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Most states do not allow college credits to be used toward the pre-license education requirement. You must enroll in and complete the approved real estate licensing course prior to applying for your real estate license.
There are a few states where you can use your colled credits towards the pre-licensing course. Click on your state in the list below to see if this applies to you.
Choose the answer by state?
Can I use my college credits towards the Alabama pre-license course?
In some cases, yes. If your college offers real estate courses inside a degree-based curriculum, you can see if the Alabama Real Estate Commission has approved that curriculum. If so, successful completion may qualify you for the licensure exam.
Can I use my college credits towards the Alaska pre-license course?
Alaska will not accept college credits for your pre-license education course. You must still take the 40-hour course.
Can I use my college credits towards the Arizona pre-license course?
No, college credits do not count towards the Arizona pre-license course. You will still need to take the 90-hour course.
Can I use my college credits towards the Arkansas pre-license course?
While you can take the Arkansas pre-licensing course from an accredited college or university, any other real estate courses you may have taken at a school in pursuit of a degree do not count towards the Arkansas pre-licensing course.
Can I use my college credits towards the California pre-license course?
The DRE may allow you to use college credits towards the 45-hour elective course if the credits were earned as part of a real estate or law related course.
However, you will still have to satisfy the California real estate license requirements and complete the 45-hour Real Estate Principles and 45-hour Real Estate Practice courses.
When it comes time to apply for the state licensing exam, you will have to submit college transcripts from your college course to use towards the 45-hour elective course. You will also have to submit your Course Completion Certificates for the Real Estate Principles and Real Estate Practice courses.
Can I use my college credits towards the Colorado pre-license course?
Yes, college credits can apply towards Colorado’s education requirement as long as you have earned a degree from an accredited college or university in real estate as a major course of study. You'll have to include original transcripts with your application.
Can I use my college credits towards the Connecticut pre-license course?
Yes, but only real estate courses from a college, university, or professional real estate school count.
Can I apply college credits to the Delaware pre-license course?
Delaware's Department of Professional Licensing will not apply any college credits towards the required 99 hours of pre-license education.
Can I use my college credits toward the Florida pre-license course?
Yes, if you have earned a baccalaureate degree or higher in real estate from an accredited institution of higher education, you are exempt from the 63-hour Florida real estate license requirements.
You will need to include your official college transcript with your initial application for license.
Can I use my college credits for the Hawaii pre-license course?
Yes, Hawaii does accept college credits for the 60-hour pre-licensing course as long as you have received a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science in Real Estate or Business from an accredited college or university in the United States. You'll need to submit a copy of your college transcripts.
Can I use my college credits for the Idaho pre-license course?
No, the Idaho Real Estate Commission will not accept college credits for the pre-licensing education requirement.
Can I apply my college credits towards the Illinois pre-license course?
No, Illinois will not apply your college credits to the Illinois pre-license course.
Can I use my college credits towards the Indiana pre-license course?
College credits will not apply towards the Indiana pre-license course. You will have to complete the entire 90-hour IN Broker Pre-license course.
Can my college credits in real estate count towards the Iowa course?
Iowa does not accept college credits or real estate degrees as an exemption from taking the 60-hour pre-licensing course.
Can I use my college credits for the Kansas pre-license course?
No, Kansas does not have a pathway for college credits to count for the Kansas pre-licensing course.
Can I use my college credits for the Kentucky pre-license course?
Kentucky will accept six credit hours in real estate courses towards the pre-licensing education as long as they are from an accredited college.
Can I use my college credits towards the Louisiana pre-license course?
The LREC can award some credit for college courses towards the coursework. The coursework information will need to be sent to the Education Division before submitting any licensing application.
Can I apply college credits to the Maine pre-license course?
Maine does not accept college coursework as an equivalent to the real estate pre-license course.
Can I use my college credits towards the Maryland pre-license course?
No, your college credits do not count for the Maryland pre-license course.
Can I use my college credits towards the Massachusetts pre-license course?
Unfortunately, your college credits do not count towards the Massachusetts pre-license education course. You must take the course from an approved provider and receive the pre-license education completion form.
Can I use my college credits towards the Michigan pre-license course?
No, you cannot use any college credits toward the 40-hour Michigan real estate salesperson's course. You will have to satify the full Michigan real estate license requirements.
Can I use my college credits towards the Minnesota pre-license courses?
No, the Minnesota Real Estate Commission does not offer exemptions for college credits. You must take the 90 hours of pre-licensing education.
Can I use my college credits towards the Mississippi pre-license course?
You cannot use any previous college credits towards your Mississippi pre-license course, but you can take the pre-license course from a college or community college.
Can I use my college credits toward the 24-hour MREP course?
MREP may waive the Missouri real estate license requirements should the individual’s background and experience be found acceptable by the commission.
Can I use my college credits toward the Missouri 48-hour pre-exam course?
Unfortunately, the Missouri Real Estate Commission does not allow college credits to be used toward this pre-license Missouri education requirement. Instead, you must enroll in and complete the MREC-approved 48-hour pre-exam coursework prior to applying for a Missouri real estate license.
Can I apply college credits to the Montana pre-license course?
Sorry, but Montana does not recognize college credits for the pre-license education requirement. You'll need to take the 70-hour pre-license course.
Can I use my college credits towards the Nebraska pre-license course?
Yes, the Nebraska Real Estate Commission will accept college or university coursework for a credit towards the pre-license education. You must send an official transcript with your application package.
Do my college credits count for the Nevada pre-license course?
