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Typically a real estate license needs to be renewed every two years. That is however dependent on the requirements of each state.
Once your renewal deadline approaches you will have to apply for a license renewal. Some states provide a courtesy renewal period.
Check out the list below to see how often you have to renew your real estate license in your state.
Choose the answer by state?
How often do i renew my real estate license in Alabama?
Your Alabama real estate salesperson's license is active for two years, with the period ending on September 30 every even-numbered year. You will have to apply for renewal before September 30 of that year.
How often do i renew my real estate license in Alaska?
Alaska real estate licenses renew every two years in even-numbered years. This is regardless of when your license was issued. So if your license was issued in July 2021, your license expires January 31, 2022.
How often do i renew my real estate license in Arizona?
Your Arizona real estate salesperson's license is active for two years. You will have to apply for renewal at the end of those two years. The Arizona Department of Real Estate will email you 90-, 60-, and 30-day courtesy renewal reminders to the email address on record.
How often do i renew my real estate license in Arkansas?
All Arkansas salesperson licenses expire on December 31 of each calendar year. Therefore, you have to renew your Arkansas real estate license every year. The notice to renew your license will be sent by the Arkansas Real Estate Commission by mail or electronically around July 15 of each year. Renewal applications and the required fees must be sent to the Commission by September 30.
How often do you have to renew real estate license in California?
A California real estate license must be renewed every four years.
How often do you renew your real estate license in Colorado?
Your Colorado broker license is good for three years. Licenses begin on January 1 of a given year. License renewal is available starting 45 days before the expiration date, and you will have a 31-day grace period to complete the application.
How often do you renew your real estate license in Connecticut?
Your Connecticut real estate salesperson license expires on May 31 each year. You must renew your license every year.
How often do you renew your real estate license in Delaware?
Your Delaware real estate salesperson license is good for two years. Licenses Renew on April 30 of all even-numbered years, like 2022, 2024, etc.
How often do you have to renew real estate license in Florida?
Florida real estate licenses expire two years after issuance, either at the end of September or the end of March, depending on when you took the state exam for the license.
The first license period for sales associates may cover 18 months to 2 years; the exact timing depends on when the licensee passed the state exam.
Per the FREC, a licensee who holds a minimum of a baccalaureate degree in real estate from an accredited school will be exempt from the post-license education requirement.
How often do you have to renew real estate license in Georgia?
The Georgia Real Estate Commission requires all active licensed real estate brokers and salespersons to complete 36 hours of continuing education every four years.
If you fail to do so, your license is considered "lapsed" and must be reinstated.
A Reinstatement Application must be submitted along with a notarized Lawful Presence Verification form.
If your license has been lapsed for less than two years, you simply have to submit the Reinstatement Application and pay the required fee.
If your license has been lapsed between two and five years, you will have to either retake the 75-hour Georgia pre-license course, or retake the State exam, and pay the required fee.
If your license has been lapsed for more than five years, you will be required to retake the State exam, and pay the required fee.
If your license has been lapsed for less than one year, you have the option to complete the Reinstatement Application online and save $25 on the reinstatement fee.
The reinstatement fee equals the following:
• If you submit the reinstatement application within four months of your license renewal date, the fee is $225.
• If you submit the reinstatement application after four months of your license renewal date, the fee is $225, plus $25 for each month after this period.
If you hold an inactive license, you are not required to complete the continuing education credits. You simply have to pay the renewal fee.
Only active real estate licensees are required to complete 36 hours of continuing education every 4 years.
With an inactive license, you are only required to pay the renewal fee.
However, newly licensed agents, including inactive licensees are required to complete the 25-hour Sales Postlicense course.
How often do you renew your real estate license in Hawaii?
Hawaii salesperson real estate licenses are valid for two years. All licenses renew on January of an odd-numbered year (2021, 2023, etc.) and expire on December 31 of the even-numbered year (2020, 2022, etc.).
How often do you renew your real estate license in Idaho?
Real estate licenses are good for two years. They expire on the last day of your birth month. For example, if you are born on September 15th, the year that you renew your license will expire on September 30th.
How often do you renew your real estate license in Illinois?
In Illinois, real estate broker licenses renew in even-numbered years, such as 2020, 2022, 2024, and so on. Therefore, your renewal happens every two years.
How often do you renew your real estate license in Indiana?
Indiana renews their broker’s licenses in three-year cycles. The Commission operates specific windows where they will accept license applications for renewals. The Commission typically opens the renewal period in March. Real estate licenses are set to expire on June 30th in a given year. You will be notified that you need to renew your license by email.
