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You can take the real estate licensing course in person or through an online course. Many applicants prefer to take the course online so they can study at their own pace and according to their own schedule. No matter which option you choose, you must take the course from a state approved education provider.
Choose the answer by state?
Can you take real estate classes online in Alabama?
You can take the 60-hour Alabama real estate pre-license course in person or through an online course. Many applicants prefer online so they can work on the content on their schedule. No matter which option you choose, you must take the course from a state pre-approved education provider.
Can you take real estate classes online in Alaska?
You can take the course as a classroom-based course or a remote online course. An online course is the fastest and easiest way to satisfy Alaska’s pre-licensing education requirement. It's also typically more affordable than an in-person classroom course.
Can you take real estate classes online in Arizona?
You can take the 90-hour Arizona real estate pre-license course in person or through an online course. Many applicants prefer online so they can work on the content on their schedule. Either way, you must take the course from a state pre-approved education provider.
Can you take real estate classes online in Arkansas?
You can take the pre-licensing education from an accredited post-secondary school such as a college or a university. You can also take the course from an Arkansas Real Estate Commission approved organization. Your real estate course can be an in-person classroom format or an online course. An online format will be faster and more affordable than an in-person classroom learning scenario.
Where can i take real estate classes in California?
You can take the required 135-hours California Real Estate License Course Online or in-person at a local school.
Most students prefer to take the courses online since it gives them more flexibility and they can typically complete the courses in a shorter time frame.
If you take the courses in-person at a local school, you will have to complete the courses according to the school's pre-set schedule.
Online courses are usually more affordable as well.
Can i take real estate classes online in Colorado?
Refer to the state’s options, including pre-approved education providers. Providers offer the courses as in-person classes or as online courses. Many opt for online courses for their flexibility and affordable price. Online classes also allow you to work through the course at your pace.
Can i take real estate classes online in Connecticut?
The Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection allows you to take the Real Estate Principles and Practices course as a classroom course or online remote course as long as it’s from a state-approved school. Many candidates choose to take the course online for its affordability and flexibility with their schedule.
Can i take real estate classes online in Delaware?
You can meet the pre-license education requirements by taking the course in person or online. Many students choose the online course option because it is more flexible with their schedules, and it can be more affordable than a live classroom course. However you decide to take it, it must be with a state-approved provider.
Where can i take real estate classes in Florida?
The Florida Real Estate Commission has approved a number of providers for administering the required 63-hour course requirement for real estate sales associate candidates. You can take the Florida Real Estate License Course Online or in-classroom setting.
According to Florida Statute 475.17 (2)(a)(2), distance learning courses must be approved by the FREC. Satisfactory completion of a distance learning course includes a timed examination. The final exam is not monitored or given at a centralized location.
Where can i take real estate classes in Georgia?
You can take the 75-hour Georgia Real Estate License Course Online or in person.
The course is also known as the pre-license course.
Most students prefer to take the course online since they can take the course at their own pace.
If you take the course in-person at a local real estate school, you will have to take the course according to the school's schedule, which typically means it will take you longer to complete the course.
That being said, both online and in-person courses will fully qualify and prepare you for the State exam.
Where can i take a real estate course in Hawaii?
Hawaii permits you to take the 60-hour pre-licensing course as an in-person learning program or an online course as long as it is with a state-approved school. The online option is the least expensive and fastest way to meet the state's education requirements.
Where can i take a real estate course in Idaho?
All of the pre-licensing education is offered by private education providers. You must take your pre-licensing education modules from an approved education provider. The education is offered as an online course and an in-person course. Online learning offers the most flexibility and is the most affordable option.
Where can i take a real estate course in Illinois?
You can take your pre-license education from any of the state's list of approved education providers. Some of these providers offer in-person classes, While others are online course providers. Remember that online courses are more flexible and more affordable than in-person classroom learning.
Where can i take a real estate course in Indiana?
See the state’s list of pre-approved education providers. Providers offer the courses as in-person classes or as an online course. Many students prefer to take the course online since it allows them to take the course at their own pace.
Where can i take a real estate course in Iowa?
Online courses are the most convenient way to meet your 60-hour course requirement, although you can take your licensing education in a classroom environment. Whatever provider you choose to meet the state's education requirement, complete 60 hours of instruction from an approved pre-license school. Choosing to take your pre-licensing education courses online is the fastest and most affordable way to meet the required education. You will be able to work at your own pace and around your current life schedule.
Where can i take a real estate course in Kansas?
You can take the required pre-licensing education as a classroom course or an online course. Remember, an online course offers more flexibility with your schedule and is often more affordable than an in-person classroom course as long as it is from an approved Real Estate School.
Where can i take a real estate course in Kentucky?
