sponsorship.
Your sponsoring broker should then log in to their own MiPLUS account and confirm your sponsorship.
If you did not include your broker's ID number as part of your application, your broker will then have to submit an Employing Broker Notification form within one year of your application submission date.
Can I get a Minnesota real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
No. Minnesota requires you to work for a Minnesota-licensed real estate broker. You will work on behalf of the broker in your salesperson duties. Your associated real estate broker will submit your license application for you.
Can I get a Mississippi real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
No, Mississippi real estate salesperson license application requests information about your employing broker. Your application will not be approved without evidence you will work under the supervision of a licensed broker.
Inactive real estate licenses mean that you hold a salesperson license, but you are not legally able to represent buyers or sellers transacting real estate and earn a commission for your efforts. An active license means that you are legally allowed to represent buyers and sellers and earn a commission for your work.
Can I get a Missouri real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
Yes. According to Missouri Statute 339.040(4), an individual who has yet to associate with a licensed real estate broker in Missouri for supervision is permitted to take the state real estate exam.
Can I get a Montana real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
No. Your real estate salesperson application requires verification from a Montana licensed and supervision-endorsed broker.
A salesperson is about to engage in marketing to the public and representing interests in real estate. An endorsed broker can hire employees to work under them.
Can I get a Nebraska real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
No. In order to complete your license issuance form, it must be signed by an employee broker indicating you agreed to be employed by and supervised by that licensed real estate professional.
Salesperson and an employing broker license in Nebraska enable you to work in the business of real estate, a salesperson license entitles you to work under the supervision of a licensed real estate broker. An employing broker license enables you to open an independent brokerage and hire employees to work under you.
Can I get a Nevada real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
Oh, you must work under the supervision of an employee Nevada license broker. If you wish to have an active license, you'll need to submit your Brokers information as part of your salesperson license application.
A broker license enables you to sell, exchange, purchase, rent or lease, and negotiate the transaction of real estate, and be paid for your work. A broker license also enables you to claim, charge, and receive a fee in connection with any sale or lease of real estate, engage in property management, and engage in the business of brokerage. A salesperson must be hired as an employee or independent contractor associated with a licensed broker to engage in real estate transactions and be paid.
Can I get a New Hampshire real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
New Hampshire does require you to work under the supervision of a state licensed real estate broker. You need to provide your supervising broker's information as part of the real estate application.
The difference between salesperson and a principal broker license is a principal broker license enables you to operate as an independent business and to hire employees who will work under your supervision in the business of real estate. A salesperson must work under the supervision of a principal broker.
Can I get a New Jersey real estate license if I don't work for a salesperson?
No. In New Jersey, it’s your Managing Broker that submits your license application. If you’re not hired, you can’t receive a license.
A salesperson license enables you to assist clients with the purchase, sale, and Lease of commercial and residential real estate. Your work has to be supervised by a managing broker. A broker license enables you to open up a real estate brokerage, hire employees, and manage a real estate business.
Can I get a New Mexico real estate broker license if I don't work for a broker
New Mexico will issue you a real estate associate broker license if you have not been hired by a supervisory qualifying broker. However, it will be an inactive license, and you will be unable to practice real estate activities.
New Mexico broker license and qualifying broker license enable you to work in the business of real estate. You will be able to assist clients with the purchase, sale, lease, or management of real property. However, a qualifying broker license enables you to run your own business and hire employees to work under your supervision.
Can I apply for a New York real estate license if I don't have broker?
No, you must have a sponsoring broker (who is a licensed New York real estate broker) in order to submit your New York real estate salesperson license application.
Can I get an North Carolina license if I don’t work for a broker-in-charge?
You can receive a license, but it will be inactive and you will be unable to engage in real estate activities on your own. You will need a broker-in-charge to sign and submit an affiliation form to the Commission before your license can be activated. As a provisional broker, you may then perform real estate activities, but all activities must be under the supervision of a broker-in-charge at all times.
Unlike many states, North Carolina only offers broker licenses. However, there are multiple categories of broker licenses. Most new licensees will start their real estate careers at the entry-level license status of provisional brokers. Most provisional brokers are required to be under the supervision of a broker-in-charge to be active and legally practice real estate. Once they have completed post-licensing coursework, they may have provisional status removed from their license.
Can I get a North Dakota real estate salesperson license if I don't work for a broker?
No, you can't have a salesperson license without a broker. Your hiring broker will need to sign your license activation request, so finding a real estate broker to associate yourself with is a critical step.
A real estate broker is a person who can, for a fee, commission, or salary, engage in or offer real estate transaction services, including listing, selling, negotiating, or marketing real estate. A licensed broker engages a salesperson to act or deal with a transaction on behalf of the licensed real estate broker.
