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Each state is specific. Some states have real estate licensing reciprocity agreements with other states. That means that if you have a real estate license in one state you might be able to apply for a license in another state without having to take the licensing courses. Most of the time you will still have to pass the state exam. Using reciprocity will reduce your time to apply for a real estate license in a new state.
Click on the state you are interested to get your license in and see if it has reciprocity agreement with any other states.
Choose the answer by state?
Which are the reciprocity agreement states with Alabama?
Active license holders in other states can receive a reciprocal license by submitting a reciprocal salesperson license application and meeting some additional education requirements.
What are the states that have reciprocity with Alaska?
Alaska does not have reciprocity with other states. It does offer a pathway to receive licensure by endorsement.
What states have reciprocity with Arizona in real estate?
Unfortunately, Arizona does not offer any reciprocity with any other states. You will have to go through an application process and take the Arizona state exam.
Which are the reciprocity agreement states with Arkansas?
Arkansas does offer reciprocity with several other states. If you are currently actively licensed in Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Washington, or West Virginia, you can take advantage of reciprocal licensing processes.
Which are the reciprocal agreement states with California in real estate?
California does not offer reciprocity with any other state.
Even if you are licensed in another state, you will have to go through the same licensing process as every other applicant.
This includes:
What are the states that have reciprocity with Colorado?
Colorado offers reciprocity across states, but the exact pathway of your next steps depends on the status of your license and how long it has been active.
Even if you have a non-expired license and two years’ experience working as a real estate salesperson in another state, you will still need to complete the required fingerprint background check, pass the state portion of the Colorado real estate broker’s exam, and provide a certified license history that is dated to within 90 days of your application.
Applicants with expired licenses or less than two years of experience may need to take additional hours of education or pass both sections of the Colorado broker’s exam.
What states have reciprocity with Connecticut in real estate?
Connecticut has reciprocity agreements with Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Rhode Island. Learn more about reciprocity with Connecticut.
Which are the reciprocity agreement states with Delaware?
Delaware does not have a specific reciprocity agreement with particular states. It does allow you to apply for reciprocity if you hold a current and active license in any other US jurisdiction, including territories and the District of Columbia.
Which are the reciprocal agreement states with Florida in real estate?
The Florida Real Estate Commission currently has mutual recognition agreements with eight other states. Those states are Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nebraska, Rhode Island and West Virginia.
Which are the reciprocity agreement states with Hawaii?
Hawaii does not offer reciprocity with any other state. However, you can qualify for an equivalency to the pre-license education requirement or the equivalency to the uniform examination.
What are the states that have reciprocitys with Idaho?
Idaho does not have reciprocal licensing agreements with any other states.
What states have reciprocity with Illinois in real estate?
Illinois does have reciprocity with Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska, and Wisconsin.
Which are the reciprocity agreement states with Indiana?
Indiana only offers reciprocity with Illinois. To receive your license via reciprocity, complete a broker application form and submit an official license verification from Illinois. For an active license, you’ll need an Indiana sponsoring broker.
Real estate licensees in other states will need to pass the state licensing exam.
Which are the reciprocity agreement states with Lowa?
Iowa does have a reciprocity agreement with several states. If you are actively licensed and in good standing in Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, or North Dakota, you can apply for licensure through reciprocity.
What are the states that have reciprocity with Kansas?
Kansas does not offer reciprocity with other states, but it will accept your license to waive some pre-licensing education and the national portion of the state licensing exam.
What states have reciprocity with Kentucky in real estate?
Right now, Kentucky only has reciprocity with Florida, Ohio, West Virginia, and Tennessee license holders. As of 2019, the KREC said that it was in negotiations with individual states about reciprocity.
Which are the reciprocity agreement states with Louisiana?
Louisiana offers reciprocity for current legal residents and license holders in:
You can only receive the same license type that you currently hold in your state.
If you meet the reciprocal agreement, follow the reciprocal pre-licensing steps.
If you are currently licensed or previously licensed from another state Louisiana does not have reciprocity with, you can get partial credit for real estate courses. You won’t be able to substitute the 30-hour portion of the pre-licensing course specific to Louisiana real estate topics.
