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Most states have a cut off period by when your real estate license will expre. You can reinstate your real estate license by submitting an application for reinstatement.
You will need to make sure you meet the licensing requirements, such as fulfilling your continuing education demands. If your license has been expired for many years you might have to retake the state exam.
Click on your state below and see if you can renew your real estate license if it has expired.
Choose the answer by state?
Can i renew expired real estate license in Alabama?
Once your salesperson license is expired in Alabama, you'll need to begin the process to renew your license from the beginning. This includes the 60-hour pre-license course, state exam, and application for a real estate temporary license.
Can i renew expired real estate license in Alaska?
You have two years to reinstate an expired real estate license. You must submit a change of license status application, certificates of completion for 20 hours of continuing education during the last two-year licensing period, verification of your current E & O insurance coverage, and the reinstatement fee. This fee will be $415 or $345, depending on when your license expired.
Can i renew expired real estate license in Arizona?
In Arizona, the only difference between an inactive and active license is that an active license holder is someone hired by an Arizona licensed real estate broker. If you would like to have an active license, you must be hired and submit proof you met the continuing education requirements.
Can i renew expired real estate license in Arkansas?
To reinstate your expired Arkansas real estate license, you will have to make a real application to the Arkansas Real Estate Commission. You will have to make sure you meet the continuing education requirement, which is seven classroom hours for each year you had an expired license.
Can I renew my expired real estate license in California?
There is a two year late renewal period during which you can renew your expired real estate license by submitting the Salesperson Renewal Application. This period begins immediately following the expiration date of your license. There is a late renewal fee which will be higher than on-time (prior to the expiration date) renewal fees. For more information, visit the state website.
Does a real estate license expire in Colorado?
You can request your real estate broker license be reinstated by submitting an application for reinstatement online. Make sure you meet the licensing requirements, such as fulfilling your continuing education and showing proof of current insurance. Renewing within 32 days-1 year of expiration costs $273. Reinstatement applications that run from 1-3 years after expiration cost $363.
Does a real estate license expire in Connecticut?
Go to the real estate salesperson-reinstatement page to find information on reinstatement. It will have instructions and forms based on the year your license expired. Your license can only be reinstated if it has been not expired for two or more years.
Does a real estate license expire in Delaware?
You may file a late license renewal application up to 60 days after the expiration in DELPROS. You'll need to pay a late fee in addition to the renewal fee that is 50% of the renewal fee.
If you don't renew by the end of the 60-day late renewal period, your salesperson license will no longer be renewable. You must apply for a reinstatement. of licensure in DELPROS.
Can I renew my expired real estate license in Florida?
If your license has been involuntarily inactive for more than two years, it automatically expires. When a Florida real estate license expires, it becomes null and void.
The Department of Business and Professional Regulation will notify you 90 days before the license expires. You can expect to pay a fee of up to $100 for late renewal.
You may have your expired license reinstated if the Florida Real Estate Commission determines you failed to comply due to an illness or economic hardship. You will need to apply to the Commission directly for reinstatement within six months after the date your license expired.
You will then need to:
Can i renew my real estate license after it expires in Georgia?
If your Georgia real estate license has been expired for less than one year, your license is considered "lapsed" and the following must be done to "reinstate" your license:
This information can be submitted to the Georgia Real Estate Commission via email at [email protected] or via U.S. mail. You can reinstate your license online and save $25.
In addition, if your license has only been expired for less than 30 days, the license will be reinstated as 'Active' if:
All other "lapsed" cases will be reinstated as an inactive license. To change your reinstated inactive license to an active license, the following must be done:
If your Georgia real estate license has been expired for more than one year, you can no longer reinstate your license online. You will have to pay a late fee and submit a Reinstatement Application.
Once your application is processed and your continuing education credits are verified by the Georgia Real Estate Commission, a new wall license and pocket card will be mailed to you within two business days.
Does a real estate license expire in Hawaii?
You will need to complete a restoration memorandum. Any real estate licenses expired under one year must submit proof of completion of continuing education requirements. Restoring to inactive licensing status requires no CE. If a license has been expired for 1-4 years, you must complete either: at least 30 hours of elective continuing education or complete the pre-licensing course for the level of license for fitted or pass the pre-licensing exam for the level of license forfeited. If the license has expired for over four years but less than five, you need to pass the pre-licensing exam. Any license expired greater than five years, and you will need to start the process as a new applicant. Any license expired greater than five years, and you will need to start the process as a new applicant.
Do real estate licenses expire in Idaho?
To reinstate your expired Idaho real estate license, you need to go online to the online services portal. You will need to pay your renewal fee and your fine. Note that your license will be renewed on inactive status. Your broker must go online to activate you.
Do real estate licenses expire in Illinois?
You must make an application for the reinstatement of your broker license. You'll need to make sure you have a designated managing broker, update your continuing education, and pay any required fees. The fees will be paid to the IDFPR using a check or money order. The fee is $200.
Do real estate licenses expire in Indiana?
