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This is generally varied per state.
Most schools will not transmit any of your information to the state real estate commission.
Instead, you will be required to submit copies of your Course Completion Certificates as part of the exam application.
There are a few states where the school will send your completion information to either the state or PSI. Click on the list below to see if this applies to you.
Choose the answer by state?
Will my school notify the AREC that I have completed my courses?
Yes. You will pre-register with the AREC before finishing the pre-licensure course, which will provide an identification number. Your course provider uses your ID number and sends your completion to the state.
Will my school notify the AREC that I have completed my Alaska education?
No, your school will not notify the Alaska Real Estate Commission that you have met the pre-license education requirement. You will need to keep your course completion certificates and submit it with your Alaska real estate salesperson license application.
Will my school notify the ADRE that I have completed my courses?
No. It is your responsibility to submit official course completion certificates to the Arizona Department of Real Estate showing that you completed your required courses. It is a required step in your real estate salesperson license application.
Will my school notify the DRE that I have completed my courses?
No, the school will not transmit any of your information to the DRE.
Instead, the DRE requires the student to submit copies of their three Course Completion Certificates as part of their exam application.
The DRE will use the Certificates as evidence that you have completed their education requirements.
Will my school notify the CDRE that I have completed my education?
No. It’s up to you to show proof of real estate education. RealEstateU students will submit form REC-33 Course Completion Certificate for evidence they met the required 168 hours of pre-licensing education.
PSI will send your score report immediately upon completion of your test, both on-screen and via email. It will also make a report to the Colorado Division of Real Estate with your score results.
Will my school notify the CDCP that I have completed my Connecticut education?
No. It’s your responsibility to receive and keep a copy of your course completion certificate and to turn in the certificate with the license application.
You will turn the original examination passing score report into the Licensing Services Division with your initial license fee.
Will my school notify the DDPL that I completed the education?
No, it is your responsibility to keep your course completion certificate from your pre-license education provider. You'll need to turn in this certificate with your salesperson license application.
You are required to submit your original exam score reports from Pearson VUE as part of your license application. Without this proof of a passing score, the Department of Professional Licensing will not approve your real estate license.
Will my school notify the Commission that I have completed my courses?
Student should submit their Florida certificate of completion together with the license application for their pre-license course.
Will my school notify the HREC that I have completed my education?
The school does not notify the Hawaii Real Estate Branch that you have completed your pre-licensing education. It'll be up to you to provide the proof for your state licensing exam and through your license application.
Will my school notify the IREC that I have completed my Idaho education?
No, you are responsible for keeping track of your course completion certificates and submitting these with your salesperson license application. Your course provider will not let the IREC know that you have finished Module 1 and 2.
You must submit your state licensing exam score report with your license application. In this way, the commission will know that you have passed the exam.
Will my school notify the IREC that I have completed my Illinois education?
No, but it will notify the testing vendor PSI. You can't schedule your state licensing exam without your course completion certificate.
You must submit your PSI official score report to the IREC as part of your Illinois broker license application.
Will my school notify the Commission that I have completed my courses?
No. You will include the original course completion certificate with your broker application as proof you met the 90-hour education requirement.
Part of your broker application form and required documents asks you to submit the official score report. You will receive your score report immediately upon completion of your test, both on-screen and via email.
Will my school notify the Commission that I have completed my courses?
You are required to submit your printed scoreboards to the Iowa Real Estate Commission as part of your salesperson license application. Without this official score report showing you passed the exam within the last six months, you won't be issued a license.
Will my school notify the KREC that I have completed my Kansas education?
No, your course provider does not notify the Kansas Real Estate Commission that you have completed your required pre-licensing education hours. It is up to you to keep your course completion certificate and to turn it in with your license application.
You are required to turn in your official score report with your license application.
Will my school notify the KREC that I have completed my education?
No, your pre-licensing course provider will not tell the KREC that you have completed your education. It is your responsibility to provide the course completion certificate as part of your sales associate application.
The state testing provider PSI will notify the Kentucky Real Estate Commission that you have passed or failed the exam. If you passed, the KREC will send you an email with license applications directions within 36 to 48 hours.