Yes, college coursework can count for some of your Nevada pre-license course education. You must have three credits in real estate principles, three credits in real estate law with 18 hours specific to Nevada law, one credit in real estate contracts, and one credit in agency.
Can I use my college credits towards the New Hampshire pre-license course?
For the salesperson pre-license education, any college credits do not count. If you decide to pursue a broker’s license, there is a pathway to have college courses count for pre-licensing education.
Can I use my college credits for the New Jersey pre-license course?
Using your college credits towards your New Jersey pre-license course, but they have to meet specific criteria. These credits must be earned at an accredited institution of higher education. The number of college-level classroom hours must be equal to 75 hours and devoted to real estate or related subjects. The courses must have been taken within three years of making the application. Or, if your associate or bachelor’s degree was in real estate regarding of wing you took the course, you can qualify for a waiver. You need to provide college transcripts and submit the salesperson education waiver.
Can I use my college credits towards the New Mexico pre-license course?
The New Mexico Real Estate Commission does not recognize any college coursework or degrees from accredited institutions in its licensing requirements. You will still have to take the 90 hours of pre-licensing education.
Can I use my college credits towards the New York pre-license course?
DOS will waive the 77-hour New York pre-license course requirement if you hold a Bachelor's Degree with a major or concentration in real estate.
You must submit a request for a waiver of the 77-hour pre-license course to the DOS, along with official transcripts from the college or university.
All other college credits cannot be used towards the 77-hour pre-license course.
Can I use my college credits towards the North Carolina pre-license course?
You may request a waiver of the 75-hour North Carolina pre-licensing course if you can show completion of substantial real estate education equivalent to the pre-licensing course.
To achieve a waiver based on college coursework, you must have a baccalaureate or higher degree in the field of real estate, real estate brokerage, real estate finance, real estate development or a law degree from any college or university accredited by a college-accrediting body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. You will need to provide a transcript showing a baccalaureate or higher degree that meets these requirements.
Although the State of North Carolina allows individuals in the military to substitute military training equivalencies for the requirements of occupational licensing, the North Carolina Real Estate Commission has determined that there are no military training equivalencies within any of the seven branches of the military that satisfy the educational requirements nor any training that is equivalent to passing the real estate license exam. If you are a member of the military, you will need to meet the same education and exam requirements as other applicants.
Can I apply college credits to the North Dakota pre-license course?
Unfortunately, your college coursework does not give you credit for the required real estate pre-license course.
Can I apply my college credits towards the Ohio pre-license course?
The Ohio pre-licensing courses must be taken at an institution of higher education. Some of these may award you college credit. Otherwise, your college credits existing elsewhere may not count for your Ohio pre-license course.
Can I use my college credits towards the Oklahoma pre-license course?
Oklahoma will accept some credit from an institution of higher education certifying your completion of basic or advanced real estate instruction. You will need to submit a certified transcript accredited by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education or a corresponding agency of another state. The education must have been taken within the last three years. You may still be required to take an additional six-hour academic basic course.
Can I use my college credits towards the Oregon pre-license course?
No, Oregon does not accept college credits towards the broker license course.
Can I use college credits towards the Pennsylvania pre-license course?
You cannot use college credits towards the 75-hour Pennsylvania pre-license course; however, the Real Estate Commission may waive their education requirement if you hold one of the following:
1) A bachelor's degree with a major in real estate; or
2) A bachelor's degree that included coursework equivalent to a major in real estate; or
3) A juris doctor degree from an accredited law school
Can I apply my college credits toward the Rhode Island pre-license course?
No, Rhode Island will not accept college credits towards your required 45 hours of pre-licensing education.
Can I use my college credits towards the South Carolina pre-license course?
We recommned taking a look at the full South Carolina real estate license requirements.
Can I apply my college credits to the South Dakota pre-license course?
The South Dakota Real Estate Commission does not accept college credit for the required pre-licensing course.
Can I apply my college credits to the Tennessee pre-license course?
If you hold a college or university degree with a major or coursework concentration in real estate, you may be deemed to have completed the 60-hour Tennessee real estate license course requirement.
However, your college or university transcript must show completion of a minimum of one 3-credit hour course (30 or more hours of classroom instruction) in the area of principles and fundamentals of real estate. In addition, you must have completed at least two more courses totaling a minimum of 60 hours of classroom instruction in real estate.
Can I use my college credits towards the Texas pre-license course?
TREC does not accept college credits to be used towards the 180-hour pre-license education requirement. Instead, you must take a TREC approved 180-hour pre-license course.
Can I use my college credits for the Utah pre-license course?
Your college credits can count towards the 120-hour Utah pre-license course if they were part of a completed college undergraduate or postsecondary program. The courses must also be the equivalent of what was taught in the 120-hour course.
Can I apply college credits to the Vermont pre-license course?
Vermont Office of Professional Regulation does not apply college credits to the pre-licensing education requirement. This includes any college coursework you may have taken in real estate.
Can I use my college credits towards the Virginia pre-license course?
No, the Real Estate Board does not allow college credits to be used toward the 60-hour Virginia real estate license education requirements.
You must take the full 60-hour pre-license course in its entirety.
Can I use my college credits towards the Washington pre-license course?
We recommned taking a look at the full Washington real estate license requirements.
Can I apply college credits to the West Virginia pre-license course?
West Virginia’s Real Estate Commission does not accept college credits for the salesperson pre-license course.
Can I use my college credits towards the Wisconsin pre-license course?
We recommned taking a look at the full Wisconsin real estate license requirements.
Can I apply college credits to the Wyoming pre-license course?
Any college coursework, including those in a real estate course of study, do not exempt you from taking the pre-licensing courses in Wyoming.