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Yes, you must pass a course final exam in order to complete the course and receive your course completion certificate. Depensing on the edication requiremnets you might have one or mutiple final exams.
The minimum passing score is anywhere from 70% to 75%. Your course provider will tell supply you with information about the final exam content and the number of questions. Click on your state below to see the specific final exam details.
Choose the answer by state?
Does the Alabama salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, the Alabama 60-hour pre-license course has a required final exam. Passing the final is a requirement of successfully completing the class.
Does the Alaska salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
All remote pre-licensing courses must have an examination to be turned into the course sponsor for grading. Your course provider will provide you with any information about your final exam.
Does the Arizona salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, the Arizona 90-hour pre-license course has a final exam that you must pass to receive your course completion certificate.
Does the Arkansas salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Your pre-license course administrator will let you know if the course has a final exam. Arkansas Real Estate Commission does not have a final exam requirement for the pre-license course.
Does the California salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes. It has 3 final exams, one of each 45 hour course. You can use any textbooks or other resources when taking the final exam.
Does the Colorado broker pre-license course have a final exam?
The Colorado broker pre-license course is broken into six different topics, with varying required hours in each topic. You’ll take exams in each subject area as you progress through your coursework. At the end of your 168 hours, your course of study will be capped by a comprehensive final exam.
Does the Connecticut salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, the Real Estate Principles and Practices course does have a final exam. Your course provider will provide you with information about the content and number of questions for the final exam.
Does the Delaware salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
You will take a test at the end of the three major sections: sales, law, and mathematics. You must pass each of these exams with at least a 70% score. You can only retake the exam once.
Does the Florida real estate pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes. It has a school final exam at the end of the the 63 hour course.
Does the Georgia real estate pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes. It has a school final exam at the end of the 75 hour pre-licensing course.
Does the Hawaii salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, the 60-hour pre-licensing course is capped with a comprehensive final exam. You must pass this exam to earn your course completion certificate. Your course provider will tell you more about the length and content of the exam.
Does the Idaho salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, the Idaho real estate salesperson pre-licensing course does have a final exam. Your course provider will provide you with more information about the number of questions, the proctoring, and the content.
Does the Illinois broker pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, you must pass a course final exam in order to complete the course and receive your course completion certificate. The minimum passing score is 75%. Your course provider will tell you more about the final exam content and the number of questions.
Does the Indiana broker pre-license course have a final exam?
The Indiana broker pre-license course does not have a final exam. Instead, you will need to pass three exams spaced throughout the course. The exams are 100 points each, multiple choice, and you must pass each with at least a score of 75%.
Does the Iowa salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Your Iowa salesperson pre-license course will have a final exam. You must pass this exam with at least a score of 80%. Your course administrator will provide you with more information about the final exam.
Does the Kansas salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, the Kansas pre-licensing courses do have final exams to cap your coursework. You have to pass this final in order to get your certificate of completion. Your course administrator will provide you with more information about the number of questions and the content of the exam.
Does the Kentucky salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, the Kentucky pre-license course does have a course final exam. You must pass this final before being issued a course completion certificate essential for your license application.
Does the Louisiana salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, the Louisiana salesperson pre-license course will be capped by a comprehensive final exam.
Does the Maine sales agent pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes! In fact, the sales agent course requires you to take three quizzes and one final exam. You must finish the course with an overall minimum grade of 75%.
Does the Maryland salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, the MD pre-license course wraps with a final exam. You must pass this exam before your course provider sends state license exam testing approval to the state’s vendor, PSI.
Does the Massachusetts salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, you will need to take and pass a pre-license course final exam to successfully complete the course. After you pass the final, you will be issued a Massachusetts Board of Real Estate Educational Certificate form.
Does the Michigan real estate pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes. It has a final exam at the end of the 40 hour pre-licensing salesperson course.
You can take the final exam for the 40-hour Michigan real estate salespersons course as many times as needed until you pass.
Does the Mississippi salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Check with your course provider about the Mississippi salesperson pre-license course final exam. They will be able to provide you with more information about its content, length, and format.
Does the Missouri real estate pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes. It has 2 final exams, one for the 48-hour course and one for the 24-hour course.
The two mandatory Missouri pre-license coursework exams are both available online, where proctoring is not a requirement.
Does the Montana salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, the course will require you to take a comprehensive final exam on the course material. You'll need to pass the course to receive the necessary course completion certificate.
