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If you are moving to another state and already have a real estate license you might be able to tranfer it. Many states have reciprocal agreements which allow you to transfer your real estate license.
Click on the state you are moving to, in the list below, and see if they have a reciprocity agreement with the state you are licensed in.
Choose the answer by state?
How to transfer real estate license in Alabama?
Follow the reciprocal license guidelines to receive your Alabama license. The AREC recommends you thoroughly read Section 34‐27‐32(b)(1) and Rule 790-X-1-.18 as they pertain to out-of-state licensees.
How to transfer real estate license in Alaska?
To receive a new Alaska real estate salesperson license by endorsement, you must have a current and active license in another state. You will fill out the real estate salesperson application by endorsement. You will need to provide a license to history from the jurisdictions you hold a real estate license. It must be sent directly to the Alaska Real Estate Commission.
You also need to pass the state portion of the Alaska real estate exam and take a six-hour course on Alaska real estate law. You will need to submit proof of real estate education equal to the 40 hours required in Alaska. These hours must have been completed within the 24 months before the date of application.
You also need to provide proof of E & O insurance coverage and be hired by an Alaska license broker. Finally, include with your application a principal occupation statement to verify real estate has been your principal occupation for the immediate six months preceding the date of application.
How to transfer real estate license in Arizona?
You can earn out-of-state license recognition as long as you are a current Arizona resident, were licensed in the other state for at least one year, and have a current license in that other state. The process also wants to see that you have completed the approved real estate education in the other state and passed the real estate license examination in that state.
You will need to take the Arizona-specific state exam. Once you pass that exam, you must apply for your license within one year. You will need to ask for an out-of-state license recognition application packet from PearsonVUE upon completion of your exam.
You also need to complete the 6-hour Contract Writing Course and have its course certificate. You'll need to receive a valid and current Arizona Fingerprint Clearance Card. Your application requires Disciplinary Actions Disclosure Form and the Disclosure Document Checklist Form, if applicable.
As an out-of-state licensee, you will also need an original certified license history from the state where you have held your license. This will need to be shown at the time of your exam.
How to transfer real estate license in Arkansas?
You can request a waiver of the general portion of the Arkansas state licensing exam. You will need to fill out the salesperson license application and submit with it a certified license history from your currently active licensed state.
How to transfer real estate license to another state like California?
California does not offer reciprocity with any other state.
For this reason, you will have to go through the same licensing process as any other non-licensee.
First, you will have to complete the required 3, 45-hour pre-licensing courses. Next, you will have to get fingerprinted and apply for the State licensing exam. Once you pass the state licensing exam, you then apply for your California real estate license.
How to transfer real estate license in Colorado?
Real estate professionals licensed in another state are able to apply through reciprocity. Anyone who has held an active license for at least two years will need to submit to a fingerprint background check, provide a certified license history, and pass the state portion of the Colorado Real Estate Broker’s exam. Anyone who has held a license for less than two years or has an expired license will need to do the steps above, pass the national portion of the exam, and take 120 hours of education.
Can you transfer your real estate license from another state to Connecticut?
If you have a current active license in another state that does not have a reciprocity agreement with Connecticut, you can apply for a license with the non-reciprocal application. It is possible to apply online. You will need to complete the state portion of the Connecticut real estate license exam. Some applicants may also be required to take the general portion of the exam. You'll need to be sponsored by an active Connecticut real estate broker and pay the $285 initial license fee.
How to transfer real estate license to another state like Florida?
As a nonresident, you will need to meet the same eligibility, education and exam requirements as any Florida resident, unless you live in one of the eight states in which Florida has real estate licensing reciprocity. These states include Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Mississippi, Nebraska and Rhode Island. You cannot claim license reciprocity if you live in Florida or if you received your license in one of these eight states due to another state’s reciprocity agreement.
How to transfer real estate license to another state like Georgia?
The State of Georgia will allow you to apply for your Georgia real estate license if you meet the following criteria:
1) You have passed the State real estate exam in the State you are currently licensed in;
2) You currently hold a real estate license that is in good standing (meaning it has not lapsed or expired).
