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Most states will not accept college credits to be used towards the pre-license education requirements. This includes college credits earned as part of a law degree. You must complete the approved real estate licensing course for that state.
There are a few states however who accept your law degree credits towards the pre-license course. Click on the state name from th list below to see if this applies to you.
Choose the answer by state?
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Alabama pre-license course?
No, Alabama does not accept law school credits towards your Alabama pre-license course. All applicants must take the 60-hour pre-licensing course.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Alaska pre-license course?
No, Alaska requires all salesperson's meet the same pre-licensing education course requirements. Your law degree credits or status as an attorney does not exempt you.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Arizona pre-license course?
Unfortunately, law school credits do not count towards your Arizona pre-license course. All applicants must take the 90-hour course.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Arkansas pre-license course?
No, your law degree credits do not count towards the pre-licensing education course. You must follow the same steps to hold a real estate license unless you are exempt under Arkansas Code Annotated 17-42-104.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the pre-license course in California?
If you are admitted to the California State Bar, the DRE will waive the 135-hours of required pre-license education.
If you hold a law degree but are not admitted to the California State Bar, you may use your law degree credits in place of the 45-hour elective course.
However, will still be required to take the 45-hour Real Estate Principles and 45-hour Real Estate Practice courses.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Colorado pre-license course?
In a way, yes! Licensed attorneys can qualify for an associate broker license. To earn your license using your law degree and license, you must:
Provide proof of an active and valid law license with your license application
Complete 12 hours of education in record keeping, trust accounts, and closing
Pass the national and state portion of the Colorado real estate broker exam
Submit a fingerprint background check
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Connecticut pre-license course?
Yes, your law degree courses can be considered as part of your Connecticut real estate license application. No correspondence courses or online courses are accepted. Only real estate courses from law school or any other college, university, or professional real estate school count.
You will need to have original transcripts or course certificates from each institution where you completed the real estate coursework. Then, you will need to submit the attorney application. You'll receive a postcard from PSI when you are approved and can schedule the real estate licensing exam.
Can I apply my law degree to the DE pre-license education?
Delaware does not recognize practicing attorneys or law student education as an exemption for the 99 hours of pre-license education.
Can I use my law degree credits toward the Florida pre-license course?
If you are an active member of the Florida Bar in good standing, you are exempt from the required pre-license coursework for a real estate sales associate.
Can I use my law degree credits for the Hawaii pre-license course?
Yes, the state of Hawaii does allow United States law school graduates to use their coursework as the equivalent of the 60-hour pre-licensing education.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Idaho pre-license course?
If you have a law degree and you are currently practicing law, you can write to the Idaho real estate commission to request a waiver for module one of the salesperson license. Refer to the special consideration policy for the documentation you must submit with your request.
Can I apply my law degree credits towards the Illinois pre-license course?
If you are a qualified attorney, you can earn an Illinois broker license under the attorney qualification. You'll still need to register for the state examination using the registration form and by providing a photocopy of your current Illinois attorney registration pocket card certificate by mail to PSI.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Indiana pre-license course?
Law degree credits will not apply towards the IN pre-license course. You will have to complete the entire 90-hour IN Broker Pre-license course.
Does my law degree exempt me from the IA pre-license course?
Iowa does not accept any law degree credits or attorney's licenses for the pre-licensing education requirement.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Kansas pre-license course?
No, Kansas does not excuse the pre-license education requirement for receiving a law degree.
Can I use my law degree credits for the Kentucky pre-license course?
Attorneys must meet the same pre-licensing requirements as all other applicants. If you completed a total of 6 credit hours in Contracts 1, Property 1, Property 2, and other real estate designated courses in law school, you can use them to fulfill the education requirements for the sales associates license. You'll need a transcript from your law school to provide the Kentucky Real Estate Commission.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Louisiana pre-license course?
No, Louisiana does not accept law degree credits towards the education course.
Can I apply my law degree to the Maine pre-license education?
Maine does not enable practicing attorneys-at-law to apply their license towards the pre-license education for real estate.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Maryland pre-license course?
You can't use your law degree credits per se, but if you have met all of the requirements to practice law in Maryland, the Maryland Real Estate Commission will waive the educational and experience requirements outlined in 17-305(1)(i) and (ii). To take advantage of this, send a Letter of Good Standing from the Maryland Court of Appeals within 30 days of its issue with a cover letter. You’ll still need to sit the state exam.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Massachusetts pre-license course?
Massachusetts-licensed attorneys with a current law license in good standing can apply for an attorney-broker license. Otherwise, your law degree credits don’t apply for the pre-license course.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Michigan pre-license course?