Does the Nebraska salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, Nebraska requires every pre-license course to have at least one exam during the course, which is often the final exam. This means in the course of meeting the 66 hours of required pre-license education you will take at least three exams.
Does the Nevada salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, the Nevada salesperson pre-license course does have a comprehensive final exam. You must pass this exam in order to earn your pre-license education certificate essential for your license application.
Does the New Hampshire salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, your pre-license course is required to have a final exam of at least 25 questions. Your course administrator will provide you with more information about the final exam.
Does the New Jersey salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, your New Jersey pre-license course will end with a final exam. Your course administrator will provide you with more information about the length and content of the final exam.
Does the New Mexico broker pre-license course have a final exam?
The individual 30-hour courses will have a test to wrap your course. Your course provider will provide you with information on the final exam. You must pass the exam to earn your required course completion certification.
Does the New York real estate pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes. It has a school final exam at the end of the 77-hour salesperson pre-license course.
You must complete a proctored final exam at the end of the 77-hour NYS real estate salespersons course.
The proctored final exam must be taken at a location that is approved by the NYS Department of State and is located within New York State.
Does the North Carolina real estate broker pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, the 75-hour pre-license course concludes with a closed-book, proctored exam. This is true for online courses as well as in-person classroom learning. You must achieve a passing grade of at least 75%.
Does the North Dakota salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Your North Dakota pre-licensing course is likely to have quizzes and exams to check for understanding. Your course provider will provide you with information about any final exam requirements.
Does the Ohio salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, your Ohio 120-hour pre-license course will have a final exam. Passing this exam is an essential step in earning your course completion certificate. Your course provider will tell you more about the final exam.
Does the Oklahoma salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, “The Basic Course Of Real Estate, Part I” has a final exam that you must pass with a score of at least 80% to earn your course completion certificate. Your course provider can provide you with more information about the number of questions and the topic breakdown for the final exam.
Does the Oregon broker pre-license course have a final exam?
The Oregon broker pre-license course is divided into seven different topics, with varying required hours in each topic. To measure your understanding, you may take exams at the end of each topic area. A comprehensive final exam will be given at the end of your 150-hour course of study.
Does the Pennsylvania real estate pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes. It has two school final exams at the end of each course. One 30-hour course and one 45-hour course.
Does the Rhode Island salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, your pre-license education course will have a final exam. You must pass this exam in order to earn the course completion certificate required for your license application.
Does the South Carolina real estate pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes. It has two final exams at the end of a 48-hour course and one at the end of a 24-hour course.
Does the South Dakota broker associate pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, the broker associate pre-license course does have a required final exam. You must pass this exam to earn your course completion certificate. Your course provider will give you more information about the content and length of your final exam.
Does the Tennessee real estate pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes. It has two school final exams at the end of each course. One 60-hour course and one 30-hour course.
The 60-hour Basic Principles of Real Estate coursework concludes with a closed-book, non-proctored exam. You must achieve a passing grade of at least 70%.
Does the Texas real estate pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes. It has six final exams, one for each 30-hour course.
The Texas Real Estate Commission only allows up to 2 attempts at each final exam. If you do not pass the course final exam on the second attempt, you must retake the entire 30-hour course before being able to retake the final exam.
Does the Utah real estate pre-license course have a final exam?
The course final exam is not proctored.
Does the Vermont salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, your pre-licensing course will have a final exam, but you must pass to earn your course completion certificate. Your course provider will provide you with more information about the content and length of the exam.
Does the Virginia real estate pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes. It has one school final exam at the end of the 60-hour pre-license salesperson course.
The Real Estate Board requires that the 60-hour pre-license course final exam be proctored.
You may take the proctored final exam at your real estate school or at an approved proctoring location, such as a local library or testing facility.
Does the Washington real estate broker pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes. It has two final exams, one at the end of the 60-hour course and one at the end of the 30-hour course.
Does the West Virginia salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, the West Virginia salesperson pre-license course does have a final exam you must pass to receive the Certificate of Course Completion.
Does the Wisconsin real estate pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes. It has a school final exam at the end of the 72-hour pre-license course.
The 72-hour WI Real Estate Salesperson course final exam must be proctored.The final exam may be proctored online.
Does the Wyoming salesperson pre-license course have a final exam?
Yes, your Wyoming Salesperson 1 course and Salesperson II course will have a final exam. Your course provider will provide you with more information regarding the number of questions and content.