If you meet these requirements, you simply have to submit an Application for Reciprocity License, and include the following documents with your application:
• A notarized Lawful Presence Verification form.
• A non-refundable fee of $170.
• A certified copy of the licensing history from the State Licensing Board of your residence (which is used to verify that your license is in good standing).
• A criminal history report or a Georgia Criminal Information Center Report (GCIC).
• A certified copy of any disciplinary actions taken against your license.
Please note that once you obtain a Georgia real estate license through reciprocity, you are required to complete the 25-hour post-license course within the first year of licensure. You can either take the 25-hour Georgia post-license course, or an equivalent course from your local State. If you fail to meet this requirement, you license will be considered lapsed and must be reinstated.
In addition, if you obtain an active Georgia real estate license, you must complete at least 36 hours of approved continuing education within the four-year renewal period.
If you are applying for reciprocity with a Florida license, you must take and pass the Georgia Supplement Exam.
You can learn more about the Georgia Supplement Exam in the PSI Georgia Candidate Handbook.
Can you transfer your real estate license from another state to Hawaii?
If you hold a real estate salesperson license in another state, you could qualify for the Equivalency To The Pre-license Education requirement or Equivalency To The Uniform Examination.
To qualify for Equivalency To The Pre-license Education requirement, you must have a current and active license within one year prior to the date of the equivalency application. You must also have successfully completed the pre-licensing education requirements in that state and submit a " with the application. This form must be issued by the out-of-state agency no longer than 6 months from the submission date. The application fee is $50.
To qualify to take just the state-specific section of the licensing exam, you need to submit the Equivalency To The Uniform Section application. You must have completed the pre-licensing education or applied for and obtained equivalency to the pre-license education course. The application fee is $50.
Can you transfer your real estate license from another state to Idaho?
Start the licensing process by requesting a certified license history from your current state of active licensure. You need to send your certified license history to the Idaho Real Estate Commission with a completed exam waiver request. Your certified license history is good for six months from the date of issuance. Your waiver must be approved before you schedule the licensing exam requirement. After that, you will take the state portion of the Idaho licensing exam. All of the other steps remain the same.
Can you transfer your real estate license from another state to Illinois?
If your state does not have reciprocity with Illinois, you must still apply for licensure on the basis of examination.
Can you transfer your real estate license from another state to Indiana?
Real estate professionals licensed in another state should contact the Indiana Real Estate Commission about reciprocity. If you qualify, you will be approved to take just the state portion of the pre-license exam. Once you pass the state portion, submit a broker license application. If you do not qualify for reciprocity, you will need to take the 90-hour pre-license course, the pre-license exam, and submit the broker license application.
Can you transfer your real estate license from another state to Iowa?
Iowa has reciprocity with Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, or North Dakota. These states have a pathway to licensure through reciprocity.
Any other state will have to follow the same steps as any Iowa unlicensed resident, except some licensees can apply for a waiver to skip the 60-hour pre-license course and taking the national portion of the Iowa licensing exam.
193E Iowa Administrative Code § 5.3 applies to license holders except those in California, Florida, New York, West Virginia, in Wisconsin. If your original license is from one of these states, you have to sit the whole examination, but you can skip the 60-hour pre-license course.
Can you transfer your real estate license from another state to Kansas?
Salespersons that hold an active license in another state will need to take the 30-hour pre-licensing course called the Kansas Practice Course. When it comes time to take the state licensing exam, file a client exam waiver to Pearson VUE after creating your account. Once this waiver is approved, you will be able to schedule the state-only portion of the exam.
Can i transfer my real estate license in Kentucky?
Kentucky no longer has a policy of license recognition. If you are licensed in another state but that state does not have reciprocity, you will need to follow the same steps as a new sales associate. Kentucky is actively negotiating reciprocity deals, so check with the KREC.
Can i transfer my real estate license in Louisiana?
Anyone licensed in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania are able to apply through reciprocity.
Anyone with an active license but not in a reciprocal state will need to submit an official license history from their current state. It will need to have pre-licensing education, testing history, and any disciplinary information. The information will need to be sent to the Education Division before submitting any licensing application.