No, you cannot use any law degree credits toward the 40-hour Michigan real estate salesperson's course.
LARA will only accept law degree credits to be used towards the 90-hour Michigan real estate broker's course.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Minnesota pre-license courses?
No, the Minnesota Real Estate Commission does not offer exemptions for law school credits. You must take the 90 hours of pre-licensing education.
Can I use my law degree credits toward the 24-hour MREP course?
Unfortunately, the Missouri Real Estate Commission doesn’t allow law school credits to be used toward the 48-hour pre-examination course or the 24-hour real estate practice course.
Students are required to complete the MREC-approved 48-hour pre-exam education course.[AW2]
Can I use my law degree as credit toward the Missouri pre-exam course?
Members of the Missouri bar are provided an education waiver regarding the Missouri 48-hour pre-exam course if they submit evidence of their law license when applying for a Missouri real estate license.
Can I apply my law degree to the Montana pre-license education?
Montana does exempt practicing attorneys or recognize law degree credits for pre-license education. You'll need to take the 70-hour pre-license course.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Nevada pre-license course?
Yes, the Nevada Division of Real Estate will accept a completed law degree as being equal to the real estate principles course and the real estate law course requirements for a salesperson license. You must submit a certified official transcript from an accredited Institution. You must show you have completed 18 hours of Nevada law by an approved provider.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the New Hampshire pre-license course?
New Hampshire does not exempt practicing attorneys or law school graduates from taking the pre-licensing course.
Can I use my law degree credits for the New Jersey pre-license course?
If you are a practicing attorney in New Jersey, you can qualify for a salesperson education waiver. You must be admitted to practice law in New Jersey or any other state at the time of your application. You'll need to download and fill out the salesperson education waiver from the state.
Can I use my law degree to exempt me from the New Mexico pre-license course?
No, New Mexico does not have any exemptions in its licensing process for law school or currently licensed and practicing attorneys.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the New York pre-license course?
You cannot use law school credits towards the 77-hour NYS real estate salespersons course; however, the Department of State will waive the 77-hour course requirement if you a licensed attorney that is admitted to the NYS Bar.
If I already hold a law degree do I still need the NC 75-hour course?
As an attorney, you may receive a waiver of the required 75-hour pre-license coursework. A request to waive the pre-license education requirement should be made in writing and included with the application for license. In addition, a transcript and copy of your law degree should be included with the application for licensure.
Can I apply my law degree to the North Dakota pre-license education?
North Dakota does not have a pathway for practicing law professionals or students to use their license or coursework for the required real estate pre-licensing education.
Can I apply my law degree credits towards the Ohio pre-license course?
There is no indication that any law degree courses or credits King count for your Ohio pre-license course education.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Oklahoma pre-license course?
Oklahoma does not have any provisions for practicing attorneys to earn credit for the pre-licensing course or for the salesperson license.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Oregon pre-license course?
No, Oregon does not offer exempts for law degree credits or licensed attorneys. You must meet the same broker license requirements for any candidate.
Can I use my law degree as credit towards the Rhode Island pre-license course?
Yes, licensed attorneys at law with the Supreme Court of the State of Rhode Island may receive a real estate salesperson's license without an examination. Submit a Real Estate Salesperson/Attorney Application with a certification from the Rhode Island Supreme Court or your current membership certificate from the Rhode Island Bar Association.
Can I apply my law degree to the South Dakota pre-license education?
Practicing attorneys were those with law degrees not exempt from taking the 116-hour pre-licensing course in South Dakota.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the pre-license course in Texas?
Unfortunately, TREC will not accept college credits to be used towards the 180-hour pre-license education requirement. This includes college credits earned as part of a law degree.
You must complete a TREC approved 180-hour pre-license course.
Can I use my law degree credits toward the Utah pre-license course?
Yes, your law degree credits can count towards the Utah pre-license course if you are a member in good standing with the Utah State Bar. Otherwise, you will need to take the course.
Can I apply my law degree to the Vermont pre-license education?
Vermont does not exempt practicing attorneys or law degree holders from taking the 40-hour pre-licensing course.
Can I use my law degree credits towards the Virginia pre-license course?
No, the Real Estate Board does not allow you to use credits from your law degree toward the 60-hour Virginia pre-license course.
You must take a Board-approved pre-license course that is taught by an approved real estate instructor.
Can I apply my law degree to the West Virginia pre-license education?
West Virginia does not exempt law professionals from the salesperson pre-license education.
Can I apply my law degree to the Wyoming pre-license education?
The Wyoming Real Estate Commission does not exempt practicing attorneys from the pre-license education requirement.