Will my school notify the LREC that I have completed my education?
No. You must provide the proof of real estate education with your salesperson application Part A. RealEstateU students will submit their Certificate of Completion as evidence they met the required 90 hours of pre-licensing education.
PSI will automatically send your score report upon completion of your test to the Louisiana Real Estate Commission.
Will my pre-license school notify MREC that I completed the education?
No, it’s your responsibility to keep a copy of your sales agent course completion certificate and submit it with your license application. RealEstateU students will find their certificate at the ready in their account.
With your sales agent license application, you must turn in your official sales agent exam score report. Without proof that you have passed the state licensing exam, the Commission will not approve your license.
Will my school notify the MREC that I have completed my education?
No, but it does notify PSI, the state licensing exam vendor. You can’t take the exam without your school notifying PSI of your successful course completion.
PSI, the state’s testing vendor, will send an exam report to the Maryland Real Estate Commission notifying them you have passed.
Will my school notify the Board that I have completed my education?
No, it’s your responsibility to keep a record of your Massachusetts Board of Real Estate Educational Certificate form and submit it with your license application.
The Massachusetts Board Of Real Estate Licensing will know your exam results because you will be issued a license. PSI will record your new license in the system.
Will my school notify LARA that I have completed the license course?
Yes, RealEstateU will send your course completion information to LARA within 5 business days from the day you pass the final exam.
You can then create your free MiPLUS account to submit your Michigan license application.
Will my school notify the MREC that I have completed my courses?
The testing vendor PSI will send your exam results directly to the Mississippi Real Estate Commission. If you have passed the exam, the MREC will issue your real estate license. If you have failed, you can retake the state portion of the exam one more time during your two-month eligibility window. You can retake the national portion on an unlimited basis within your two-month eligibility window.
Will my school notify the MREC that I have completed my courses?
Yes. RealEstateU notifies the State of Missouri within one week for each student who has completed one (or both) pre-exam license courses. RealEstateU notifies the MREC at least once a week with these updates.
MREC CSR 2250-7-080 (17).
The MREC-approved school will issue each student who completes the pre-exam course a Certificate of Completion and maintain a record of each student's course, attendance, and status of completion. Duplicate Certificates of Completion may be issued by the school for a nominal fee. MREC Board Rule XSR 2250-7.010(K).
Ultimately, it is the Missouri real estate licensee who is responsible for ensuring their continuing education credits are received by the real estate commission.
Will my school notify the MBRR that I completed the education?
No. It's your responsibility to keep your official course completion certificate and submit it with your license application.
You are required to submit an official passing exam report from the salesperson exam with your license application.
Will my school notify the state that I have completed my courses?
You are required to submit your original score report that shows you passed the state and national portions of the licensing exam. You will turn these in with your license issuance form.
Will my school notify the NDRE that I have completed my education?
No, it is your responsibility to submit your pre-license course completion certificate as part of your licensing application. The school will not send your completion to the Nevada Division of Real Estate.
The Division of Real Estate knows how you did on the state licensing exam because you must submit the original passing score report from Pearson VUE that has been dated within the last 12 months. You'll turn this in as part of your licensing application.
Will my school notify the state that I have completed my courses?
You need to include your original passing exam score reports with your real estate license application. Without it, the real estate commission will not approve your license.
Will my school notify the NJREC that I have completed my education?
No, but it does notify the testing vendor PSI that you are now eligible to take the state licensing exam. Since you can’t take the test without this approval, the NJREC knows you have met the education requirements.
You must submit your original PSI score report, signed by your employing broker, with your license application.
Will my school notify the state that I have completed my courses?
Part of your broker license application requirement is to turn in the written score report showing that you have passed both sections of the New Mexico licensing exam; you can't be approved for a license without this.
Will my school notify the DOS after I complete the license course?
Yes, RealEstateU will send your course completion information to the NYS Department of State within 5 business days of you passing the course final exam.
Will my pre-license school notify the NDREC that I completed the education?
No, it is up to you to notify the North Dakota Real Estate Commission when you finish the pre-licensing course. You'll have to send them your original course completion certificate.
You will need to turn in your official score report with your license activation form. The North Dakota Real Estate Commission will not approve your active license without it.