The LREC may give partial credit for pre-licensing education and accept the national examination results if the applicant has passed an equivalent exam within the last five years. If a waiver is granted, the applicant will only need to take 30-hour pre-licensing education specific to Louisiana and the state portion of the exam.
Can i transfer my real estate license in Maine?
Maine allows any current and active real estate license holders to apply for a non-resident or resident reciprocal license. You will need to turn in a completed license application, be at least 18 years old when you apply, and have a high school diploma or its equivalent. You need to pass the Maine Law examination administered by Pearson VUE. Finally, you need a verification of licensure from any states you hold a real estate license.
Can i transfer my real estate license in Maryland?
If you hold an active real estate license in another state that does not have a reciprocity agreement with Maryland, you can apply for out-of-state license recognition that may help you waive some of the licensing requirements. You need to send a certificate with your full licensing history from the state where you were first licensed and are currently licensed. It must be sent within 30 days of its issue date from your home state with a cover letter signed by you with your contact information.
MREC will review your education and experience individually to determine what is transferable and what can be waived.
Can i transfer my real estate license in Massachusetts?
Applications for current licensees in other states have to be submitted through the Division Of Professional Licensure ePLACE portal. Upload supporting documents, like the certified letter of good standing from your current actively licensed state. You'll need a notarized criminal offender record information (CORI) authorization form, a recent passport-style color headshot, and any other official letters or certificates of standing for each professional license held in any other jurisdiction. All professional letters or certificate standing documents must have been issued 90 days before the application submission.
The application and licensing fees are prorated based on the applicant's date of birth. It takes about ten days for the board to review and approve an application. You will be mailed a letter to your mailing address in the license and will be added to the “Check a License” database within 24 to 48 hours of issuance.
How to transfer real estate license to another state like Michigan?
If you hold a real estate salespersons license in another state, LARA may grant you a Michigan real estate salespersons license if they determine that your prior real estate experience and education is substantially equal to that required in Michigan.
If LARA determines that you cannot receive a Michigan real estate license solely based on your past real estate experience and education, you will have to obtain your license the same way as any non-licensee. This includes:
1) Complete the 40-hour Michigan pre-license course.
2) Apply for your Michigan real estate license.
3) Pass the Michigan state licensing exam.
You will also be required to submit a signed and notarized Consent to Service of Process form.
Can i transfer my real estate license in Minnesota?
If you are a non-resident in a non-reciprocalstate, you’ll need to complete the 90-hour Minnesota pre-license course bundle, pass the state portion of the salesperson exam, and find a Minnesota-licensed broker to submit your application. You’ll also need to email a letter of certification, no older than 90 days, documenting your current license.
Can i transfer my real estate license in Mississippi?
If you are licensed in any other state, contact the Mississippi Real Estate Commission before you apply. Inquire about any reciprocity agreements and requirements. You also submit a reciprocal salesperson license application. Make sure you meet any requirements specific to your state. They are not listed on the MREC website.
How to transfer real estate license to another state like Missouri?
An out-of-state resident can apply for a Missouri real estate license if they hold a current, valid real estate license from another jurisdiction and they also have:
• Completed the Missouri Real Estate Practice Course (MREP).
• Passed the state portion of the Missouri real estate state examination before submitting the real estate license application.
• Submitted an application with six months of passing the state exam.
• Submitted a recent (less than three months old) license history from the real estate authority managing the applicant's current real estate license.
Can i transfer my real estate license in Montana?
Submit an application with an official license verification from the jurisdiction you hold a license. You will need to take the Montana state portion of the exam. You'll also need a pre-licensing education.
How to transfer my real estate license in Nevada?
If you are not approved for reciprocity, you will need to follow the steps as any new salesperson agent. You may also need to fill out Form 656 if you are not currently a Nevada resident.
How to transfer my real estate license in New Hampshire?
You must email [email protected] to inquire about any reciprocity and licensure equivalency requirements. The steps vary according to the state you currently hold an active license. Depending on your state and situation, you may fill out an equivalency packet.
How to transfer my real estate license in New Jersey?
Most real estate salesperson applicants have to follow the exact same process, even if they are licensed in another state. If you are licensed in Florida, New York, or Pennsylvania, you could waive some of the education requirement. As the waiver criteria differs by state, you'll need to look at the specific information for the state you hold a license.