You can reinstate your real estate broker license by submitting an application for reinstatement. You will need to make sure you meet the licensing requirements, such as fulfilling your continuing education demands. There is a $60 renewal fee. However, if your license has been expired for three years or more, the fee is $120.
Do real estate licenses expire in Iowa?
To resume work as an active salesperson, you will need to submit a reinstatement application in the My Iowa PLB platform and pay the appropriate fees.
Do real estate licenses expire in Kansas?
Make sure all of your education is on record with the Commission. Log into the My License E-gov portal. If you have been inactive for less than two years and you renewed without all 12 required continuing education hours, they must be completed before you reactivate. If you have been inactive for two to five years, you need six hours for each full year on inactive status plus the 12 hours required for the immediate past renewal period. Anyone inactive for five or more years must take the licensing exam in addition to the above education requirements.
Does a real estate license expire in Kentucky?
Log on to the Kentucky DPL eServices to complete your renewal information. Alternatively, you can submit the License Renewal Form to the Kentucky Real Estate Commission. You will need to pay a $200 late fee. If your license has been expired for more than one year, you won't be able to reinstate it. You'll have to go through the licensing process again.
Does a real estate license expire in Louisiana?
Unfortunately, if you let your inactive or active salesperson license expire, you’ll need to start again with the initial applicant process.
Do real estate licenses expire in Maine?
Anyone who has an expired sales agent license will be unable to reinstate their license. Otherwise, you will need to retake the Maine Law examination and resubmit a license application.
Does a real estate license expire in Maryland?
You have up to 3 years to apply for reinstatement without needing to retest on the state exam. If you apply for reinstatement within two years of the expiration date, you can reinstate your license online. You’ll need to be compliant with your continuing education requirements, pay all past-due renewal fees, and pay a reinstatement fee of $150. License renewal fees are $70.
Do real estate licenses expire in Massachusetts?
If your license has been expired for more than two years, you can ask for it to be reinstated by completing the Request For Reinstatement Application under the “applications and forms” link on the Board of Licensing website. To receive an active license, you must complete 12 hours of continuing education before turning in the reinstatement application.
Can I renew my real estate license after it expires in Michigan?
In order to reinstate your Michigan real estate salesperson's license within 3 years of your license expiration date, you must pay the required application processing fee, the late renewal fee, and the per-year license fee.
Then, you must complete one of the following:
If you do not reinstate your license within 3 years of your license expiration date, you must retake the 40-hour Michigan pre-license course, retake and pass the state licensing exam, and submit a new license application.
Do real estate licenses expire in Minnesota?
If your real estate salesperson license expires, ask your broker about missing requirements. You must meet these requirements before applying to reactivate your license. You’ll need to pay the $70 renewal fee plus a $20 reactivation fee. This must be done before two years lapse, or you will need to begin the Minnesota salesperson licensing process again.
Can i renew my real estate license after it expires in Missouri?
Any Missouri real estate licensee who does not renew their license in the subsequent period will no longer be allowed to practice real estate in Missouri, as the license becomes null and void. Individuals must requalify as a new applicant to begin practicing real estate again. MREC Board Rule CSR 2250-4.020 (2).
Does a real estate license expire in Montana?
The reinstatement of a suspended license costs $50. You'll also need to show proof of your continuing education hours.
Does a real estate license expire in Nebraska?
You cannot reinstate an expired Nebraska real estate license. You will have to begin the licensing process again.
Do real estate licenses expire in Nevada?
Fill out Form 544, Application for Reinstatement. The fees you owe will depend on how long your license has been expired. A salesperson reinstatement within one year costs $180.
Do real estate licenses expire in New Jersey?
Reinstating your salesperson license requires you to complete the continuing education credits applicable in the preceding license term. You'll need to answer the required qualifying questions online. Finally, your active broker of record will apply for your reinstatement by going to Online Licensing Services.
Can I renew my real estate license after it expires in New York?
If your NY real estate license has been expired for less than 2 years, you may have your license reinstated by completing the following:
You cannot reinstate a license that has been expired for more than 2 years. Instead, you will have to retake the state exam and submit a new license application.
Can I renew my real estate license after it expires in North Carolina?
License renewal deadline extensions for acquiring the required continuing education credits are only granted in instances of extreme hardship that prevented a licensee from obtaining continuing education credits in a timely manner.
Examples are a military member in the family being stationed overseas or a serious illness that incapacitated the licensee for the better part of the year. If you qualify for an extension request, complete the CE Extension Request form on the Commission’s website and submit it well ahead of the June 10 deadline.
Do real estate licenses expire in Ohio?
To reactivate an expired Ohio salesperson license, you'll need to fill out the transfer/reactivation application. Submit proof you have met the 30 hours of continuing education requirement. The renewal fee is $227.50. Your broker also must return your original license.
What happens if my real estate license expires in Oklahoma?
As long as your license has not been expired for more than three years, you need to go online to the Oklahoma license portal. For an active reinstatement, you will need to pay $285. For an inactive reinstatement, the fee is $210. The licensing portal will tell you the specific requirements you need to activate your license. If your license has been expired for longer than three years, you'll need to start with a provisional sales associate application.