Which are the reciprocity agreement states with Maine?
Maine does not have any specific reciprocal licensing agreements, but it does allow anyone who is a current inactive real estate license holder and another state to apply and be issued a license once they meet certain requirements.
What are the states that have reciprocity with Maryland?
Maryland only offers reciprocity with Pennsylvania and Oklahoma. If you are licensed in another state, you will have to go through a different process.
What states have reciprocity with Massachusetts in real estate?
Massachusetts does offer reciprocity with other states that have similar laws regarding the practice of Real Estate. They do not provide a specific list of states.
Which are the reciprocal agreement states with Michigan in real estate?
Michigan does not have a formal reciprocity agreement with any other state.
However, LARA may still grant a Michigan real estate license to an individual licensed in another state who has experience and training substantially equal to that required in Michigan.
Which are the reciprocity agreement states with Minnesota?
The Minnesota Real Estate Commission offers full reciprocity for active real estate licenseholders and residents of Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Oklahoma. It offers partial reciprocity for Wisconsin license holders, who will need to take a 13-hour special course. Regardless of your reciprocity, you still need to be associated with a Minnesota-licensed real estate broker. They will need to submit your application for a salesperson license.
Which are the reciprocity agreement states with Mississippi?
Mississippi does not list any specific reciprocity agreements with any other states, and it does offer you a reciprocal salesperson license application if you are licensed in any other state. You must contact the Mississippi Real Estate Commission before you submit your application if you are reciprocating to Mississippi to learn about the requirements. They are not listed on the MREC website.
Which are the reciprocal agreement states with Missouri in real estate?
The State of Missouri technically offers reciprocity with all other states, if the Missouri real estate applicant currently holds a valid and current real estate license and follows these requirements:
What are the states that have reciprocity with Montana?
Montana doesn't have an official reciprocity agreement with our states. Out-of-state licensees can submit an application with an official license verification from the jurisdiction you hold a license.
What states have reciprocity with Nebraska in real estate?
Nebraska does not offer direct reciprocity with any other states. However, it does offer a license recognition pathway, but you have to live in Nebraska before the license can be issued. You need to download the license recognition application and the license issuance checklist.
Which are the reciprocity agreement states with Nevada?
Nevada does offer reciprocity with several states. If you hold a current salesperson real estate license in any of these following states, you can apply using reciprocity: Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Washington, and West Virginia.
What are the states that have reciprocity with New Jersey?
Unfortunately, New Jersey does not offer real estate license reciprocity with any state.
What states have reciprocity with New Mexico in real estate?
New Mexico has a license recognition agreement with Massachusetts, Louisiana, and Georgia. If you are a candidate for reciprocity, you need to contact [email protected].
Due to recent changes to New York State Real Property law increasing the educational requirements to obtain a real estate salesperson or broker license, New York no longer has reciprocity with any other state.
If you completed qualifying education outside of New York State, you may request a waiver of the course(s) required for a New York State license.
To request a waiver, you must submit:
The request and documentation can be emailed to [email protected]
Which are the reciprocal agreement states with North Carolina in real estate?
North Carolina previously had reciprocal licensing arrangements with 10 other states. However, as of March 1, 2012, anyone holding a real estate license in another state, U.S. territory or possession, or Canadian province, may apply for a real estate license in North Carolina regardless of their place of residence. Out-of-state licensees submitting an application in North Carolina will not have to take the 75-hour pre-licensing coursework nor will they need to complete the national section of the state license exam
What states have reciprocity with North Dakota?
North Dakota holds a reciprocity agreement with Georgia, Iowa, and Minnesota. You must hold a real estate license in good standing to apply using reciprocity.
Which are the reciprocity agreement states with Ohio?
Ohio does offer reciprocity with the following states: Arkansas, Connecticut, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, West Virginia, and Wyoming.
Which are the reciprocity agreement states with Oklahoma?
Oklahoma does have reciprocal licensing agreements with Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. It also has a shortened pathway to licensure if you have a license in one of the other unlisted states.
What are the states that have reciprocity with Oregon?
Oregon has reciprocal licensing agreements with:
You must contact theOregon Real Estate Agency for the specific reciprocal licensing requirements for your state.