You can take the required pre-license course as an in-classroom course or an online course, as long as you choose one of the state's approved providers. Keep in mind that online courses are the most flexible with your schedule and can also be the most affordable option.
Where can i take a real estate course in Louisiana?
The state’s pre-approved education providers offer the courses as in-person classes or as online courses. Many applicants opt for online courses for their flexibility and affordable price.
Where can i take real estate classes in Maine?
You can take the required 55-hour sales agent qualifying courses as a live, in-person classroom course or as a remote, online course. Many candidates decide to take an online course because of its flexibility and affordability. It must be through an approved course provider.
Where can i take real estate classes in Maryland?
You can take the 60-hour pre-license education as a classroom course or an online course. Online learning is the fastest and easiest way to work through the required education. You need to select a state-certified real estate school.
Where can i take real estate classes in Massachusetts?
Applicants can choose between taking the course as a classroom or online learning course. Many opt to take the pre-license course online because of its flexibility and affordability. You need to choose a board-approved real estate school.
Where can i take real estate classes in Michigan?
You can take the 40-hour Michigan Real Estate License Course Online or in a classroom.
Most students prefer to take the course online since the online format allows them to complete the course more quickly and is usually offered at a better price.
If you take the course in a classroom, you must do so according to the school's preset schedule.
Can you take real estate classes online in Minnesota?
Yes. As long as you take Course I, II, and III from a Minnesota real estate commission approved education provider, you may take advantage of online instruction. A current list of approved course providers is available through the state’s PULSE Portal.
Can you take real estate classes online in Mississippi?
You can take your pre-license real estate course as an in-classroom course or as an online course. Many students choose to take the pre-licensing online because it offers the most flexibility and is more affordable than a live classroom course. You just need to take your course from a state-approved education provider.
Where can I take real estate classes in Missouri?
You can take the 72-hour Missouri Real Estate License Course Online or in a classroom.
The 24-hour Missouri Real Estate Practice coursework and 48-hour pre-exam course is available through traditional learning channels (classroom learning options) as well as online channels (distance learning options). However, many students find they prefer the flexibility and convenience that online coursework offers.If you take the course in a classroom, you will have to abide by the school’s pre-set schedule.
The 24-hour Missouri Real Estate Practice (MREP) and 48-hour Missouri real estate pre-exam courses is available online through an MREC-approved school, like RealEstateU.
Note that the 24-hour Missouri Real Estate Practice (MREP) course can be taken at any time prior to applying for a Missouri real estate license.
Can you take real estate classes online in Montana?
You can take the 70-hour Montana pre-license real estate course as an in-person course or through remote learning. An online course is the fastest and most convenient way to meet the education requirement. You must take the course through an approved education provider.
Can you take real estate classes online in Nebraska?
Salesperson candidates can take their pre-license education as an online course or as a classroom course. However you decide to complete your education requirement, it must be from a state-approved education provider. Many students decide to take an online course as it can be faster and more flexible than a classroom-based course.
Can you take real estate classes online in Nevada?
You can take the Nevada 120-hour pre-licensing course as a classroom course or online. Choosing to do an online course is the fastest and most affordable way to meet the state's education requirement.
Can you take real estate classes online in New Hampshire?
You can take the New Hampshire salesperson pre-license course as a classroom course or as a remote, online class. No matter how you take the course, it must be with a pre-approved provider. Online courses are a popular option because they are more flexible and tend to be more affordable than live learning.
Can you take real estate classes online in New Jersey?
You can take the New Jersey real estate salesperson pre-license course as a classroom course or a remote, online course. Online learning is the fastest and most affordable way to complete the 75-hour education requirement. You need to take the course from certified and approved education providers.
Can i take real estate courses online in New Mexico?
You can take the New Mexico real estate pre-license courses as an online or an in-person course. Online courses offer the most flexibility and are more affordable options for meeting the education requirement. You need to choose a New Mexico Real Estate Commission approved pre-licensing education provider.
Where can i take real estate classes in New York?
You can take the 77-hour New York Real Estate License Course Online or in a classroom.
Most students prefer to take the course online, since you can complete the course much quicker and it is typically offered at a better price.
If you take the course in a classroom setting, you must complete the course according to the school's preset schedule.
Where can I take real estate classes in North Carolina?
You can take the 75-hour North Carolina Real Estate License Course Online (distance learning), synchronous distance (live online), in-person or a combination of these.
The North Carolina Real Estate Commission has approved a number of providers for administering the required 75-hour pre-license course, including online course providers.
Can i take real estate courses online in North Dakota?
You can take the course online, in a classroom, or with a hybrid model. However you decide to take the required course, it must be with a state-approved education provider. An online course is often the most convenient way to meet the education requirement.
Can i take real estate courses online in Ohio?