How to transfer my real estate license in New Mexico?
If you are licensed in a non-reciprocal state, you can apply for a waiver of 60 of the 90 hours of pre-licensure education. You must provide a certified license history from your current licensing jurisdiction that shows you have completed Real Estate Principles and Practice and Real Estate Law or their equivalent. The waiver also exempts you from taking the national section of the state licensing exam.
You’ll still need to take the 30-hour Broker Basics Course and the state portion of the broker licensing examination.
How to transfer real estate license to another state like New York?
Unless you are eligible to apply for an NYS real estate license via reciprocity, you must obtain your NYS license the same way as any non-licensee.
This includes:
1) Complete the 77-hour NYS real estate salespersons course (including the proctored final exam).
2) Pass the NYS state licensing exam.
3) Submit your NYS license application.
The NYS Department of State may waive the 77-hour course requirement if you completed a substantially similar course in your home-state.
How to transfer real estate license to another state like North Carolina?
If you are a resident from another state, you may still apply for a North Carolina provisional broker license, as long as you hold a real estate license in your state of residency. However, the firm and principal broker where you hold your license will need to be licensed in North Carolina.
You will need to pass the North Carolina portion of the state license exam, but may be able to waive the pre-license education requirement and the national portion of the state license exam. To request a waiver, attach an Official Certification of Licensure from the state or jurisdiction where you are licensed. The certification should not have been issued more than six months ago and must show the license history and any disciplinary action or complaints taken against the applicant.
How to transfer my real estate license in North Dakota?
If you are licensed in a non-reciprocal state, you have to pass the North Dakota portion of the state licensing exam, file a license application, and be fingerprinted. Pay the $20 fee for the ND Real Estate Education, Research, and Recovery Fund.
How to transfer real estate license in Ohio?
If you are eligible for reciprocity, you can submit a salesperson reciprocity exam application. Follow the steps outlined in the application. If your state does not offer reciprocity with Ohio, you will have to follow the same steps as a new salesperson applicant.
How to transfer real estate license in Oklahoma?
If you are licensed in another state that does not have reciprocity with Oklahoma, you still have the potential for a shortened pathway to earn your license. If you have two years or more experience in real estate within the last five years, you could qualify to take the Oklahoma state-only examination through PSI. You'll need to submit a certified license history from the state you hold a license and take one hour each of continuing education in the Oklahoma Broker Relationship Act, Oklahoma Code And Rules, and Oklahoma Contracts And Forms.
If you do not have a license in a reciprocal state and you have less than two years’ experience within the last five years, you must take the full examination and undergo the full process.
How to transfer real estate license in Oregon?
The Oregon Real Estate Agency has specific reciprocal licensing requirements for Alabama, Alberta, Georgia, Nebraska, and South Dakota. You must contact the agency for information.
Otherwise, real estate professionals licensed in another state must meet the same requirements as any broker license candidate. This includes the 150-hour education requirement and the full broker license examination.
How to transfer real estate license to another state like Pennsylvania?
If you hold a current, active broker or salesperson's license in one of the following six states, and maintain your principal office there, you can apply for reciprocity:
1) Arkansas
2) Georgia
3) Louisiana
4) Maryland
5) Massachusetts
6) New York
If you apply for a reciprocal license, you are exempt from taking the 75-hour Pennsylvania pre-license course and the state licensing exam. You will have to submit a license application online using the state's PALS system. You must also include the following documentation with your application:
1) A certified copy of your current real estate license.
2) A certified statement by the licensing body of your current state as to whether you have been the subject of any disciplinary proceeding and the details of those proceedings.
3) A verified statement that you are not subject to any current investigations under a licensing law or criminal law; that you have read and are familiar with the Pennsylvania Real Estate Licensing and Registration Act, and that you agree to permit the disclosure of the record in any disciplinary proceedings involving any alleged misconduct.
If you have been actively licensed in a state that does not offer reciprocity with Pennsylvania within the past five years, the Commission may waive the 75-hour pre-license education requirement if you have already completed at least 75-hours of pre-license coursework in that state.