In addition, spouses or domestic partners of a US active military member may qualify for a temporary authorization to conduct real estate activity in Oregon. You’ll need to pay the license application fee, have a background check, and take the state portion of the exam.
Otherwise, there are no waivers of education or license examinations for out-of-state real estate license holders.
What states have reciprocity with Pennsylvania?
Pennsylvania offers reciprocity with the following six states:
In order to receive a reciprocal license, you must maintain your principal office in one of these six states, and you must hold a current, active broker or salesperson's license in the state.
If your principal office moves from one of these six states to Pennsylvania, you must notify the Real Estate Commission within 30 days and have your license updated from a reciprocal license to a standard license.
If you apply for reciprocity, you do not have to complete the 75-hour Pennsylvania pre-license course, or pass the state exam.
It takes approximately 2-3 weeks to apply for and receive a reciprocal license with Pennsylvania.
What states have reciprocity with Rhode Island in real estate?
Rhode Island has reciprocity agreements with Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Florida. The agreement with Florida does require the applicant to sit for the state portion of the licensing exam.
Which are the reciprocal agreement states with South Carolina in real estate?
The South Carolina Real Estate Commission offers full reciprocity for Georgia residents who are qualified through written examination within Georgia and who also hold an active real estate license in Georgia.
Georgia licensees must still pay the salesperson license fee of $50, provide a copy of their state ID showing proof of Georgia residency, a copy of their social security card, notarized verification of lawful presence, a certification of licensure history form the Georgia Real Estate Commission, and any other jurisdiction where they have held a license, and a criminal history explanation form, if applicable.
The Commission also recognizes qualifications of other non-resident applicants who have already been licensed in other jurisdictions. Although they may be exempt from having to take the national portion of the exam, these licensees must still take the South Carolina portion of the state real estate licensee exam.
To receive the exemption for a portion of the exam, their exam applications should include applicable certification of licensure from any other jurisdiction where a license was held within the past five years. To qualify, these licensees must have been actively licensed within six months of making your South Carolina application.
What states have reciprocity with South Dakota?
South Dakota does not have a reciprocity agreement with other states. It does offer current real estate license holders the ability to earn an equivalent license within the state.
Which are the reciprocal agreement states with Tennessee in real estate?
Tennessee does not offer reciprocity with other states in regards to real estate licenses. If you hold a license as a real estate salesperson or equivalent in another state, you will need to start the licensing process by submitting a special form and a certified license history from every state where you have ever been licensed for real estate.
What states have reciprocity with Texas?
Unfortunately, Texas does not offer reciprocity with any other state.
Which are the reciprocity agreement states with Utah?
Utah does offer reciprocity to licensed real estate professionals from Georgia, Mississippi, and Alberta, Canada. You must have an active real estate license in good standing to apply for a license through reciprocity.
What states have reciprocity with Vermont?
Vermont does not have a reciprocity agreement with other states. It does have an endorsement process that enables current and active real estate license holders to skip parts of the licensing process.
What states have reciprocity with Virginia?
Virginia is one of the few states in the country that offers full reciprocity with all other states, provided you meet the following conditions:
The Real Estate Board may still consider issuing you a Virginia real estate license if you do not meet requirements 7-10.
Which are the reciprocal agreement states with Washington in real estate?
Anyone holding a real estate license with the same or greater capacity in another jurisdiction may apply for a real estate license in Washington, regardless of their place of residence, as long as they have maintained their license in good standing, or were active and in good standing in the past 6 months. Out-of-state licensees making application in Washington will only need to complete the Washington law portion of the state licensing exam.
What states have reciprocity with West Virginia?
West Virginia only has an agreement with Kentucky. It does not have a formal reciprocity agreement with any other state. Anyone with an active real estate license from another state can submit an application with a certificate of licensure from their current jurisdiction.
Which are the reciprocal agreement states with Wisconsin in real estate?
Wisconsin offers reciprocity with Illinois and Indiana.
What states have reciprocity with Wyoming?
Wyoming does not have a reciprocal agreement with any state. Having an active license in another state will exempt you from the Salesperson I Course and taking the national portion of the state licensing exam.