You can take the 120-hour pre-license course as an in-classroom course or an online course from an approved pre-license school. The education must be completed at an institution of higher education that awards at least two-year degrees. Remember, online courses are the fastest and most affordable way to complete your required education.
Can i take real estate courses online in Oklahoma?
You must take the course from one of the state's approved education providers. These providers will offer a mix of classroom learning, remote learning, and flexible online courses. Choosing an online course is the most flexible and affordable way to meet the 90-hour education requirement.
Can i take real estate courses online in Oregon?
You must select from Oregon’s pre-approved education providers. Providers offer the courses as in-person classes or as online courses. Many license candidates prefer online courses for their flexibility and affordable price.
Where can i take real estate classes in Pennsylvania?
You can take the 75-hour Pennsylvania Real Estate License Course Online or in a classroom.
Most students prefer to take the course online since it is typically less expensive and may be completed more quickly.
If you take the course in a classroom setting, you must do so according to the school's preset schedule.
Can i take real estate courses online in Rhode Island?
You have the ability to take your pre-license education as an in-person learning class or through remote education. Many licensing candidates opt to take the course virtually as it can be more flexible and faster than an in-person classroom course.
Where can I take real estate classes in South Carolina?
The South Carolina Real Estate Commission has approved a number of providers for administering the required 90-hour pre-license course, including online course providers.
The 90-hour pre-license education requirement may be completed either via in-person classroom learning or through means of distance education. Courses and school must be approved by the South Carolina Real Estate Commission, including teaching methods.
Examples of distance methods might include video-based instruction or conferencing, computer conferencing, webinar, interactive computer software, web cast, or other Internet-based instruction.
The South Carolina State Real Estate Commission maintains a list of approved education providers and their approved courses.
Can i take real estate courses online in South Dakota?
You can take South Dakota's broker associate pre-licensing course as a classroom course or through online learning. Many students decide to take the South Dakota broker associate pre-licensing course through an online approved education provider. Online courses are more flexible with your schedule and enable you to work at your pace.
Where can i take real estate classes in Tennessee?
The Tennessee Real Estate Commission has approved a number of providers for administering the required 60-hour Basic Principles of Real Estate course. The 60-hour Tennessee Real Estate License Course is offered from various providers as an online, classroom, distance learning or webinar course.
Like the 60-hour Basic Principles of Real Estate Course, the 30-hour Course for New Affiliates can be taken in a variety of ways from providers approved by the Tennessee Real Estate Commission. At this time, it is offered in classroom, online and distance learning.
Where can i take real estate classes in Texas?
You can take the 180-hour Texas Real Estate License Course Online or in-person.
Most students prefer to take the course online. The online course format gives the student much more flexibility and allows them to take the course at their own pace.
If you take the course in-person, you must do so according to the school’s schedule, which typically means it takes longer to complete the course.
The online course format is usually more affordable as well.
Can i take real estate courses online in Utah?
You can take the Utah sales agent pre-license course from any approved education provider. The course can be an in-person classroom course or be taken online. Most students prefer the online format as it is the most flexible and most affordable learning option. Remote online classes enable you to learn wherever you are and on your schedule.
Can i take real estate courses online in Vermont?
You can take your Vermont pre-licensing course as an in-person classroom course or through remote online learning. Many students opted to take the course online because of its convenience and ability to fit into their schedules. You can take your pre-licensing education from any approved provider.
Where can i take real estate classes in Virginia?
You can take the 60-hour Virginia Real Estate License Course Online or in a classroom.
Most students prefer to take the course online since the online format allows them to take the course at their own pace. The online course format will allow you to complete the course more quickly and it is typically offered at a better price.
If you take the course in a classroom, you must do so according to the school's preset schedule.
Where can i take real estate classes in Washington?
You can take the 90-hour pre-license Washington Real Estate License Course Online or in-person. Courses and school must be approved by the Department of Licensing, with a separate application required for distance education delivery method.
Examples of allowable distance learning methods include video-based instruction, computer conferencing, video conferencing, webinar, interactive audio, interactive computer software, web cast, or internet-based instruction.
The Washington State Department of Licensing has approved three type of schools: proprietary, national and state-funded institutions of higher learning. The Department maintains a list of approved education providers.
Can i take real estate courses online in West Virginia?
New salespersons can take the 90-hour pre-licensing course from a pre-approved course provider [nofollow/ newtab] that offers in-person classroom courses or online learning. Online learning is the fastest and most convenient way to meet the state’s education requirements.
Where can i take real estate classes in Wisconsin?
Take the 72-hour Wisconsin Real Estate License Course Online or in person. Most students prefer to take the course online as it can be completed at their own pace.
Can i take real estate courses online in Wyoming?
Online courses are the easiest and fastest way to work through pre-licensing education. You must take the pre-license courses from Wyoming’s approved education providers. The list includes online and in-person learning, so you can select what works best for you.