The Commission will only approve waivers for the continuing education requirements under two basic conditions:
• You served in the United States armed forces for at least one year of the three-year licensure.
• You had an incapacitating illness which prevented part-time or full-time employment for at least 12 months of the three-year licensure period.
Refer to the continuing education waiver form for the documentation you’ll need to receive the waiver.
How often do you renew your real estate license in Iowa?
Your Iowa salesperson license is good for three years. The renewal process is done electronically through My Iowa PLB. You will be notified via email when it's time to renew. Keep your contact information up to date.
How often do you renew your real estate license in Kansas?
Your Kansas real estate salesperson license is good for two years. You can log on to My License E-gov portal to find your renewal date.
How often do you renew your real estate license in Kentucky?
Your Kentucky real estate salesperson license is good for two years based on a date set by the Commission. Licenses expire on March 31st of a given year.
How often do you renew your real estate license in Louisiana?
Your Louisiana salesperson license is good for one year and expires on December 31. You’ll need to pay for renewal and take continuing education every year.
Louisiana requires all new applicants to take a one-time 45-hour post-license education hours within 180 days of your initial license date. You must take the course from LREC approved education providers.
In your initial licensing year, the 45-hour post-licensing course will give you eight hours of continuing education credit. You’ll still need to take the mandatory four-hour course topic assigned for the year by the LREC.
How often do you renew your real estate license in Maine?
Your Maine professional real estate license is good for two years. You will be emailed a reminder at least 30 days prior to your license expiration date.
How often do you renew real estate license in Maryland?
Your Maryland salesperson license is good for two years before you will need to submit your proof of continuing education and pay for a license renewal.
How often do you renew real estate license in Massachusetts?
Your Massachusetts Real Estate salesperson license is valid for two years. Each person's expiration date is individualized, so you'll want to pay attention to the issuance and expiration date on your license.
How often do you have to renew real estate license in Michigan?
Michigan real estate salesperson licenses expire every three years starting from October 31, 2015.
This means you must renew your license on or before October 31st, 2018, 2021, 2024, etc.
How often do you renew real estate license in Minnesota?
Your Minnesota real estate salesperson license is good for two years. To keep an active license, you must stay associated with an actively licensed Minnesota real estate broker and meet the continuing education requirements. Your real estate broker will submit the renewal application on your behalf. All licenses must be renewed by June 30th in a given year.
How often do you renew real estate license in Mississippi?
The Mississippi real estate salesperson license is good for two years. It will expire on December 31 of a given year.
How often do you have to renew real estate license in Missouri?
Missouri real estate licenses are issued for two years. Each Missouri real estate license for a professional corporation (as a salesperson) or an inactive salesperson will expire on September 30 of each even-numbered year. All other real estate licenses expire on June 30 of each year that ends with an even number.
The Missouri Real Estate Commission will waive CE requirement as follows – with the provision of acceptable evidence and documentation (Missouri Statute CSR2250-10.100(6)):
• The real estate licensee is on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces anytime during the license period, but immediately before the renewal date.
• The licensee has a serious illness or injury anytime during the license period, but immediately before the renewal date.
• The licensee holds a valid law license.
• The licensee is 80 years old or older.
• The licensee is a member of the State/U.S. House or Senate.
• The licensee is a member of the Missouri Real Estate Commission.
It is noted that an individual licensed as a real estate instructor may be awarded credit for teaching an MREC-approved course during the renewal period. Missouri Statute CSR2250-10.100(10).
Note: according to MREC Board Rule 2250-3.010(5), salesperson applications for real estate licenses postmarked between August 1 and September 30 of even-numbered years will be awarded a real estate license that will be renewed in the next licensing period (odd-numbered year) with no continuing education requirements for that first year.
How often do you renew real estate license in Montana?
You will need to renew your Montana real estate salesperson license every year by October 31. The renewal portal opens 60 days before.
How often do you renew real estate license in Nebraska?
Your Nebraska Real Estate salesperson license is valid for two years. Your license will expire on November 30 of a given year. Your license will state which year you expire and need to renew.
How often do you renew real estate license in Nevada?
Nevada salesperson licenses are valid for two years. You need to renew every two years from the date on your license.
How often do you renew real estate license in New Hampshire?
Your New Hampshire salesperson real estate license is valid for two years from the issuance date. The NHREC will notify you 30 days before expiration by email to renew your license.
How often do you renew real estate license in New Jersey?
Your New Jersey salesperson license is valid for two years. The license term ends July 1 of odd-numbered years.
How often do you renew real estate license in New Mexico?