Does a real estate license expire in Oregon?
You can request your real estate broker license be reinstated by submitting an application for reinstatement through the eLicense portal. First, get up to date on your continuing education requirements. Make sure you take the 3-hour Law and Rule Required Course plus 27-hours in continuing education within a two-year period before reactivation. The fee will cost $150.
Can I renew my real estate license after it expires in Pennsylvania?
If your Pennsylvania real estate license is expired, you have a period of five years during which you can apply for reactivation of your license without needing to retake the licensing examinations. Follow these instructions for online activation.
However, an applicant who has remained inactive without renewing their license for five years (from the date of its expiry) will need to retake the relevant examination before being reissued their license.
Can I renew my real estate license after it expires in South Carolina?
If your real estate salesperson license expires, you can bring it back into active status if you act before your license has expired six months past its renewal date.
You will need to meet all the required continuing education requirements and pay a fee of $15 per month, plus the normal renewal fee which includes a penalty fee. You must renew your license prior to the six-month anniversary of your renewal date or your license will be canceled. At that point, you will need to meet the requirements for a new license.
What happens if my real estate license expires in South Dakota?
You can't reinstate an expired South Dakota real estate license. You'll have to start the licensing process again, beginning with pre-license education.
Can I renew my real estate license after it expires in Tennessee?
If your license has been expired for longer than the 60-day grace period, you are required to request reinstatement through the Commission’s Comprehensive Online Regulatory and Enforcement System (CORE). Once you have registered on the CORE site, you will then complete a license reinstatement request and submit it. A licensing member will contact you within 10-15 business days following your application and provide you with your reinstatement requirements.
Can I renew my real estate license after it expires in Texas?
TREC recommends that you submit your renewal application at least 10 days prior to your renewal date. However you may renew your license for up to 6 months after your renewal date.
If you renew your license from 6 months to 2 years after your renewal date, you must apply to reinstate your license. You can do this by submitting a Reinstatement of Real Estate Sales Agent License or Broker License by Individual form and paying the required $190 renewal fee.
Your license will be reinstated as an inactive license. If you wish to obtain an active license, you must complete a sponsorship request using TREC’s Online Services or by submitting a Sales Agent Sponsorship form.
Prior to renewing your active real estate license, you must first complete the required SAE credits or CE credits (depending on if you are renewing for the first-time or not). You must also complete the 4-hour TREC Legal Update 1 and the 4-hour Legal Update 2 courses.
If you have worked as a supervisor for at least 6 months, you also have to complete the 6-hour Broker Responsibility course.
Once you have completed all of the education requirements, you can then apply to renew your license online or by mailing in a renewal application. You must also pay the required $110 renewal fee. If your license has been expired for two or more years, you must pass the State exam again and submit a new license application.
What happens if my real estate license expires in Utah?
To reinstate a sales agent license, you'll need to log in to the Real Estate License Management System (RELMS). Complete the RAP Back Fingerprinting process. Submit proof of your continuing education. You'll need to pay a $160 late fee.
What happens if my real estate license expires in Vermont?
Failure to renew your license by the expiration date will cause it to expire. To reinstate, you need to log in to your Office of Professional Regulation account. Pay a late renewal penalty in addition to the renewal fee and provide your proof of meeting the required continuing education.
Can I renew my real estate license after it expires in Virginia?
To reinstate an expired real estate license, you must submit a Salesperson Activate/Transfer Application, either online or by mail and pay the required fee.
Please note, you must have completed the required continuing education credits before you can submit to reinstate your license.
If you submit for reinstatement after 30 days past your license expiration date, you will have to pay an additional $100 reinstatement fee.
If your license has been expired for more than one year, you cannot get the license reinstated. Instead, you will have to retake the Virginia pre-license course, retake and pass the state licensing exam, and apply for a new real estate license.
Can I renew my real estate license after it expires in Washington?
If your real estate broker license has expired, you can bring it back into active status if you act before your license has expired one year past its renewal date. You will need to meet all continuing education requirements and pay a fee of $172.75, which includes a penalty fee.
You must renew your license prior to the one-year anniversary of your renewal date or your license will be canceled. At that point, you will need to meet the requirements for a new license.
What happens if my real estate license expires in West Virginia?
Once your license has expired, you will have to pay the appropriate renewal and late fees as set by the commission rules. These fees must be paid within one year of expiration on or before June 15. If you fail to renew by June 15, you will have to start the licensing process again, including taking the exam.
Can I renew my real estate license after it expires in Wisconsin?
Login on LicensE to renew your license. This involves a late renewal fee submission. Please note that in order to renew a license, all real estate licensees are required by the DSPS to complete 18 hours of Continuing Education during each two-year licensing period.
What happens if my real estate license expires in Wyoming?
You can’t reinstate a canceled Wyoming salesperson license. You’ll have to start the licensing process over again.