Can I get an Ohio real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
No, all Ohio real estate salespersons must be sponsored by it an Ohio licensed broker. In fact, it's part of a requirement for your salesperson exam application.
Ohio salesperson and a broker license enable you to assist clients with their real estate needs and earn a commission for your work, Brokers take additional hours of education and certification. This enables them to independently owned a brokerage in supervised others in the business of Real Estate.
Can I get an Oklahoma salesperson license if I don't work for a broker?
No, the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission will not issue you your salesperson license until it receives approval from a managing broker. When you request the OREC to issue your license, you have to input information regarding your hiring brokerage.
A broker license enables an individual to run a business as a firm and to sponsor licensed sales associates. You can be a branch office manager or a managing broker for a corporation or association. Licensed salespersons cannot do this.
Can I get an Oregon broker license if I don't work for a broker?
No. In Oregon, a Principal broker must add you to their business license to activate your license.
A broker license enables you to represent buyers and sellers in real estate transactions. APrincipal broker license allows the licensee to employ and supervise other real estate brokers.
Can I get a Pennsylvania real estate license if I don't work for broker?
No, you must have an employing broker in order to submit your license application and ultimately obtain your real estate license.
Can I get a Rhode Island real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
No. Your principal broker has a section of the license application that they must complete stating they intend to hire and supervise your work. The state won't issue your license without a supervising broker.
Holding a broker license enables you to open and run your own brokerage. You will be able to hire employees to work in the business of real estate. A salesperson is licensed to work under the supervision of a broker.
Can I practice real estate on my own if I get a South Carolina salesperson license?
No, you may not practice real estate without a supervising broker and office code, which needs to be submitted to the South Carolina Real Estate Commission. If you do not yet have a supervising broker, you will need to indicate this on your application. You may still apply for your license, but it will be issued on an “inactive” status. You will be able to convert it to active status under a supervising in-charge licensee. If you are provided with a provisional license, you will need to complete any post-licensing education and have your license upgraded before your expiration date.
Can I get a South Dakota broker associate license if I don't work for a qualifying broker?
You can receive a license, but it will be issued on inactive status. This means you can't work in a real estate business. A qualifying broker must hire you and activate your license.
A responsible broker license enables the holder to supervise the activities of those licensed in association with or under their supervision. A broker associate is any broker acting under the supervision of a responsible broker.
Can I get a Texas real estate license if I don't work for broker?
Yes, you can still obtain an inactive real estate license; however, you will not be able to perform any real estate related activities until you obtain an active license.
Can I get a Utah real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
All sales agents must be employed by a Utah-licensed real estate broker. Otherwise, you cannot hold an active license.
Can I get a Vermont real estate salesperson license if I don't work for a broker?
No. The Office of Professional Regulation requires your hiring broker to complete the employment and supervision form as part of the license application process. They will not issue you a salesperson license without proof of supervision.
A broker license enables you to run an independent real estate business or to manage a brokerage firm. You can hire employees to work in real estate under your supervision. A salesperson license allows you to engage in the business of real estate under the supervision of a broker.
Can I get a Virginia real estate license if I don't work for broker?
Yes, if you do not have a sponsoring broker when it comes time to submit your Virginia Salesperson License Application, the Board will issue you an inactive real estate license.
Please note, you cannot practice as a real estate salesperson with an inactive real estate license.
If you wish to practice as a real estate salesperson, you must apply for an active real estate license with the help of a sponsoring broker.
Can I practice real estate on my own if I get a Washington broker license?
No, you are required to be licensed to a firm and supervised by a designated broker. You cannot practice real estate on your own. If you have not affiliated with a brokerage and designated broker at the time you apply for your license, you will be issued an inactive license. You will need to have it activated once you have a brokerage and designated broker.
Can I get a West Virginia real estate salesperson license if I don’t work for a broker?
No, the West Virginia real estate salesperson application process requires the signature of your employing broker. You must work under the supervision of a West Virginia licensed real estate broker.
A West Virginia salesperson license authorizes you to engage in work on behalf of a broker or under the supervision of a broker. A broker license means you are authorized to list, sell, exchange, manage, lease, or auction any interest in real estate. You can hire employees to work under your supervision.
Can I get a Wisconsin real estate license if I don't work for a broker?
No, you must have a sponsoring broker in order to submit your Wisconsin Real Estate Salesperson License Application. The state law requires Real Estate Salespersons to work under a sponsoring broker.
Can I get a Wyoming real estate salesperson license if I don't work for a broker?
No. Salespersons are required to work under the supervision of a WY licensed real estate broker. Your license application requires you to identify a responsible broker and have their signature notarized.
Responsible brokers can open and manage independent real estate brokerages. They are responsible for the supervision of licensees associated with the real estate company of the responsible broker. A salesperson is licensed to work under a responsible broker.