Your New Mexico real estate associate broker's license is valid for three years. The expiration date is the last day of the licensee's birth month. If your birthday was June 15, then your license will expire on June 30 of a given year. Check your license for the expiration date.
How often do you have to renew real estate license in New York?
You must renew your New York real estate salespersons license every two years.
Your license expiration date will be printed on your real estate license.
How often do you have to renew real estate license in North Carolina?
All North Carolina real estate licenses must be renewed by June 30 each year, regardless of the date of issuance. If you do not renew your license by June 30, it will expire.
You will receive a courtesy reminder in May. If you do not get your original license till late May or June, you will receive your reminder with your new license and still must renew on June 30.
Licensees can renew their licenses online at the North Carolina Real Estate Commission website. The renewal fee is $45 and may be paid via VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express or PayPal annually from May 15 to June 30.
How often do you renew real estate license in North Dakota?
You will need to renew your North Dakota salesperson license every year by December 31. If you don't, your license will expire.
How often do you need to renew real estate license in Ohio?
You must renew your salesperson license every three years by your birthday. So if you were licensed in 2020, you would renew in 2023 by your birthday.
How often do you need to renew real estate license in Oklahoma?
Oklahoma salesperson licenses renew every three years. You log into the licensing portal to find your specific expiration dates.
How often do you need to renew real estate license in Oregon?
Your Oregon broker license is good for two years. Licenses expire on the last day of the month your birthday is in. License renewal is available starting on the first day of your birthday month.
How often do you have to renew real estate license in Pennsylvania?
Pennsylvania real estate licenses must be renewed by May 31st on each even calendar year.
Please note that the Real Estate Commission does not offer a grace period for renewals.
If you fail to renew your license by the renewal date, your license will be considered 'inactive'.
How often do you have to renew real estate license in Rhode Island?
Your Rhode Island salesperson license is active for two years. Your renewal will therefore have been every two years.
How often do you have to renew real estate license in South Carolina?
Real estate salesperson licenses expire every two years on June 30 and are renewable on a biennial basis. If you are unsure of your renewal status, you can access the information using the licensee lookup function from the commission’s website.
All information related to renewal, including applications and forms, can be accessed at https://llr.sc.gov/re/.
How often do you need to renew real estate license in South Dakota?
Your South Dakota broker associate license is valid for two years. You will renew between October 1 and November 30 of your renewal year. You can check your expiration date using their online verification system.
How often do you have to renew real estate license in Tennessee?
Every two years, you will need to provide certification of satisfactory completion of 16 classroom hours in real estate courses at any school, college or university approved by the Tennessee Real Estate Commission. You will need to ensure all necessary documentation and fees required for renewal of your license are delivered to the Commission before your affiliate broker license has expired.
How often do you have to renew real estate license in Texas?
You must renew your Texas real estate license every two years.
How often do you need to renew real estate license in Utah?
Your real estate license is good for two years. You can start the renewal process 45 days before the expiration date on your license.
The UDRE does not waive continuing education requirements.
How often do you need to renew real estate license in Vermont?
Your Vermont salesperson license is valid for two years. The renewal fee is $240 for the two-year period. All renewals are handled online with the OPR.
How often do you have to renew real estate license in Virginia?
You must renew our Virginia real estate license within two years from the last day of the month in which your license was issued.
For example, if your license was issued on January 10, 2020, you must renew by January 31, 2022.
If you fail to renew your license by its renewal date, your license will be considered expired.
This applies to both active and inactive licensees.
The Real Estate Board may grant exemptions or waive or reduce the number of continuing education hours required in cases of certified illness or undue hardship as demonstrated to the Board.
In addition, military personnel called to active duty in the armed forces of the U.S. may complete the required continuing education within six months of their release from active duty.
How often do you have to renew real estate license in Washington?
Real estate broker licenses expire every two years, but you can renew your license up to 120 days before it expires.
You can sign up for the Department of Licensing’s listserv to get updates and alerts regarding your license. Your license can be renewed online using your SecureAccess Washington (SAW) account. You can also pay your license renewal fees online through the system.
How often do you need to renew real estate license in West Virginia?
You renew every year. All West Virginia licenses expire on June 30 each year regardless of the license’s date. The only exception is if you initially qualified for licensure during the fiscal year of your first required renewal.
How often do you have to renew real estate license in Wisconsin?
You are required to renew your Wisconsin Real Estate Salesperson license every two years.
How often do you have to renew real estate license in Wyoming?
A newly issued active salesperson license shall be renewed by December 31 of the year issued. This renewal starts the licensee on a three-year renewal cycle.