The Commission will also waive the national portion of the state exam, which means you only have to pass the state portion of the exam. In order to have the national portion waived, you must submit a Certification of Licensure from your state licensing body, dated within 90 days of registering for the state exam.
You must take the state portion of the exam through PSI and pay the the $49 examination fee. Once you pass the state portion of the exam, you can then apply for your Pennsylvania real estate salesperson's license through the PALS system.
Can you transfer real estate license to another state in Rhode Island?
If you are licensed in another state without a reciprocity agreement with Rhode Island, you'll need to submit the standard real estate salesperson application. Include a letter of good standing from your home state's licensing authority. You also need to take the pre-license education and the full licensing exam.
Can you transfer real estate license to another state in South Dakota?
If you hold a real estate license in another state and you have moved to South Dakota, you can earn an equivalent license by submitting a certificate of licensure showing your good standing along with your application. The certificate must have been issued within the last 30 days. You will need to pass the state portion of the South Dakota licensing exam before submitting your application.
You will need to follow the same steps as a South Dakota resident, making sure you complete the pre-license course and pass the state licensing exam. If you are currently licensed in another state, you just need to pass the state portion of the licensing exam. Non-residents will complete a Non-Resident Broker Associate Application.
How to transfer real estate license to another state like Texas?
Texas does not offer reciprocity with any other state. For that reason, you will still be required to complete the 180-hour pre-license course, submit a Texas license application, get fingerprinted, and pass the state exam.
However, if your license is still active, you will not be required to take the national portion of the state exam. Instead, you will only be required to take the state law portion.
Can you transfer real estate license to another state in Utah?
If you do not qualify for reciprocity, you will need to follow the same steps as a sales agent. You can, however, qualify for an education waiver or the national exam requirement waiver if you have an active real estate license in another state. You will need to complete and submit to the Division of Real Estate and education waiver request. Wait for the waiver before taking any pre-license education or taking the exam. You'll need to include the signed original education waiver in your license application.
How to transfer real estate license to another state like Vermont?
You follow what is called the endorsement process as long as your current state’s licensing requirements are equal or greater than Vermont’s. If they are not, you need to follow the regular steps.
You can follow the fast-track endorsement process if you have been licensed for at least three years in another jurisdiction. Otherwise, you'll follow the regular endorsement process. To do this, you:
• Submit an online application
• Take the state licensing exam
• Provide verification of supervision
• Provide an official verification from your original and most recent state of licensure. This document must be sent directly from the state.
How to transfer real estate license to another state like Virginia?
If you are licensed (or have been licensed) in another state, you may apply for your Virginia real estate salespersons license through the same process as if you were obtaining your VA license through reciprocity.
However, if your license is currently expired, you must take both the national and state portions of the Virginia state licensing exam.
How to transfer real estate license to another state like West Virginia?
If you have a current and active salesperson license in another state, you will submit a West Virginia salesperson license application in full with a certificate of licensure from the jurisdiction you hold a license. Your application must include the signature of an active West Virginia licensed broker and two recommendations from property owners. As a new resident, turn in an affidavit of residency form. You will have to sit the salesperson portion of the state’s licensing exam.
How to transfer real estate license to another state like Wisconsin?
If you hold an active real estate license in Indiana or Illinois, then you can apply for a Wisconsin real estate salesperson’s license via reciprocity.
If you are not licensed in Indiana or Illinois, then you must go through the same licensing process as an unlicensed individual.
How to transfer real estate license to another state like Wyoming?
The requirements for actively licensed salespersons seeking a Wyoming salesperson license are as follows:
• Submit to fingerprint cards for your background check
• Complete and pass the Wyoming law course
• Complete and pass the Salesperson II course
• Pass the Wyoming state exam for salespersons
• Include a certificate of licensure from your current licensed state
You will also need errors and omissions insurance for Wyoming and a designated broker licensed in the state.
You need to follow many of the same steps as a Wyoming state resident. If you are not currently licensed, you must include a service of process form with your application. If you are actively licensed in another state, include the service of process form and a certificate of licensure. You will be exempt from taking the Salesperson I course and the national portion of the licensing exam.