Will my school notify the ODRE that I have completed my education?
No, it’s your responsibility to include your proof of education through the course completion certificate with your state license application.
PSI will notify the Ohio Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing you have passed the exam. The ODRE will issue your salesperson license in a few business days.
Will my school notify the OREC that I have completed my education?
No, it is your responsibility to submit a certificate of completion to the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission as proof that you have met the 90-hour pre-license salesperson education requirements. You will do this as part of the provisional salesperson application.
Testing vendor PSI will notify the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission of your state licensing exam results. The OREC will contact you within 48 hours about issuing your license online.
Will my school notify the OR Agency that I have completed my education
No. Instead, RealEstateU will notify PSI electronically you have met the required 150 hours of pre-licensing education. This qualifies you to take the required state licensing exam.
PSI will send your score report and fingerprints immediately upon completion of your test to the Oregon Real Estate Agency with your score results.
Will my school notify the state that I have completed my courses?
No, your real estate school does not notify the Real Estate Commission that you have completed the 75-hour Pennsylvania pre-license course.
Instead, the Commission requires the student to submit copies of their two Certificates of Completion, which they use as evidence that you have completed the required pre-license education.
You will need to submit copies of your Certificates of Completion for both your state exam registration and your license application.
Will my school notify the DBR that I have completed my education?
No, your course provider will not provide information to the Department of Business regulation that you met the education requirement. It is your responsibility to keep your course completion certificate and submit it with your salesperson license application.
You are required to submit your official state licensing exam score report when you turn in your licensing application.
Will my pre-license school notify the SDREC that I completed the education?
Your responsibility is to keep your original course completion certificate from your chosen real estate school. Your course provider does not notify the SDREC that you successfully passed the course.
You are required to include the original score reports from the PSI licensing exam with your license application. At least one score report must be dated within the last 60 days.
Does the school notify TREC that I have completed my license course?
The school will not notify TREC that you have completed the 180 hours of qualifying education. Instead, TREC requires the student to submit copies of their 6 Course Completion Certificates (1 for each 30-hour course) as part of their license application.
TREC will send you a confirmation email within 1-2 business days of receiving your Certificates.
However, this does not mean that TREC has complete a full review of your license application.
When submitting your Certificates to TREC, make sure the names on your Certificates match the name on your license application. If the names do not match, TREC will contact you to collect more information. This can ultimately delay your application.
Will my school notify the Commission for my completed Utah courses?
No, we will provide you with the Candidate Education Certifying document as soon as you pass the final exam. It is your responsibility to provide this certifying document as part of your state licensing application.
Will my pre-license school notify the VREC that I completed the education?
No, your pre-license school does not send your course completion certificate to the Real Estate Commission. It is your responsibility to keep your official completion certificate and submit it with your license application.
The Vermont Real Estate Commission will receive a report from PSI on the national exam. You'll still need to turn in an official score report with your salesperson license application. The OPR administers the state portion of the licensing exam, so they will have the results
Will my school notify the Board that I have completed my courses?
Yes, your school is required to submit your information to PSI within 5 business days of passing the school's final exam.
The Virginia Real Estate Board uses this information as evidence that you have completed the 60-hour pre-license course requirement.
Will my pre-license school notify the WVREC that I completed the education?
No, it is the applicant’s responsibility to keep their Certificate of Course Completion from the course provider and submit it with their license application.
The West Virginia Real Estate Commission will know your exam results because you are required to submit the original score report with your license issuance letter. Without proof of passing the exam, the Commission will not issue your license.
Will my school notify the DSPS in Wisconsin that I have completed my courses?
No, RealEstateU will not notify the DSPS that you have completed the 72-hour WI real estate salesperson course.
Once you complete the 72 hour pre-license course you will be provided with a certificate of completion which you will use for your Pearson VUE exam to prove you completed the education requirements.
Will my pre-license school notify the WREC that I completed the education?
No, it is your responsibility to keep track of your official course completion certificates and turn them in with your license application.
It is your responsibility to keep your official score report from Pearson VUE. You’ll need to submit the official exam score report with your license application showing you passed the test within the last 90 days.